• 如果人性矛盾失去平衡作为失衡的信号——不愉快感觉就会产生坚信必须重返平衡。

    When the Grand Contradiction goes out of balance, uncomfortable feelings automatically occuras a signal, I believe, to get back into balance.


  • 只是感觉相同……为什么失去了吸引力

    I just don't feel the same... why am I not attracted to him anymore?


  • 采访内容完全失去了主次概念,而且回到荷兰家中时,再也感觉不到的味道。

    The interviews had lost all sense of priority, and when I traveled back to the Netherlands, our house no longer felt like a home.


  • 感觉自己仿佛失去打开父亲心扉钥匙重新找回把钥匙之前就去世了

    I felt as if I'd lost the key to my father's heart, and he died before I could find it again.


  • 起的眼圈周围皮肤油光亮而且已经失去感觉

    The skin stretched tight across the swelling around my eyes feels varnished.


  • 感觉好像失去什么心中一道缺口,那里名字

    I feel like I've missed something, that there's a blank part across my heart that her name was meant to be engraved on.


  • 失去使用下肢失去隐私失去自尊实际上感觉失去了自己

    I had lost the use of my limbs, lost privacy, lost self esteem... and I actually felt like I had lost myself.


  • 没有拥有过,感觉已经失去了千万

    I did not have a second, but I feel lost a million times.


  • 现在非常绝望感觉好像失去位亲人。玛利亚·卡钦斯基是个了不起的女人善良一颗金子般的

    I'm in despair. I feel as if I've lost a close relative. Maria Kaczynska was a wonderful woman, kind, with a heart of gold.


  • 有时候这样突然被打断,他可能失去”,之后只能,“真地感觉刚刚有个时刻知道的,现在失去它了。”

    It is possible that, if he is now suddenly interrupted, he may "lose it," so that later he can only say, "I really felt I knew what it was at that moment, but I've lost it now."


  • 次,忍不住又重现了当年费德勒统治网坛时候的那种感觉:相对其他人来说,他们强太多了,几乎这项运动失去了兴趣

    Still, I can't help feel like I did when Roger Federer was dominating tennis a few years ago: he was so much better than everyone else, it removed all interest from the sport for me.


  • 中秋上海天气突然变冷秋风扫落了一地的凄凉,上海这个城市骤然的眼里失去了颜色,独自一时候更是感觉到冰凉

    Moon festival, suddenly cold in shanghai, autumn wind blowing sadly, Shanghai suddenly lose colour in my eyes, even more colder when you are alone.


  • 承认时常感觉恐惧并且已经失去了自己想法

    I admit that from time to time, I'm feeling insecure and think I'm gonna loose my mind.


  • 这个冷漠早晨似乎失去记忆很悲伤为什么这样感觉

    In this cool morning, it seems that I lost all my memories but sad, why do I have this feeling?


  • 每当走出地铁时候,常常感觉迷失了方向;麻醉剂使完全失去了知觉

    I frequently find myself disoriented when I come up out of the subway; the anesthetic left her completely disoriented.


  • 感觉丢掉自己生活风格梦想失去了快乐没有自豪和骄傲,交流到底是要得到什么呢?

    I felt that I lost my lifestyle, my dreams, my happiness, my pride, but what did I get in exchange of this?


  • 感觉文章心态精神生命失去了控制感觉开始哭泣

    After reading your articles about frame of mind, spirits and lives, I lost control of my feeling and began to weep.


  • 如果已经不在了,还说正确吗?如果真的存在呢?努力考虑感觉意识好像失去什么

    Is it correct to say "I am" if I am no longer, if I don't actually exist? I tried to take stock of how I was feeling and realised it was just that what was missing.


  • 作为一个结果已经失去了超过10感觉好多了。

    As a result I have lost over 10 pounds and I feel much better.


  • 可能失去一些学习愿望也许只是一种调整但是感觉的学习不如上个月

    You seem to have lost some wish to learn. Maybe this is just a small adjustment but I feel that your work this month was not as good as last month.


  • 队友们都因为迟迟无法得分而一筹莫展,上半场末段感觉球队失去了耐心,因为急于打进第一粒进球

    At the end of the first half I felt we were not really patient enough because we wanted to score the first goal.


  • 有时似乎像是感觉事情将要发生所以如果第一次可以失去了线索,你

    Sometimes I seem as though I can sense when something is going to happen so if you can put me off the scent first, you have got me.


  • 失去了斯隆教练让人感觉艰难,是的在过去发生过争论,但是彼此怀有尊重,这种尊重很难解释明白的。

    Losing Coach Sloan was tough, sure he and I had our moments, but there was a mutual respect that is hard to explain.


  • 重新文章时,感觉好象孤单。你就象孤单小鸟飞翔失去方向

    When I read your article again, I felt that you are lonely. You are like a bird flying alone that lost its way.


  • 重新文章时,感觉好象孤单。你就象孤单小鸟飞翔失去方向

    When I read your article again, I felt that you are lonely. You are like a bird flying alone that lost its way.


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