• 在这里生活十二

    I have lived here for twelve years, and I love her.


  • 在这里生活事业有所限制的。

    There arecertain limitations to my career because I'm based here.


  • 这里生活许多生活这里舒心

    I've lived here for many years. This is very cheerful place to live.


  • 这里生活挺好这里认识的朋友好很友善

    I've had a good life here, friends here know very very friendly.


  • 上海出生但是在这里生活接近年的时间了。

    Well, I was born in Shanghai but I have been living here for almost ten yeas.


  • 如果在这里生活了那么多年一样,不会打的了。

    If I had lived here for years like you, I couldn't have taken the taxi.


  • 惊叫道:“在这里生活了这么久,从来没有见过任何人或者动物只猴子一样聪明!”

    He exclaimed, "In all the time I've lived here I have never seen anyone, man or beast, as wise as this monkey!"


  • 因为这里生活这里天气工作生活有着莫大的关系,天气越好人们的工作就愉快生活的也就愉快

    Because I live here too, where the weather and each individual's work and life have a great relationship, the better the weather people's work will have a happy life more enjoyable.


  • 打算继续独自生活在这里

    I have no intention of allowing you to continue living here alone.


  • 想到廷代尔从小这里过着田园生活长大对此感到高兴。

    It pleases me to think of young Tyndale growing up here in deep rusticity.


  • 喜欢这里生活这个想法迫使拼命干活,这样可以挣到

    I like it here. It forces you to hustle and you can earn money.


  • 喜欢这里生活所以哪里都不想

    I love it here so I'm in no hurry to go anywhere.


  • 要不是一群群孩子搅得生活不宁,还是喜欢在这里的。

    I would really like living here if it wasn't for the gangs of kids who make our lives a misery.


  • 在这里奇怪的生活不知道怎样才能孩子冬天保持温暖

    You are leading a strange life here; I wonder how you can keep the child warm in winter.


  • 今天在这里告诉你们一些关于去年作为交换去美国生活经历。

    I'm here today to tell you something about my life as an exchange student in the United States last year.


  • 很高兴,因为我在这里生活很满意。

    I am happy because I am satisfied with my life here.


  • 这里生活的最初几个月里,常常想,如果是一只乌鸦,就可以外面享受无忧无虑的生活了。

    In the first few months I spent here, I often thought to myself that if I were a crow, I could be enjoying a carefree life outside.


  • 大部分童年时光都这里度过,整个的成年生活也是居住在这里.妈妈爱尔兰/德裔美国人(来自威斯康辛州)小学开始在这里长大.父亲是查莫罗人,关岛土著民族.关岛是家乡,孩子所知道的唯一家乡.

    My mom is Irish/German-American (originally from Wisconsin) but grew up here since elementary school. My father is Chamorro, the native ethnicity of Guam, and part Filipino too.


  • 正是在这里留意到泰国本地人某些生活习性,而这是以前知道的。 每家门口花盆,有些人家种的是草药,但是大多数种的是色彩鲜艳的花朵。

    It was here I noticed some domestic Thai tendencies I had not been aware of before.


  • 在这里永远游离,把玻璃窗观察生活-无疑同时这样做

    Here I am, forever on the outside, pressing my face against the glass of your life - as you are doubtlessly doing to mine.


  • 若是告诉你这里表面生活舒适仅仅哄哄自己这些从来没有占据过思想除非想念这些时候

    It is to amuse myself that I dwell on such subjects as the lack of external comforts: they never occupy my thoughts, except at the moment when I miss them.


  • 此前甚至连一小土地没有因此才来到这里生活在这里可以找到活路而且还可以拥有自己家园“,。”

    "Before I didn't have even a piece of land, so I came here to look for a life, a way to survive, and to have my own home," he says.


  • 认为工作本身而言,此前纽约工作根本无法目前在这里工作相提并论,开始令人振奋的海上作战生活前,已经蓄势待发做好了一切准备”,写到

    "I feel there is no comparison between what I was doing in New York and what I am doing here, both in the work itself, and as a preparation for my job at sea when I get to it," he wrote.


  • 所以来说,找到非凡的考古遗址,不得不认为怎么回事帮助的应该是生活这里人民不是仅仅这样一个研究者

    So for me, finding an extraordinary archaeological site I had to think how is this going to help these people and not just me as a researcher.


  • 很大团队在这里-真空中没有件作品可以一个伟大的生活已经22多年了。。。。。

    There's a lot of teamwork out here -- no one works in a vacuum. It can be a great life . . . and I've had it for 22 years.


  • 这里至少份工作生活更好

    At least I have a job so life is better here.


  • 你们在这里开创生活好奇。

    I'm intrigued by the life you've created here.


  • 几乎偶然地跌跌撞撞地进入创业企业家世界但是我在这里确定说,一种伟大工作生活方式

    I stumbled into the world of startups and entrepreneurs almost by accident, but I'm definitely here to stay. It's a great way to work and a great way to live.


  • 几乎偶然地跌跌撞撞地进入创业企业家世界但是我在这里确定说,一种伟大工作生活方式

    I stumbled into the world of startups and entrepreneurs almost by accident, but I'm definitely here to stay. It's a great way to work and a great way to live.


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