• 不是吹嘘确实种语言

    I don't want to boast, but I can actually speak six languages.


  • 强调自己优点尽量让人觉得是在自吹嘘

    I tried to emphasize my good points without sounding boastful.


  • 面前吹嘘非常了解

    Stop blowing your own horn before me. I know you very well.


  • 不是吹嘘所有工作

    I'm not blowing my own trumpet; I can do all jobs.


  • 不断地在吹嘘男朋友有多么好,最后还展示了照片——的男朋友。

    While studying, she kept bragging about her boyfriend and decided to show me a picture of him. It was my boyfriend.


  • 解释说,开当铺不过意志理智堕落的一种表现,是个人自怨自艾、自我吹嘘想法

    I made clear to her that my money-lending had been simply the degradation of my will and my mind, my personal idea of self-castigation and self-exaltation.


  • 吃饭时父亲总是不停地夸耀吹嘘自己

    At the dinner table, my father would go on and on, showing off, aggrandizing himself.


  • 认为并不是什么值得吹嘘爱恋之情。

    I'm not sure this is a love to brag about.


  • 经常坐在人中,朱利安吹嘘世界各地多少孩子

    Often I sat in large groups and listened to Julian boast about how many children he had fathered in various parts of the world.


  • 比如曾经遇到一个验光师,吹嘘自己的眼镜店提供的服务是“眼镜行业最好的”。

    I once met an optometrist, for example, who bragged to me that her store had "the best service in the industry."


  • 其中一个开始吹嘘径赛记录:“过去15比赛中,已经赢了8场!”

    One of them starts to boast about his track record. "In the last 15 RACES, I've won 8 of them!"


  • 吹嘘道“总是有男孩子出去但是他们没有一个适合。”

    “Men ask me out all the time. But none of them are suitable,” she boasted.


  • 不是吹嘘什么,而是告诉找到正确动机后,达成的(仅仅是一个开始)。

    That's not intended to sound like bragging, but to show you what can be accomplished (just to start) if you find the right motivation.


  • 这次讨论目的不是吹嘘 DB2UDB性能(承认有那么一点),而是说明一个设计良好的双核心架构潜在威力。

    The point of this discussion isn't to brag about the performance of DB2 UDB (okay, perhaps a little), but rather to illustrate the potential power of a well engineered dual core architecture.


  • 这些不是吹嘘表明知晓一切

    I'm not saying this to brag or that I know it all.


  • 萨尔喜欢草原印第安人一点,就是他们吹嘘自己得了多少头皮之后,总会难堪

    The thing I always liked, Sal, about the Plains Indians, was the way they always got s'danged embarrassed after they boasted the number of scalps they got.


  • 联合媒体档案关于是怎么小小的吹嘘自己在客户上的成功?

    My Associated Content profile where I brag a little about my success with my clients.


  • 几个月来,已经收到很多工作室制片商批评家内部人士发来的邮件,发件人极力吹嘘自己,并且抹黑本届奥斯卡提名的所有竞争对手

    For months now I have been sent so many emails from so many studios and filmmakers and flacks and insiders badmouthing every rival nominee this Oscar season and talking up their own.


  • 不仅是因为绝对不会饿的如狼似虎的家伙们包节日酥饼,而且吹嘘过敏

    Not least because there would be absolutely no point in packaging up shortbreads for the ever-hungry Guardian hordes, and I'm allergic to trilling.


  • 这种情况下,可能会出现吹嘘情况—跟老板如果要求你们达不到,那准备走人了。

    In such situations, there is a temptation to try to bluff - to suggest that if you're needs aren't meet, you're ready to move on.


  • 那么,为什么本地卖场下午那些所有网络吹嘘的还要繁忙?

    So how come my local mall does more business in an afternoon than the entire Internet handles in a month?


  • 当然不是吹嘘小病重要性,更不是鼓励大家努力“生小病”“大病”。

    Of course, I am not boasting the significance of getting ailments, nor am I encouraging you to get small disease in order to prevent severe one!


  • 总是吹嘘自己带到名贵红酒带到他家去的酒总是嗤之以鼻

    He is always puffing about the expensive wines he brings over to my place, and is then sniffy about the offerings I take round to his.


  • 卢蒂克里斯(Ludacris)这样认为的歌《巴马这里》(Obama Is Here)甚至吹嘘:“管好自己,而是他最喜欢说唱歌手之一/即使在牢房里,也卢蒂一个特赦吧。”

    Ludacris felt it was, and his Obama Is Here even boasted: "He said I handle my biz and I'm one of his favourite rappers/Well give Luda a special pardon if I'm ever in the slammer."


  • 采访每一位温州富人例如吹嘘拥有56所住房

    Every wealthy Wenzhounese I interview, for instance, boasts of owning five to six apartments.


  • 不久前一个社交网站上闲逛,当时在要是网站不这么沉寂多好可以blog上进行评论或者在社交型网络的个人资料里大肆吹嘘一番。

    A while ago, I looked around the social web and wished that it could be less static. Sure, you can leave a comment on a blog or write a text blurb on your social networking profile.


  • 喜欢吹嘘新房子时的那个样子。

    I don't like the way he boasts about his new house.


  • 喜欢吹嘘新房子时的那个样子。

    I don't like the way he boasts about his new house.


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