• 感觉怎样时,回答:“如果我可以变得更好,成为双胞胎了

    When I asked him about how he was, he replied, " If I were any better, I'd be twins."


  • 想要可以馒头变得越来越东西

    I want the thing that can make the bread bigger and bigger.


  • 面前,出现这样一幅景象这种情况下的确可以驾驭往常一样,梦境力量所笼罩,变得庄严肃穆。

    Right before me lay the very scene which could really be commanded from that situation, but exalted, as was usual, and solemnized by the power of dreams.


  • 也许条河可以送到那儿去,”然后变得不那么伤心了。

    "Perhaps the river will carry me to little Kay," said she; and then she grew less sad.


  • 借口可以变得具体知道别人考试卷子不是作弊因为只是检查答案,并不是在抄写

    Excuses can get very elaborate: I know I'm looking at another's exam, but that's not cheating because I'm just checking my answers, not copying.


  • 香港见过女孩一种特殊瘦身胶带包裹全身双腿据说这种胶带可以帮助她们变得更瘦

    In Hong Kong, I've seen girls wrapping their whole body or both legs up with a special type of slimming tape which is supposed to help make them thinner.


  • 知道本意好的,”变得温和了,“所以可以一个。”

    "I know you meant to be kind," she said, relenting, "so you may give me a kiss."


  • 有一件事肯定的,现在开始旅行变得容易得多因为只要想,可以随时启程不必应付房租、狗狗其他东西。

    One thing is for sure, traveling will be much easier from now on, as I can leave whenever I want without having to juggle rent, the dog, and well stuff.


  • 变得非常糟糕,甚至问的前老板是否可以在杂志社做一些工作。

    Things got so bad that I even asked my old boss if I could do some work for the magazine.


  • 可以西亚整天坐在一起咖啡,但是一切变得越来越扑朔迷离

    I could sit and drink coffee with Mircea all day and everything would get murkier and murkier.


  • 很多年后,绰号西,任何人都可以变得毒,只要尝试了什么嫉妒

    "For many years, I have a nickname" west poison, anyone can become very poison, as long as you try what call envy."


  • 下面向您展示只需将up _ threshold更改为98,可以使ondemand调控器变得能效

    Here I'll show how you can tune the governor to be more power efficient simply by changing the up_threshold to 98.


  • 所以是的也许过去一直聪明但是您本来还是可以变得更加聪明的,就是一部分情况吧。

    So, yes, you might have been really smart in the past, but you could be smarter, I guess, is part of the situation.


  • 一点确信,以后的旅行将会变得更加容易。因为只要想,可以随时启程不会房租这种琐事填满的脑子。

    But one thing is for sure, traveling will be much easier from now on, as I can leave whenever I want without having to juggle rent, the dog, and, well, stuff.


  • 随着逆转病毒疗法变得越来越可以承受,看到他们许多人态度绝望变为乐观

    As anti-retroviral treatment has become more available, I've seen the attitude of many of them change from hopelessness to optimism.


  • 不会推倒重来可以网站找到他的所有信息一切如果遵循小步都将会变得不容易。

    I won't reinvent the wheel as you can find all of his information on his site but everything is broken into easy to follow BABY STEPS.


  • 之所以选择了简约生活是因为的生活变得更美好而且通过降低消费我可以更多时间金钱帮助那些需要帮助的人。

    The reason I am minimalist is because it really makes my life better, and by consuming less, I have more time and money to help others in need too.


  • 一直寻找不同方式变得有效率——从哪里可以偷走时间忽略重要事,获取系统检修等等

    I’m always looking for different ways to be more productivestealing pockets of time where I can, deprioritizing the unimportant, getting system overhauls, etc.


  • 不能肯定更多水果蔬菜是否可以使变得漂亮但是确信可以改变人们的肤色

    I don't know whether eating more fruits and vegetables makes people more attractive or not, but I do believe it can change your skin tone.


  • 自己充满激情生活太多枯燥事情等着自己去做如果可以他们变得有趣一点,那一生所成就的事情就会更多。

    While I try to follow my passions, there are always some "boring" things I must do. If I can learn to make them interesting, I can accomplish much more in my life.


  • 了解美国所以伟大不是因为完美而是因为可以不断让它变得更好它更好未竟工作,就每个人的身上。

    She helped me understand that America is great not because it isperfect but because it can always be made betterand that theunfinished work of perfecting our union falls to each of us.


  • 如果再问你来说是否可能变得以前更加聪明认为:你可以以前更加努力地工作,学习锻炼

    If I asked you were it possible for you to become smarter than you've ever been, I think we could agree that you could work hard, study, learn, and practice more than you ever had.


  • 希望有一天顾客能够变得聪明起来,他们可以提出正确问题重视敏捷

    I hope that someday we'll develop smarter customers who will ask the right questions and put Agility in perspective.


  • 主张的是做得更少可以变得有效率因而更加高产

    I submit that doing less makes you more effective, and thus more productive.


  • 寻找种新颖解决方案使得混乱结构变得可以管理

    I am looking for novel solutions in order to make an untidy structure manageable.


  • 生活不同时期发现为了找寻到一种更棒均衡必须变得高度失衡才可以

    At different periods of my life, I've found it necessary to become highly unbalanced in order to find a greater equilibrium.


  • 可以通过主题领域来组织也许帮助,主题列表很快就变得不实用

    I could have organized the resources by topic area, which may have been helpful, but the list of topics would've gotten unwieldy quickly.


  • 可以看见他们随时可能水牛卖掉,变得机械化……。

    I could see that any moment now they'll probably sell the water-buffalo and mechanise...


  • 可以看见他们随时可能水牛卖掉,变得机械化……。

    I could see that any moment now they'll probably sell the water-buffalo and mechanise...


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