• 我们相信一个机构效率取决于个人素质还有他们共同目标奋斗方式

    We believe that the effectiveness of any Organization depends on the quality of individual people and the way they work together towards the common goal.


  • 美国人民慷慨的富有同情心的人民。我们相信一个永恒的真理给予更是可预见的。

    The American people are generous people and they \ \ \ 're compassionate people. We believe in a timeless truth: To whom much is given, much is expected.


  • 我们相信一个运转良好的社会应该丰富自由客观的途径获得高质量信息

    We believe a well functioning society should have abundant, free and unbiased access to high quality information.


  • 考虑文本分析生物学医学越来越重要我们相信一个本地安装MEDLINE研究者提供有用计算基础设施

    Given the increasing importance of text analysis in biology and medicine, we believe a local installation of MEDLINE will provide helpful computing infrastructure for researchers.


  • 最终我们相信一个高度集成的,优秀的易于升级系统架构出现可以用户系统管理员不再为如何维护自己系统而伤透脑筋。

    Finally, we believe that a fully integrated and feature-full upgrade mechanism should exist to allow end users and system operators of all walks of life to easily maintain their systems.


  • 相信我们一个能为世界未来做出贡献。

    I believe that each of us can contribute to the future of the world.


  • 作为一个实地考古学家相信我们能用科学手段它们进行证实证伪

    I do not believe, as a field archaeologist, that we can use the scientific method to prove or disprove them.


  • 相信回到身边,我们的家庭带来一个更加美好幸福的未来

    I believe that he will come back to me, bringing us a sweet future.


  • 一个是从货架立方体卫星装备时代我们怎么相信头顶上的卫星那些知道自己所为出于善意开发的呢?

    In an era when you can simply buy a CubeSat kit off the shelf, how can we trust the satellites over our heads were developed with good intentions by people who knew what they were doing?


  • 我们已经教过海洋动物水下如何定位,也它们如何辨别方向引出一个有趣谜题相信大家对此很感兴趣。

    We have been talking about how sea animals find their way underwater, how they navigate, and this brings up an interesting puzzle, and one I'm sure you'll all enjoy.


  • 我们继续上次的话题,相信我们都同意创造力一个神秘概念

    To pick up where we left off last time, I believe we agreed the creativity is a mysterious idea.


  • 好吧我们继续上次的话题,相信我们都同意创造力一个神秘概念

    Well, to pick up where we left off last time, I believe we agreed the creativity is a mysterious idea.


  • 每次离开灿烂微笑一个小小的挥手好像是为了让他相信我们处于一个很好的状态

    Each time I kept him away from us by giving him a sunny smile or a little wave, as if to assure him we were in a good state.


  • 对于笛卡尔来说,是我们不能相信感官传达的表面信息的一个证明

    Another proof for Descartes that we can't always trust what our senses are apparently telling us.


  • 奶,你太聪明了,我们相信你了,现在我们要问你一个问题。

    Granny, you are so clever that we all believe you, now we have a question for you.


  • 们相信,奋斗创造历史,并且努力会有一个光明的未来。

    We believe that struggle creates history and hard work makes a bright future.


  • 不仅相信她的故事,而且正在经历它!自我提升可能不是每个人最喜欢的词,但如果我们从另一个角度看事情,我们可能会更有机会享受整个过程,而不是数着日子直到我们完全得到提升。

    Jane not only believes in her story, but lives it! Self-improvement may not be everybody's favorite word, but if we look at things in a different way, we might have greater chances of enjoying the whole process instead of counting the days until we are fully improved.


  • 天真方法日子——我们相信如果一个系统面向对象的(选择技术),那么好的——结束了

    The days of the naive approach — where we believe that if a system is object-oriented (or pick your technology), then it's good — are over.


  • 我们相信所有规律一个统一理论

    We believe there is a unified theory underlying all the regularities.


  • 相信我们今天一个历史性突破,”24岁的王洁新闻发布会上

    "I believe today we have created a historic breakthrough," Wang, 24, said at a news conference.


  • 王子相信我们身负一个责任知道,就是告诉西方世界当然是以美国为首的):阿拉伯好的生意人,是善良诚实的。

    Prince: I believe that we have a mission, you know, to tell the western world held by America for sure, is that the Arabs are good businessmen, good honorable people.


  • 我们这种相信存在着一个超自然世界的固有倾向将一直伴随我们到终老

    Our predisposition to believe in a supernatural world stays with us as we get older.


  • 我们相信采取一个过程最好方法停止按照当前处理事情方式去做,转而采取新的方法来做事情。

    We want to believe that the best way to adopt a new process is to just stop doing things the ways we have been doing them and jump into the new way of doing things.


  • 我们究竟为什么相信一个敢说不敢认他人的攻击之词呢?

    Why on earth should we believe an attack by someone who's unwilling to stand behind his or her own words?


  • 我们相信承担一个真实的开发项目有助于我们解决尽量减少面临冒险

    We believed that undertaking a "real" development project would help us address and minimize the risks we faced. We agreed that our project


  • 违背我们直觉我们学会强迫自己接受理解相信我们是生活一个复杂的,非常杂乱的,非常不确定世界中。

    It goes against our intuition, but we have to learn to force ourselves to accept, understand and even embrace that we live in a complex, very messy, very uncertain world.


  • 影片不仅被动也是上个世纪的媒介为什么我们相信他们一个关于现代冲突的,如此异于寻常,如此残忍,如此数字化故事

    Films are not only passive, but also a medium of the last century: why should we trust them to tell a story about modern conflicts, which are so delocalised, so inhumane, so digital?


  • 我们喜欢相信我们生活一个特殊时间,甚至也许人类有史以来最为关键时刻

    We all believe we live in an exceptional time, perhaps even a critical moment in the history of the species.


  • 我们喜欢相信我们生活一个特殊时间,甚至也许人类有史以来最为关键时刻

    We all believe we live in an exceptional time, perhaps even a critical moment in the history of the species.


- 来自原声例句

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