• 我们确定早些时候就在西北地区现在乌克兰俄罗斯西部驯养

    We are pretty sure that horses were first domesticated a bit earlier, to the northwest, in the area that is now Ukraine and western Russia.


  • 牙医们将本来会废纸牙齿寄给我们,”马克;到目前为止,他们乌克兰收集了6000颗牙齿。

    “Instead of throwing the teeth in the wastebasket, the dentists send them to us, ” Chumak says; 6000 have been collected in Ukraine so far.


  • 首先我们需要乌克兰建设欧洲因为只有国家具有相同血型的情况下,可以融入欧盟否则,它视为异己分子,难逃被排斥的命运,”采访中这样说道

    First of all we need to build Europe in Ukraine, because a country can only enter the EU if it has the same blood group, otherwise it will get rejected as an alien body,” she says in an interview.


  • 首先我们需要乌克兰建设欧洲因为只有国家具有相同血型的情况下,可以融入欧盟否则,它视为异己分子,难逃被排斥的命运,”采访中这样说道

    "First of all we need to build Europe in Ukraine, because a country can only enter the EU if it has the same blood group, otherwise it will get rejected as an alien body," she says in an interview.


  • 最后尼克松写道,应该针对性援助分散到整个苏联国家,应该将我们资源集中俄罗斯乌克兰绝对必要的。

    Finally, Nixon said I should not spread directed aid dollars all over the former Soviet Union, but concentrate our resources beyond Russia on Ukraine: It is indispensable.


  • 我们鱼子酱油煎白鱼,这种黑海产的鱼夏末时罗马尼亚乌克兰方向游到这里。

    We order a couple of dollops of white caviar and lightly fried palamud, a Black Sea whitefish that passes by from Romania and Ukraine in late summer.


  • 这次我们参观乌克兰即将开办钢厂

    This time we'll visit a new steel plant in Ukraine that will be launched very soon.


  • 即便如此事故乌克兰人带来的挥之不去的身体经济心理负担我们仍能看出日本可能面临何种局面。

    Even so, the physical, financial and psychological burdens that persist in Ukraine offer an insight into what Japan could face.


  • 费尔根豪尔:“如果俄罗斯公开对乌克兰主权提出挑战认为乌克兰西方说,‘你们知道吗,他们正在他们舰队挑战我们主权’。

    If Russia openly challenges Ukrainian sovereignty, I think that Ukraine will then turn to the West and say, 'you know guys, they're challenging our sovereignty with their fleet.'


  • 回头看看,43关于格鲁吉亚乌克兰北约峰会宣言不负责任而近乎可耻:“今天我们同意这些国家成为北约成员国。”

    In retrospect the NATO summit declaration of April 3 about Georgia and Ukraine seems almost criminal in its irresponsibility: “We agreed today that these countries will become members of NATO.”


  • 中场休息时,球员知道了另一场的比分——西班牙2-0乌克兰我们希望下半场打的更为主动,不过或许一计划只停留队员的心里。

    The players knew at half-time that Spain were leading 2-0 against Ukraine; we wanted to be proactive in the second half but maybe that was playing on the players' minds.


  • 我们美国朋友早就知道我们乌克兰航母瓦良格号拖出来了,对于艘老舰,我们还有很多东西研究的。

    Our American friends all know that China bought an old aircraft carrier, the Varyag, from Ukraine. It's very valuable for us to research these things this way.


  • 如果什么麻烦的话我们会要求我们伙伴帮助乌克兰

    If there are problems, we ask our partners to help Ukraine.


  • 一种轧机钢坯我们输入材料我们主要俄罗斯乌克兰购买的钢坯供应来自土耳其

    It is a rolling mill and our input material is billet. We mainly purchase billet supplies from Ukraine and Russia, and also from Turkey.


  • 我们记者终于来自Tajikistan女士送回宾馆,这位女士15年前一个乌克兰结婚那以后就住Lemberg

    Your diarist is eventually delivered to the door of his hotel by a lady from Tajikistan who married a Ukrainian 15 years ago and has lived in Lemberg ever since.


  • 地区党的一位成员Yuri Miroshnychenko这样说到:“乌克兰没有绝对的权利我们可以作为在野党而且季莫申科的掌权对我们来说也不是末日,重要的一点就是乌克兰迈向正确方向

    We can work in opposition and her coming to power is not a tragedy for us. The most important thing is that Ukraine is moving in the right direction.


  • 我们认为H1N1流感也不是我们已知某种肺炎,”乌克兰的急救医生米蓉 博易萨维奇(MyronBorysevych)这样说。

    "We don't believe it's H1N1 swine flu. Neither do we know what kind of pneumonia it is, " states Ukrainian emergency physician Myron Borysevych.


  • 我们看到格鲁吉亚乌克兰公民争取自由公正选举的斗争。

    We have seen citizens in Georgia and Ukraine stand up for their right to free and fair elections.


  • 乌克兰我们坚持这样原则所有自由和平表达自己见解的权利自己国家未来都有发言权

    In Ukraine, we stand for the principle that all people have the right to express themselves freely and peacefully, and have a say in their country's future.


  • 因此为了实线一目标我们邀请来自美国英国法国俄罗斯乌克兰专家

    So in order to achieve that goal we asked the specialists all over the world, from United States, the UK, France, Russia and Ukraine.


  • 我们不会放弃乌克兰任何一寸领土我们确保巴斯夺回来,我们将向世人展示我们胜利主要因素我们的团结

    We will not give up any piece of Ukrainian Land, we will ensure the return of Donbas, and we will show that one more highly important factor of our victory is our unity.


  • 现在乌克兰出现了有史以来最团结时刻,我们团结将会胜利有力保障。

    Now Ukraine is united as never before, and our unity is one more guarantee of victory.


  • 有一件事记得清楚当时乌克兰天气我们失望

    One thing I remember very well is when the weather let us down in Ukraine.


  • 有一件事记得清楚当时乌克兰天气我们失望

    One thing I remember very well is when the weather let us down in Ukraine.


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