• 我们没有确定结婚日期不过我们已有一致意见。

    We had not set a date for marriage but there was an understanding between us.


  • 日期没有我们报导里。

    That date wasn't down on our news sheet.


  • 当然原因我们简单日期标记没有正文

    The reason, of course, is that our simple date tag has no body.


  • 恐怕我们公司没有信用贷款协定预定日期之前预先送来银行汇票现金作为定金。

    I'm afraid we have no credit arrangement with your company. We will need an advance pass by bank drive or in cash before the reservation date.


  • 到期日工作指定到期时,如果操作者没有设置数据区域,那么我们相信的值就是迭代截止日期

    Due date: When the work is specified as being due, if the contributor doesn't set value to this data field, we believe its value equal to the iteration's end date.


  • 由于这个类型没有选择分类优化,所以我们日期属性作为Mingle R 1.1版核心部分

    As this type was not optimized for the selection and sorting of dates, we have made date properties a core part of Mingle with R1.1.


  • 我们如何证明合同某个日期签定的,或者证明合同的条款条件没有通过电子手段进行更改

    How will we prove that contracts were signed on a certain date, or that their terms and conditions have not been electronically altered?


  • 试了试Getaroom,这个网站致电800号码的用户提供公布价格有库存供应的情况下提供模糊模式的折扣(在我们出行日期没有特惠!)

    I tried Getaroom, the new site that posts published prices but offers opaque-style discounts, if available, to people who call an 800 number. (Alas, no deals for our dates.)


  • 我们没有宣布Amethyst最终发布日期Adobe发布Flex框架版本4之前不大可能的。

    We have yet to announce the date of the final release of Amethyst but this is unlikely to be before Adobe releases the forthcoming version (4) of the Flex framework.


  • 要不就是没有我们发货具体日期细节资料,更甚者,有时知道究竟发货

    Sometimes, we are not given exact details as to the date of delivery and there have been times when no one seems to know if the delivery has been sent at all.


  • 我们会议具体日期没有下来。

    We haven't fixed a specific date for our meeting.


  • 我们认为仅仅夫妻一样在一起相当不错我们从来没有真正确定结婚日期

    'we think it's quite nice just to live together as a couple and we've never really got round to settling a date for marriage.


  • 当然他们没有告诉我们确切的日期在观摩游戏之后告诉他们充实这个游戏可以很多东西。

    Of course they wouldn't tell us a date, but after looking at the game you could tell they had a lot to do to fill out the game.


  • 我们没有决定开会日期

    We haven't a date for the meeting.


  • 目前我们正在努力通过测试进程没有一个确定日期没有一旦我们这样做我们更新线程

    We're currently working through the testing process so don't have a confirmed date yet; as soon as we do we'll update the thread.


  • 如果我们某事没有按时完成我们意思是我们需要更多时间做完否则不能按它所需要的日期完成。

    If we say something isn't on schedule, then we mean we have to find more time to work on it, or else it won't be finished by the date when it's needed.


  • 由于没有泄漏事件发生具体日期相信通过我们小队共同努力,民众的生存率受到影响我们特别着眼于最初掩盖真相的国家------美国

    Without disclosing the exact date, we believe the combined efforts of our team can have an effect on the survival rates particularly focussing on the country the cover-up stems from – the US.


  • 不幸的是,价格实际上市日期没有提到我们继续一个

    Unfortunately, the price or the actual availability date haven't been mentioned, but we'll keep an eye out for this one.


  • 封信没有注明日期因此我们知道什么时候的。

    The letter is not dated so we can't tell when it was written.


  • 我们截至日期没有我们一些伙伴的年度财政很好的融合起来。

    Our closing date didn't mix well with the fiscal year of some of our partners.


  • 我们期望性能测试明年年初进行,而且我们预计2013年三门一号机商业运转目标日期没有影响

    We expect that performance testing will take place early next year and we anticipate no impact on the target date of 2013 for commercial operation of the first unit at Sanmen.


  • 虽然我们按照传授我们信息废钢这个可怕任务我们没有告知在事前无论如何知道决定性审判日期

    Although we had followed this dire quest with every scrap of information imparted to us, we had not been told beforehand, or at any rate I did not know, the date of the decisive trial.


  • 没有关于发布日期价格我们希望很快的。

    There's no word on the release date or price yet, but we expect it to be out very soon.


  • 但是我们应该提出,“人类壆状态包含本地传说描绘过的没有日期(最近的)火山活动包含了埋藏的有日期工艺品

    We should mention, however, that the "Anthropology" status covers volcanoes with undated (but recent) activity described in native legends as well as activity dated by buried artifacts.


  • 国家队比赛日期间,我们没有不好消息除了太多球员满了整场比赛

    We have had no bad news from the internationals apart from too many players played the whole game.


  • 国家队比赛日期间,我们没有不好消息除了太多球员满了整场比赛

    We have had no bad news from the internationals apart from too many players played the whole game.


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