• 我们500元。不够作押金

    We have $500. Will it be enough for a deposit?


  • 我们各种款式各种尺码的货品

    We stock a wide variety of styles and sizes.


  • 如果不得不赛,我们信心

    If there has to be a replay we are confident of victory.


  • 现在我们一个功能正常淋浴器

    We now have a functioning shower.


  • 的话我们一种魔力般的作用

    Her words had a magical effect on us.


  • 我们1万名成员分布全国各地

    We have 10 000 members spread all over the country.


  • 得对我们严重困难

    As you rightly say, we have a serious problem.


  • 我们可能破坏这个地区生态平衡

    We risk upsetting the ecological balance of the area.


  • 关于名称,我们几种想法

    We've got a few ideas for the title.


  • 不必担心我们很多时间

    Don't worry. We have plenty of time.


  • 我们125个待发箱子

    We have 125 cases ready for dispatch.


  • 我们多种处理方法可采取。

    There are various courses open to us.


  • 我们适合各种程度消费度假方式

    We have holidays to suit every pocket.


  • 我们可供500位客人住宿的房间。

    We have accommodation for 500 guests.


  • 我们适合不同消费计划的度假安排

    We have holidays to suit every purse.


  • 我们侦察此案

    We have two agents on the case.


  • 我们买主看看房产

    We have a buyer who would like to view the property.


  • 我们两种选择

    As I see it, we have two options...


  • 每年我们募捐不幸筹集钱款。

    Every year we have fundraisers to raise money for unfortunate people.


  • 在顶楼我们妇女孩子睡觉的地方。

    On the top floor we have sleeping quarters for women and children.


  • 这些改动应该使我们更大的居住面积

    The alterations should give us extra floor space.


  • 疼痛身体告诉我们地方出毛病了

    Pain is the body's way of telling us that something is wrong.


  • 我们几个临时工空缺

    We have several vacancies for casual workers.


  • 我们帮助经营自己业务专门知识

    We have the expertise to help you run your business.


  • 我们疏忽的一些时候

    There were occasions when we slipped up.


  • 我们研究真实性我们绝对信心

    We have total confidence in the veracity of our research.


  • 本周末我们客人来访。

    We've got visitors coming this weekend.


  • 我们20名兼职员工

    We have 20 part-time members of staff.


  • 我们默契:吃午饭谁也不许工作

    We have this understanding that nobody talks about work over lunch.


  • 我们多少全职员工

    How many full-time staff have we got?


- 来自原声例句

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