• 我们开办一家企业所有浪费了一生命后,我们最终放弃开始到别处工作

    EXAMPLE: We tried to start a new business, but after losing all our money and a year of our lives, we finally cratered , and started looking for jobs elsewhere.


  • 所有事情上都打败我们——不仅仅关于吃东西还有关于任何我们尝试最终放弃告终的事情上,并且屈服尽管我们做出了最大努力还是失败了。

    It beats us all the time - not just with eating, but with anything we try to do and end up quitting, caving in, doing it despite our best efforts.


  • 我们最终决定放弃电流最终一个CD - ROM代表开发概念

    We finally decided to get rid of the references to electricity and the final design represented the concept of development by a CD-ROM.


  • 一部分这些新潮的自我意识可能意味着女性正在放弃母亲的选择,因为我们最终还是勉强承认,确实不是必要的选择。

    Part of this new self-awareness might mean that women are forsaking motherhood because we're finally admitting that it isn't all it's cracked up to be.


  • 我们不停的行走,最终发现树丛中的好像有什么东西我们放弃了寻找。

    We went on and on, and were about to give up, when finally I spotted something through the trees.


  • 我们应该彻底放弃这个领域,我们应该认识到,社会阻力最终也许远远大于技术的障碍

    We should not dismiss it out of hand, but we should recognise that in the end social objections may be more binding than technological ones.


  • 我们知道时代华纳最终为了一些微不足道的东西放弃AOL

    As you know, Time Warner eventually spun off AOL for peanuts.


  • 我们在内心存在某种东西驱使我们选择这种生活方式虽然我们面对困境最终可能会我们放弃

    Something inside us forces us to choose this way of lifedespite the difficult situations we face that may ultimately make us quit.


  • 最终正如松开紧握寓言暗示我们必须面对自己不可避免的死亡,实际上将放弃自我——将我们过去拥有的梦想拥有的一切放弃

    And ultimately, as the parable of the open and closed hand suggest, we must confront the inevitability of our own demise, losing ourselves as it was, all that we were or dreamed to be.


  • 我们不会寻求短暂利润放弃我们最终目标

    We won't seek a short of profit to give up our ultimate goal.


  • 我们拥有越多的选择选择其中变得困难最终导致我们放弃选择

    The more numerous our options, the more difficult it becomes to choose a single one, and so we end up choosing none at all.


  • 数学题如此难以至于我们最终决定放弃

    So difficult was the math problem that we eventually decided to give it up.


  • 最终我们都不应该放弃因为我们通过努力达成自己目标

    Finally, we should never give up because as we work to reach our goals.


  • 即使是那些我们最终输掉的比赛中,我们都一直奋斗到了最后,”继续道,“喜欢正是球队最后一刻都放弃。”

    "Even in the one we have lost, we fought till the end," he continued. "I liked that the squad did not give up till the end."


  • 他们运用许多素材进行编曲尝试,几乎放弃努力最终完成了影片片尾我们听到配乐

    Several different things were composed and tested, before they pretty much gave up trying and settled on this very basic score we now hear at the end of the film.


  • 我们作为中国人天天普通话成不了外国人汉语老师,不信试试,一定发现很难最终放弃

    We, as Chinese, speak Mandarin every day but can't be very good Chinese teachers to foreigners at all. Try it out before you find difficulties and finally give it up.


  • 因为人生就是一对矛盾促使我们牢牢抓住人生的很多赐予但同时注定我们对这些给予最终放弃

    For life is paradox: it enjoins us to cling to its many gifts even while it ordains their eventual relinquishment.


  • 对于我们许多人来说,“节食这个词语可能会使人产生一种放弃可口食物只是淡而无味的食物,或者完全不东西的幻想。这个危险方案最终得到效果。

    To many of us, the word "diet" may conjure up images of giving up tasty foods and eating only bland foods, or no food at all-a very dangerous scenario that is ultimately counterproductive.


  • 尹卫东回忆道:“我们度过了很多不眠之夜但是最终我们决定放弃原来方案接受新的设计。”

    We had many sleepless nights, ' Yin recalls. 'But eventually we decided to give up on the original and accept the new design.


  • 因为人生就是充满矛盾的:要求我们抓住它所赐予的种种礼物不放即使最终它又让我们将其放弃

    For life is a paradox: it enjoins us to cling to its many gifts even while it ordains their eventual relinquish.


  • 重要我们最终扳回来了,一分对于联赛冠军杯都非常重要,我们永远不能放弃

    The important thing is that we managed to complete our comeback, this point will be useful among so many games between Serie a and Champions League, we can never give up.


  • 原来阿栋为了文文一起,最终放弃上海机会,决定留下来,用文文的话说就是我们家阿栋说留下来一生一世呢,感动呀!”

    That was due to Ah-Dong. In order to stay with Wenwen, he gave up the chance to go to Shanghai. In Wenwen's words, "My Ah-Dong wants to stay with me in the whole life. I am so moved."


  • 原来阿栋为了文文一起,最终放弃上海机会,决定留下来,用文文的话说就是我们家阿栋说留下来一生一世呢,感动呀!”

    That was due to Ah-Dong. In order to stay with Wenwen, he gave up the chance to go to Shanghai. In Wenwen's words, "My Ah-Dong wants to stay with me in the whole life. I am so moved."


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