• 我们重要大学里,多达30%-50%本国留学生我们很多孩子无奈进入到最好大学

    As many as 30% to 50% of students in our major universities are foreign students going to school on your tax dollars while many of kids cannot get into the best schools.


  • 我们谈了很多关于孩子的事。

    We talked plenty about our kids.


  • 我们中心我们见到很多家长通过打屁股的方式,教育他们孩子不要他们兄弟姐妹

    At our center, we see many parents who spank their children to teach them not to hit their siblings.


  • 可能你们年级里唯一一个比较年轻的孩子但是,你知道,我们很多课外活动,你也可以参加

    You may be the only younger one in your year, but, you know, we have a lot of after-school activities you can join in.


  • 尽管相反,有很多华丽的辞藻,但是我们社会没有养育孩子得很重要。

    Our society does notdespite rhetoric to the contrary—put much value on raising children.


  • 我们提供孩子护腿鞋子听说很多孩子来说,唯一的一双鞋子就是两夹板

    We'd send kids shin guards, balls, and shoes, and I'd hear that for many of these kids, the cleats were the only pair of shoes they had.


  • 最后如果我们动脑筋孩子一点帮助那些不想上学孩子可以找到其他事情——现在很多孩子假期里都会做这些事情。

    Last, if we stirred up our brains and gave children a little help, those who did not want to go to school could find other things to do—things many children now do during their holidays.


  • 时候,如果我们愿意听的话,孩子们可以教给我们很多东西。

    Sometimes our children have great lessons to teach us—if we are willing to listen.


  • 很多事情要做,比如准备晚餐,摆桌子,组织孩子们进场,以至于我们没有时间休息。

    We had so much to do, such as preparing for the dinner, setting the tables, and organizing the kids to come in, that we had no time to have a rest.


  • 次当我们和保罗一起散步时,其他孩子过来问我们为什么他坐在椅子上,为什么他看不见。

    Lots of times when we walked with Paul, other kids came over and asked us why he was in his chair and why he couldn't see.


  • 美国儿童生活存在很多影响因素我们就让孩子自己去找的路,这一点恐怕其他国家更为突出。

    There are many influences in the life of young children in the US, and we let our children find their own way perhaps more than in other cultures.


  • 很多方面来说生活项目我们这些孩子建立一个新的网络

    In many ways this is a project for life; we are building a new network for these children.


  • 结果证明,孩子分享我们很多关注点

    Children, it turns out, share many of our same concerns.


  • 现代很多事情因为大家都知道所以我们也希望孩子们也知道就像莎士比亚重要作品一些经典场景。

    In modern times, there are many other things we expect children to know simply because everyone knows them, like the plots of the major Shakespeare plays.


  • 我们看到很多年轻人准备抚养孩子时候,他们回乡寻求家族圈子支持

    When they're ready to raise children, we see a lot of young people come back for that family circle of support.


  • 很多孩子都是钥匙儿童,所以事故不断我们听说一个小学实验室严重烧伤,哥哥当时就在旁边

    Many children are latchkey kids. Accidents are frequent; we heard of an elementary school student who badly burned himself in a science experiment, with his older brother watching.


  • 希尔斯说,“之所以这样说,是因为很多医学问题似乎自闭症孩子出现而且我们解决那些医学问题,自闭症症状趋向好转

    Where I'm coming from is that a lot of similar medical problems seem to occur in kids with autism, and that when we fix those medical problems, the symptoms of the autism tend to get better.


  • 以前我们或许没有现在享受富有房子里可能没有很多孩子没有取暖设施的狭小房间里

    Previous ages may not have had the wealth we enjoy. Their houses may have lacked electricity, and they squeezed their many kids into small homes without central heating.


  • 我们讨论很多孩子有关的问题。

    We'll talk a lot about children.


  • 我们听到父母孩子之间存在代沟”,音乐道德准则、时尚以及很多事情上双方看法都不同。

    We often hear about the "generation gap" that occurs between parents and children when it comes to music, morals, fashion and a host of other things.


  • 我们听到父母孩子之间存在代沟”,音乐道德准则、时尚以及很多事情上双方看法都不同。

    We often hear about the “generation gap” that occurs between parents and children when it comes to music, morals, fashion and a host of other things.


  • 很多专家都推荐一种常识,“我们不会孩子,去那个脏水沟边玩吧,随便什么

    Many experts advise common sense. "We don't want to say to children, 'OK, play by the dirty river bank and catch whatever you can,' " says Dr. Weinstock.


  • 很多孩子打电话给我们之前没有告诉过任何人

    Many have never told anyone before calling us.


  • 我们每天都很多(就是孩子也大都睡到了上午9:30了)。

    We did a lot of sleeping in (yes, even the kids... 9:30 on one morning!).


  • 生活很多路可以走我们文化中,我们孩子自己选择

    There are many paths in life, and in our culture we let our children choose.


  • 爱普斯坦写道我们调查结果证实大多数父母已经相信能为孩子最好事情就是他们很多亲情

    "Our... findings confirmed what most parents already believe," Epstein writes, "that the best thing we can do for our children is to give them lots of love and affection."


  • 兰德:“很多情况下,我们答应孩子的要求是因为我们想让生活过得容易些,然而事实我们只是在给未来制造问题。”

    Ms Calland said: ' All too often we say yes because we want an easier life when the fact is we’re only building up problems for the future.


  • 这些技术基础阅读数学我们小学低年级时候都过的,但是很久以来,对于很多孩子来说他们从未完全掌握这些技能

    All skills begin with the basics of reading and math, which are supposed to be learned in the early grades of our schools.Yet for too long, for too many children, those skills were never mastered.


  • 这些技术基础阅读数学我们小学低年级时候都过的,但是很久以来,对于很多孩子来说他们从未完全掌握这些技能

    All skills begin with the basics of reading and math, which are supposed to be learned in the early grades of our schools.Yet for too long, for too many children, those skills were never mastered.


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