• 他们证明家庭真正意义上团结精神并且作为一个社会我们他们负有相应责任

    They demonstrate a real sense of solidarity within the family, and as a society, we have a corresponding responsibility towards them.


  • 他们证明家庭真正意义上休戚与共,作为一个社会我们他们相应责任

    They demonstrate a real sense of solidarity within the family, and as a society we have a corresponding responsibility towards them.


  • 就是我们社会环境责任重要之所在,我们在做地球正确的事情。

    That's what was important to our social and environmental accountability, and doing what is right for the planet.


  • 我们做到许多改变较少成本越来越多的人们履行我们社会责任坦白地讲,这是要背负一种难以忍受负担

    Many such changes can be made, and at relatively little cost, in fulfilling our social responsibilities towards the growing number of people who are, frankly, carrying an unbearable burden.


  • 我们通常并不感到贫穷的人们负有重大个人责任因为我们几乎完全我们生活其中的这个个人主义的、竞争社会所塑造成的。

    But we do not, as a rule, feel a heavy personal responsibility for the afflicted and deprived for we are pretty thoroughly formed by the individualistic, competitive society we live in.


  • 然而长久以来,我们听任市场激励举措未经调查的信心导致社会监管责任流于形式

    Yet for too long we have allowed an unexamined faith in market incentives to drive social regulatory imperatives into the shadows.


  • 我们自豪地宣传、推进公司社会责任”这个概念的支持

    We are proud to promote our support for Corporate Social Responsibility.


  • 我们很气忿要求银行对社会的企业。

    Because by getting irate we are directly asking it to be a socially responsible citizen.


  • 我们立足我们商业目的社会企业责任所以我们平衡我们资源。”Yu

    "We stand in the middle of our commercial work and our work for social enterprises so we can balance out our resources," says Yu.


  • 责任就是约束世上不是为所欲为,社会责任应当成为我们人生理想归宿

    Responsibility is constraint, people living in the world, is not like, on social responsibility should become our ideal of life end-result.


  • 我们通常并不感到贫穷的人们负有重大个人责任因为我们几乎完全我们生活其中的这个个人主义的、竞争社会塑造成的。

    But we do not as a rule feel a heavy personal responsibility for the afflicted and deprived for we are pretty thoroughly formed by the individualistic competitive society we live in.


  • 作为家长教育引导鼓励子女我们责任如果我们尽职尽责,孩子们就会成长社会负责社会贡献人。

    As parents it's our responsibility to teach, guide and encourage our kids. If we do our job right they go on to become responsible contributing members of society.


  • 作为家长教育引导鼓励子女我们责任假如我们尽职尽责,孩子们就会长大为社会负责社会做贡献人。

    As parents it's our responsibility to teach, guide and encourage our kids. If we do our job right they go on to become responsible contributing members of society.


  • 我们遵循企业社会责任现阶段实际领导力实证研究结果

    We follow with the results of our empirical study into current leadership practice for CSR.


  • 我们推动业务成功的同时始终坚持承担社会责任,将诚信高道德标准融入日常工作维护利益相关方们我们信任

    Across all our activity, we are committed to driving business success responsibly, acting with integrity and working to high ethical standards to maintain the trust of our stakeholders.


  • 我想体现我们处理大国关系思维体现了中国国际社会责任和担当。

    It shows a new approach on the part of China to handle major country relations. It also shows China's sense of responsibility for the international community.


  • 我们作品不是责任而是作品责任有好的作品时候就是社会

    An artist's responsibility is not towards other human beings, but towards the artwork itself. If you create good works, then you are already responsible to society.


  • 每个他人息息相关并且担负他人的责任——就是我们所说社会责任

    Each individual is closely related to and bears obligations to others - that is what we call social responsibility.


  • 因此我们特别意识到我们环境社会-甚至我们后代肩负责任

    So we are especially aware of our environmental and social responsible - even our offspring.


  • 今天我们需要责任一个新的认识每个个体社会需求权力给予这个社会的应当一致的。

    People, today we need a new concept of duty: The right of the individual to demand from society is just as much as he gives to society.


  • 祈望大家这个充满不必要痛苦世界负起责任挑战我们看到的,质疑社会设定观点习惯

    My wish is to see people take personal responsibility in a world so full of needless suffering, challenging themselves to open their eyes and question society's assumptions and habits.


  • 我们希望看到年轻一代家庭社会国家、世界责任

    And we wish to see inour younger generation a sense of responsibility towards one's own family, one's own community, one's owncountry and indeed the world.


  • 遵守礼仪应当我们自己的要求也是父母我们期望,更是整个社会赋予我们责任

    It's our own request to observe the etiquette and get into the civilized habit. It is also the parents' expectations, it is the entire responsibility of the community entrusted to us.


  • 强有力的监管监督确保疫苗有效性和安全性,至关重要;同时我们每个人都责任,让疫苗给社会带来最大效益

    While strong regulation and supervision are crucial to ensure the efficacy and safety of vaccines, we all have a role to play for vaccines to benefit society as much as possible.


  • 我们凡事也力求尽善尽美,完成我们邻居国家社会天主责任义务

    We must endeavour to do the best in all that we do. We must fulfil our obligations and duties towards our neighbours, country, society and the Almighty God without shirking responsibility.


  • SA8000国际企业社会责任标准责任关怀我们社会承诺

    SA8000 international corporate social responsibility standards and responsibilities of caring is our commitment to the community! ISO9001 quality standards of our service!


  • SA8000国际企业社会责任标准责任关怀我们社会承诺

    SA8000 international corporate social responsibility standards and responsibilities of caring is our commitment to the community! ISO9001 quality standards of our service!


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