• 我们公共空间并不需要总是屈从持续不断的索取花销压力

    Our public spaces need not always bow to the relentless pressure of getting and spending;


  • 最初我们途径是利用公共SecondLife (SL)网格网格易于访问提供脚本编写用户内容创建功能,深受广大IBM虚拟空间爱好者的喜爱。

    Our original efforts utilized the public Second Life (SL) grid, which is easily accessible and provides scripting and user content creation capabilities enjoyed by many IBM virtual worlds enthusiasts.


  • 当前,气候变化我们人类共同家园最大威胁要求作为现代公民我们每一个人都应该具备积极参与或介入公共事务的勇气素质,并网络社会的空间积极表达意见,这点非常重要。

    As we face the greatest threat to our planet, climate change, civil courage and the online spaces where it is expressed will be crucial.


  • 安静私有空间我们所做事情全都团队工作——有时候,某个组员需要离开公共空间思考问题或是电话

    Quiet, Private space: not everything we do is teamwork - sometimes a team member needs to get away from the common space to think through a problem or to take a phone call.


  • 我们还记得授权规则之一声明授权进入校园特定大楼用户被授权进入大楼中的任何公共空间

    Recall that one of the authorization rules stated that a user authorized to enter a particular building on a campus was also authorized to enter any public space in the building.


  • 我们希望这个项目打造成一个独特的公共空间项目。

    We hope this project will turn to be a unique public space project.


  • 所以我们尽量减少每个房间面积,以此增加家庭公共空间面积

    So we minimised each room's size to increase the area of the public space of family.


  • 社区公共空间管理目前值得我们探究一个问题

    Management of community public space is a topic which worth us to research deeply.


  • 考虑公共卫生间维护工作我们利用空间之间的反差来减少沉闷的感觉,而不是通过木材使用增添舒适度

    Considering the maintenance of a public toilet, instead of by using woods so as to add coziness, we remove the dismalness by designing the contrast of the space.


  • 为了项目周边组织公共空间文化设施网络我们优先赋予项目大剧院的是形态而不是电影院

    We have given priority to the presence of the Grand Theatre instead of the cinemas, in order to organize around it a network of public Spaces and of cultural facilities.


  • 公共空间缩短城市距离……我们需要公共空间

    Public space shortens the distance between people and city... we need public space.


  • 城市地区正在不断地紧凑化,要求我们关注住宅公共空间等设施

    While urban areas are being densified, we must pay attention to the amenities of residential and open Spaces.


  • 我们同一座房子感觉不是一个公共公寓的感觉,因为公寓通常空间非常有限而且窗户

    We were going for the feeling of living in a house rather than a communal apartment, which are typically very confined and with small windows.


  • 我们微观城市策略创造一个公共空间地平规模与洛克菲勒中心的城市平台相近

    Our micro urban strategy will create a new terrain of public space, an urban terrace on the metropolitan scale of Rockefeller Center.


  • 提高城市公共空间质量我们面临重要任务。

    Hence we are obligated to improve the quality of urban public space.


  • 我们一个颜色的“装置”引入这个建筑内部公共空间

    We introduce a color installation into the building's inner public space.


  • 英国日本教育政策进行比较研究有助于我们深刻地认识英日两国存在于公共教育空间背后不同的教育特质和教育机制

    A comparative study on English and Japanese policies can help us deeply understand the difference of educational discourses and modern educational mechanism behind space of public education.


  • 我们发现自己越来越脱离原来公共空间公共空间越来越少人们不断划定自己界限公共空间压缩最低限度

    We find ourselves increasingly detached from the original public space, public space and fewer people keep their boundaries delineated, the public space kept to a minimum.


  • 当离开我们那个能量平衡神圣空间外出公共场所时,在不受保护的情况下便会活生生恶梦

    Leaving our energetically balanced, sacred space to go out into public places, un-protected is a living nightmare!


  • 回顾美术史我们可以看到壁画作为存在空间实体中的公共艺术形式人类生存环境密不可分

    Look back history of the art we can see, fresco as the existence environment that exists in the public art form of the space entity is inseparable with the mankind.


  • 场地中,我们设计了一个中心广场,正是这个富有气质公共空间赋予建筑新的意义

    They lock a square, a public space, and a mass of air that gives meaning to the building.


  • 我们几个公共空间放在同一维度上思考,提出漂浮广场的设计将在索菲亚中心得到当代认同

    We have drawn several such public spaces at the same scale and as you can see this newly proposed floating square is meant to become a contemporary identity for the center of Sofia.


  • 公共健康才是最好健康,我们共同营造一个远离病毒更具人性化的空间

    Public health, is the best health, we would like to create a common viruses, and more humane space.


  • 我们坚持规划设计革新,绝不恣意地选用产品目录中的流行项目来填塞公共空间

    Instead of stuffing open Spaces arbitrarily with fashionable items found in catalogues, we insist on planning and design innovation in public design.


  • 公共空间复活发生了-我们居住那些空间它们变成能够里面进行互动场所

    The resurgence of public space is happeninglets now populate those spaces and turn them into places that we can interact in.


  • 我们戏剧成为公共空间戏剧化分享我们的故事将会是一个开始因为一个从未讲述故事的成为一个躯壳。

    We can begin by making our theatre a public space to dramatise and share our stories - for a child that never tells stories will just be a human shell.


  • 面对城市越来越地下公共空间我们必须充分加以利用,作好地下空间的入口设计至关重要

    Face to more and more underground public space of the city, we should make full use of it, so to DE - sign a good underground entrance is very important.


  • 如何公共空间建设障碍无障碍和谐搭配环境使它们更好服务我们作为设计者思考的问题。

    How has the construction of public space and accessibility obstacles in harmony with the environment, so that they better serve the people, are we, as designers of the thought.


  • 如何公共空间建设障碍无障碍和谐搭配环境使它们更好服务我们作为设计者思考的问题。

    How has the construction of public space and accessibility obstacles in harmony with the environment, so that they better serve the people, are we, as designers of the thought.


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