• 本来以为知道演讲地点

    I thought I knew where I was going.


  • 即便以为知道什么没有。

    Even when I thought I knew what I was doing, I didn't.


  • 以为知道为什么这里现在知道了。

    I thought I knew why I came here. But now I am not sure.


  • 意识无法知道什么才是最好的,尽管有时我以为知道

    I realise that I cannot know what is best for you, although perhaps sometimes I think I do.


  • 恐怕只有上帝知道书里写的什么了……哦,还有还有,”正说着,女孩们的汽车驶近了,“有人以为那么就是上帝了。”

    "Probably only God knows what it's all about.... But there are others-others," he said, and just then the girls' car drew up, "who think it's me who understands, and so I must be God."


  • 知道或许很难最后依然会走向死亡,什么尽力地好好生活?

    I know it can be hard, but you will ultimately die, so why not make the best of your life?


  • 以前以为是个冷静直到办公室知道原来也有控制不住脾气时候

    I thought I was a calm and collected person until one day at the office when my anger got the best of me.


  • 美国过来那阵儿根本不知道这里面还有什么规矩,以为约会这种两个国家里大体上差不多的——可这么想就大错特错了。

    I had no idea about what follows when I first arrived in China from America. Instead I assumed that the dating scenarios of our two countries were roughly the same.


  • 如果知道的话就不会那么对待恶劣得对待朋友以为带着的钱。”他懊悔的说。

    "If I had known then, I would not have treated my friend poorly rather than harboring the thought he would run away with my money," he said this regretfully.


  • 如果妹妹知道明天死去,确定她可能会做些什么因为以为明天是理所当然的。

    I'm not sure what my sister would have done had she known that she wouldn't be here for the tomorrow we all take for granted.


  • 知道什么,或者往哪里到了学校看到大家都在摇摇摆摆的,他们可能以为喝醉了。

    I didn't know what to do, where to run... I got to my school and saw people laughing at me: I was swaying. Perhaps they thought I was drunk.


  • 知道那样的标题可能会使你不以为然——的意思是最近还有什么不是气候变化带来的,对吧?

    I know headlines like that might just make most folks roll their eyes at this point — I mean, what doesn't climate change cause these days, am I right?


  • 一直错误以为他们是这次冲突之后才来到这里,但通过他们对以色列攻击还有空袭的描述知道他们战前就已经来到这里了。

    I mistakenly believe that they come from the recent conflict. I am informed that they pre-date the war - describing the experience of Israeli military incursions and air strikes.


  • 个人的角度看,觉得这次改变很有趣而且事找一个理由知道这件不会持续很久.

    Personally, I found the change interesting and could live with it for one reason, I knew it wouldn't last forever.


  • 以为早就知道了,要是以前那样多的时间交谈或许向你说这些的。

    I took it for granted you knew, but if I had spent as much time talking with you as I did polishing chrome, perhaps I would have.


  • 以为18时候知道这些知道

    Don't think I didn't know this when I was 18. I did.


  • 但是知道还有邮资我以为只要交到玛哈南达的手里就能到达目的地必要担心了。

    But I did not know that there was the postage to be paid for. I had an idea that letters placed in Mahananda's hands got to their destination without any need for further worry.


  • 起初看到他们整洁制服以为军官但是他们人数众多,由此知道他们是士兵。

    At first I thought their spruce, clean uniforms were those of officers, yet obviously they could not be officers, for there were too many of them; they seemed, as it were, Tommies in heaven....


  • 知道许多一定以为因为工作

    I know that there are many people out there that must think I am insane for saying no to this job.


  • 以为冬季之后,但现在知道怎么办

    I don't know what I can do because I should be ok after the rest I had this winter.


  • 以为知道纽约了。

    I don't think he knows I came to New York.


  • 不过就如萨姆所说,“以为知道自己要什么,发现要的就是。”

    But as Sam says, "I thought I knew what I wanted, but I realized all I want is you."


  • 最终明白了一些事情,一些原本以为自己都知道的事情。

    I finally internalized something I thought I already knew.


  • 没有很多钱主要原因一直老公付商学院的学费至少以为付的是学费,事实是当学校找时,知道压根被录取

    At least, I'd thought I was doing that, but it turned out he wasn't enrolled in school-i went to look for him, of course-and he had just been making those "tuition" withdrawals for himself.


  • 知道IBM公司有关移动性策略到底制订到什么程度,其他人也不晓得以为就是为何管理层决定召集这次会议初衷

    I had no idea how developed the company's mobility strategy actually is, and neither did anyone else, which I suppose is why management decided to call this meeting in the first place.


  • 知道绘制了4个但是一眼过去,以为只有3个

    That in particular, I know I plotted four points, but it a quick glance it looks like they're only three.


  • 知道绘制了4个但是一眼过去,以为只有3个

    That in particular, I know I plotted four points, but it a quick glance it looks like they're only three.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定