• 几天不大舒服

    I haven't been feeling well for several days.


  • 的确因为这么

    But Ruth has really wanted to do me good, because I was so nice.


  • 如果不在这里他们不会那么了。

    If I wasn't here to describe it, they wouldn't do it.


  • 敬拜享受爱神目的献上我人自己一种生活方式

    Worship is a lifestyle of enjoying God, loving him, and giving ourselves to be used for his purposes.


  • 今天沙滩上放松,但忍不住探听起旁边中学生谈话

    Today, as I was relaxing at the beach, I couldn’t help but eavesdrop on a conversation four high school kids we having on the beach blanket next to me.


  • 告诉个性自由尊严,告诉作为主体类和可能转变客体事实。

    He instructed me about the individual, about freedom and dignity, about the human being as subject and the fact that one may not turn him into an object.


  • 有时怀疑是否生来就是邪恶的。

    Sometimes I wonder if people are intrinsically evil.


  • 讨厌摆布

    I hate the way he manipulates people.


  • 相信这些,”教练说道。“这些都是球员。”

    "I have faith in these guys," the coach said. "These are good players."


  • 看到这些如何生活深受感动。

    It has touched me deeply to see how these people live.


  • 觉察要来临下午心神不安告诉,“这些容易交谈。”

    Sensing my unease about the afternoon ahead, he told me, "These men are pretty easy to talk to."


  • 某些,“告诉过了!”

    There will be certain people who'll say "I told you so!"


  • 教育不要苛求

    She taught me to be less critical of other people.


  • 有些可能觉得工作表现不

    Some people might think I've underachieved in my job.


  • 无法相信这些这样行事。

    I couldn't believe these people were behaving in this way.


  • 从不单外貌

    I never chose people just because of their looks.


  • 认为有些好事

    I think it's good that some people are going.


  • 当地视为外地

    I have always been regarded as a foreigner by the local folk.


  • 稍候还没有到齐。

    Hold it a secondI don't think everyone's arrived yet.


  • 听到谈起这种

    I've often heard tell of such things.


  • 认错了。

    I think you must be mistaking me for someone else.


  • 好,喜欢

    She's nice. I like her.


  • 容易,”的那些告诉说。

    "There is nothing to it," those I asked about it told me.


  • 一个年轻钦佩

    I was very impressed by one young man at my lectures.


  • 对付这类

    I can take care of your kind.


  • 感到受惠于处于弱势

    It made me feel patronized, in a position of weakness.


  • 作为一个生意知道如何东西

    As a marketer I understood what makes people buy things.


  • 前任上司的推荐

    My previous boss will act as a reference for me.


  • 觉得慢跑锻炼使着迷

    I find jogging very addictive.


  • 一定觉得态度

    You must have found my attitude annoying.


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