• 堆。

    The wind had drifted the snow into high Banks.


  • 黑头向上绾,还有弯弯曲曲的垂旁。

    Her dark hair was raised in a high bun and many curled locks framed her face.


  • 太多球员自由度都设置,他们有可能不会遵守战术意图。

    Allowing too many players to have a high level of creative freedom will likely see your team fail to adhere to your tactical instructions. Use creative freedom sparingly for full effect.


  • 采用漂移运放tLC 2254差动放大电路用于酸度电极信号测量。

    The signal of acidity electrode is detected by a differential amplifier circuit, which consists of operational amplifiers TLC2254 with high input impedance and low drift.


  • ALAS2缺失导致红细胞发育的停滞,ALAS2基因遗传性突变能引起X-连锁成高铁红细胞贫血XLSA)。

    The absence of ALAS2 leads to maturation arrest of primitive erythroid cells. Heritable mutations of ALAS2 gene are responsible for the human X-linked sideroblastic anemia (XLSA).


  • 父亲一位

    My father is a successful senior executive.


  • 木瓜12森林地面排列开来。

    Rows of pawpaw trees, growing up to 12 meters tall, line the forest floor.


  • 2007年,吨重钢铁740英尺大楼坠落,把地面一位建筑师瘫痪

    In 2007, seven tons of steel fell off the 740-foot-tall building, paralyzing an architect on the ground.


  • 我们描述新的物理过程并非基于标准光电伏打机理但是可以想象是一个能非常温度下进行的光电反应

    "What we've demonstrated is a new physical process that is not based on standard photovoltaic mechanisms, but can give you a photovoltaic-like response at very high temperatures," Melosh said.


  • 耙子树叶一个

    Rake the leaves into a large, tall pile.


  • 电脑前工作时,键盘应该肘部这样小臂90大的角度,小臂可以放在椅子扶手

    When you work at a computer, the keyboard should be at elbow height, so your upper and lower arms form an Angle of 90 degrees or more and your forearms are supported by armrests.


  • 核能工业已经有方法去处理由核电站引起的较小规模的污染但是比例放大其处理规模的话非常的。

    The nuclear power industry has developed methods to deal with minor contamination at plants, she said, “but scaling up those operations for something so large is going to be very costly.


  • 周五日本东海岸遭遇8.9地震狂奔13英尺海啸巨浪横扫内陆船只车辆建筑的大面积残骸

    The magnitude 8.9 earthquake slammed Japan's eastern coast Friday, unleashing a 13-foot tsunami that swept boats, cars, buildings and tons of debris miles inland.


  • 企业交谈中,了解安全仍然是他们很大块心病,但是在今天对于那些做完了尽职调查的人来说,不再像以往那样其为障碍

    From my conversations with enterprise executives, I've gathered that security remains a great concern, but it's less of a hurdle today for those who have done their due diligence.


  • 灾难性经济衰退失业率毁掉了就。

    But a calamitous recession and higher unemployment undid this work.


  • 出现了前所未有的浪费能源使用浪费油耗汽车卡车产生垃圾

    There is more waste than ever: wasted energy use, gas-guzzling cars, trash generated by the truckload.


  • 坐在露天咖啡座上的小姐穿着棕色,到膝盖黑色筒镂空皮靴十分引人注目。

    Sitting at an outdoor coffee shop, Cheng is eye-catching in brown shorts and knee-high black stiletto boots.


  • 虽然大豆的细胞内含有脂肪物质,可以提取后加工生物燃料但是,就一英亩面积而言,光合微生物的产油量要大豆将近250

    Some plants, such as soybeans, also store fats and can be used as fuel sources, but photosynthetic microbes produce nearly 250 times more fat per acre.


  • 雄伟大桥耸立一对 208的桥塔,整座大桥Y

    The magnificent bridge, with its twin towers which rise 208 meters in height, is shaped like an invertedY”.


  • 核能工业已经有方法去处理由核电站引起的较小规模的污染但是比例放大其处理规模的话非常的。

    The nuclear power industry has developed methods to deal with minor contamination at plants, she said, "but scaling up those operations for something so large is going to be very costly."


  • 富含维他命c并且如果瓜泥而不是,你就能保留下所有健康价值的植物纤维分。

    Melons are a great source of vitamin c, and when you puree instead of juicing, you retain all of that healthy fiber. Here's how to make your own melon puree.


  • 木瓜能长12森林地面排列开来。

    Rows of pawpaw trees, growing up to 40 feet (12 meters) tall, line the forest floor.


  • 食物生产碳排放来自畜牧业以及大量使用化肥,其中有些分解氧化二氮,而一氧化二氮对全球变暖的危害性二氧化碳的要数百

    The high emissions come from livestock farming and from the heavy use of fertilisers, some of which break down into nitrous oxide, a global warming gas hundreds of times more powerful than CO2.


  • 研究人员使树15米顶端飞行,过程中使用4个摄影机拍摄滑行的轨迹,拍摄三维立体图像

    They launched the snakes from the top of a 15-metre tower and used four video cameras to construct 3-D images of the animals’ trajectories.


  • 诺斯罗普格鲁曼公司的一位这些条款描述“采用最低标准的方法,这些方法专门设计竞争价格战,从而帮助性能较低较小型飞机”。

    A Northrop executive described the terms as a “lowest-common-denominator approach designed to favour a less capable, smaller aircraft by turning the contest into a cost shoot-out.”


  • Peak已经开发了半导体专利技术使单一电路带宽扩音器代替功率路器组合扩音器可能

    Peak has developed proprietary semiconductor technology in which a single-ide bandwidth amplifier may replace multiple high-power multiplexer-combined-amplifiers.


  • 收入委员会去年11负责审批公共私营部门工资上涨

    The high pay commission was set up last November to scrutinise the rising pay of those at the top of the public and private sectors.


  • Alanmulally福特:2006年福特ceo之前,Mulally当过各类波音其子公司做过管理工程师职位

    Alan Mulally, Ford: Before becoming the President and CEO of Ford in 2006, Mulally served in a variety of executive, managerial and engineering positions at the Boeing Company and its subsidiaries.


  • 包括类似p,header,li元素统一(或者部分分类)设置站点统一行

    This includes things like setting the margins on block level elements like paragraphs, headers, and lists to the same value as (or some multiple of) the base line-height setting for the site.


  • 包括类似p,header,li元素统一(或者部分分类)设置站点统一行

    This includes things like setting the margins on block level elements like paragraphs, headers, and lists to the same value as (or some multiple of) the base line-height setting for the site.


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