• 克斯描述有着天使面孔的无情杀手,也有人说司法梦靥中被逮住无辜女孩。

    Knox has been described both as an angel-faced but ruthless killer and as an innocent girl caught in a judicial nightmare.


  • 那些书评那些书店排书架则这些放回书架上跨栏

    The reviews, the stacks in Brentano's, are just hurdles to get over, to place the books on that shelf.


  • 格伦·克洛斯主演,讲的是19世纪爱尔兰女人为了工作而“女扮男装”一个名为阿尔伯特·伯斯的男人

    Glenn Close plays a woman who disguises herself as a man named Albert Nobbs in order to find work in 19th-century Ireland.


  • 杂志对1968年·鲍威尔血流演讲回应Eye》提供了富盛名封面之一

    The magazine's response to Enoch Powell's 1968 "rivers of blood" speech provided one of the Eye's most acclaimed covers.


  • 斯罗普格鲁曼公司的一位高管这些条款描述“采用最低标准的方法,这些方法专门设计竞争价格战,从而帮助性能较低较小型飞机”。

    A Northrop executive described the terms as a “lowest-common-denominator approach designed to favour a less capable, smaller aircraft by turning the contest into a cost shoot-out.”


  • 为原料,盐、酯化、解聚纯化得到依肝素钠。

    Enoxaparin sodium was prepared from heparin sodium via salinization, esterification, depolymerization and purification.


  • 尽管经常生病而且有时候甚至很难起笔来,但是张运坚持张达文章寄过去。

    Although he was often ill, and sometimes could hardly pick up his pen, Zhang Yuncheng kept writing and sent his finished essays to Zhang Danuo.


  • 一部分国家合法性的证回顾了洛克罗尔斯齐克国家证不同路数。

    The first section "the justification of the legitimacy of the state" reviews three different approaches of John Locke, Rawls and Nozick's viewpoint on legitimacy problem.


  • 阿森纳肯定坎普这样的方式去赌博了,场0:0平局将会让巴萨晋级:这并不是他们知道如何把比赛踢0:0。

    Arsenal will surely have to gamble in this manner in Nou Camp, where a 0-0 draw will send Barcelona through: not that they would know how to play for it.


  • 看起来达拉斯小牛队边缘第七第八插槽周一晚上明尼苏达州访问时维茨基特里来到救援

    It looked like Dallas was on the verge of locking itself into the seventh or eighth slot for a while Monday night when Minnesota visited, but Dirk Nowitzki and Jason Terry came to the rescue.


  • 米兰俱乐部否决了那些认为拉·蒂前途的流言,并表达了俱乐部对阿尔贝托信任

    Milan have confirmed their trust in Alberto Gilardino by dismissing reports that his future at the club was in doubt.


  • 格鲁·撒克逊时代森布里亚五一部分,在1351年巴拉丁领地。

    It was part of the kingdom of Northumbria in Anglo-Saxon times and became a county palatine in 1351. Long noted for its textiles, the area grew rapidly after the Industrial Revolution.


  • 研究影响酯化环率主要因素,控制合适的酯化、解聚和纯化条件,得到的依品符合欧洲药典标准

    Major factors that affected the degree of esterification and 1,6-anhydro ring formation were studied to produce the title compound which met the European Pharmacopoeia standard.


  • 彝族人们依旧三五群地门前用系腰部小型织布架织布,男人们肩上依旧披着类似玻利维亚印第安人穿那种披肩

    The Nuosu women still sit in small groups in front of their houses, weaving strips of cloth on waist looms. I saw men wearing black capes of hand-woven wool similar to the ponchos of Bolivian Indians.


  • 格鲁·撒克逊时代森布里亚五一部分,在35巴拉丁领地。

    It was part of the kingdom of Northumbria in Anglo-Saxon times and became a county palatine in 35. Long noted for its textiles, the area grew rapidly after the Industrial Revolution.


  • 梅西希望法布雷加斯坎普并肩作战梅西希望有一阿森纳中场法布雷加斯

    Barcelona forward Leo Messi hopes he will one day line up alongside Arsenal midfielder Cesc Fabregas with the Blaugrana.


  • 在节目中,一位嘉宾邀请乘坐自己单车,被傲慢地拒绝是80暴发户物质主义的缩影。

    She haughtily rejected an offer from a male contestant to take a ride on his bike, epitomizing the materialism that some say has come to define the nouveau riche of the post-1980s generation.


  • 全国范围内上万的公寓空置着,由于房产投机者控制着整个市场表示中国房地产泡沫形容是“杜拜的1000”。

    Millions of apartments remain empty in the nation as speculators dominate the market, said Chanos, who also described China's property bubble as "Dubai times 1,000."


  • 全国范围内上万的公寓空置着,由于房产投机者控制着整个市场表示中国房地产泡沫形容是“杜拜的1000”。

    Millions of apartments remain empty in the nation as speculators dominate the market, said Chanos, who also described China's property bubble as "Dubai times 1,000."


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