• 成形结构主要设计参数的选择依据。

    The structure of diversion rail cylinder former, the major design parameters and application effect were discussed.


  • 本文试述纸板成形器选用与发展趋势,供同行参考

    This paper can serve as the reference for the mills to select the board machine.


  • 近几年我国相继引进套上网成形辽阳造纸机械有限公司着手制造

    Several top wire formers have been introduced into China during the past few years. Liaoyang Paper Making Machinery Co. , Ltd. also began to produce top wire formers.


  • 期望信号波达方向存在不确定时,适应波束成形器遭受严重性能衰减

    The adaptive beamformers often suffer severe performance degradation when there is a mismatch between the actual and presumed direction-of-arrival(DOA) of the desired signal.


  • 公开了一种用于混凝土板材(61)中的锚杆(35)一起使用的成形器(30)。

    A recess former (30) is disclosed for use with anchors (35) which are to be cast into a concrete slab (61).


  • 另外挡板(51)优选设置成形器上,从而避免附连头部(34)侧面埋入混凝土

    In addition, flaps (51) are preferably provided on the recess former to prevent the sides of the attachment head (34) from being encased in the concrete.


  • 关键的是,成形座位三个座位之间扶手分隔板可以左右移动调整座椅宽度使座位变大变小

    Crucially, the formers, which act as arm rests and dividers between the three seats, can also be moved left or right to alter their width, making the seats bigger or smaller.


  • 优选地,成形器打开位置闭合位置之间并且具有略微V形的基部V形的基部紧靠模具模壳促使凹部成形器处于闭合位置。

    Preferably the former is pivoted between open and closed positions and has a slightly V-shaped base which when abutted against a mould or formwork, urges the recess former into the closed position.


  • 试用结果表明,这种成形器具有成度好,纸张纵横向抗张强度比小特点,而且结构简单、体积小、制作容易、费用低,因而是一种很好的圆网成形器

    Productive practice and study of lateral flow vat showed that the paper's tensile ratio of machine—direction to cross—direction can be easily adjusted by employing a flow velocity regulating board.


  • 显示柔韧成形使当代任何笔记型电脑轻便——它口袋形状相同。

    The flexible form of the display makes it much more portable than any current mobile computer—it will shape with your pocket.


  • 显示柔韧成形使当代任何笔记型电脑轻便,它口袋形状相同。

    The flexible form of the display makes it much more portable that any current mobile computer - it will shape with your pocket.


  • 应用一个优点可以轻松地创建测试用例这些测试将通过直接调用处理方法方式演练这个应用的流程

    One advantage of this approach is that you can easily create integration style test cases that exercise the flow of the application by directly calling the handler methods.


  • 显然没有说完;还有分析工作但是计算ast已经成形

    I'm clearly not finished yet; there's parsing work yet to be done, but the calculator AST is in pretty good shape.


  • 研究人员安装了斜面传感类似数码气泡水平仪)用以监测邻近费利比高速大桥底部成形裂纹

    The researchers also installedinclinesensors (akin to digital spirit levels) to monitor cracks forming underneath the adjacent Ferriby Road Bridge.


  • 设计者将样图上传到Ponoko服务客户下达完订单以后,Ponoko的激光切割机就按照样图切割木头塑料,而后产品成形了。

    Designers upload their blueprints to Ponoko's servers; when a customer places an order, Ponoko's laser cutters automatically trim wood and plastic to create the product on the spot.


  • 根据16qam调制原理提出一种采用现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)实现16 QAM成形FIR数字滤波硬件电路方案

    With the principle of 16qam, the text puts forward one scheme which adopts FPGA to realize the hardware circuit of 16qam taking shape FIR digital wave filter.


  • 介绍汽车真空助力外壳成形工序切舌模具,论述了模具结构特点和工作原理。

    The shape of the front crust of the car vacuum booster is complex and it needs many working steps to achieve the part.


  • 现代数字通信中广泛采用平方根余弦滚降数字滤波作为基带成形滤波匹配滤波

    Square-root raised cosine roll-off digital filter was widely applied to baseband shaping filter and match filter in modern digital communication.


  • 挤出工具制造带有翅片成形方法散热

    Extrusion tool, method for manufacturing shaped article with fins, and heat sink.


  • 因此脉冲成形滤波设计最优LOFDM系统设计的重要组成部分。

    Therefore, design of pulse shaping filters is an important task for design of optimal LOFDM system.


  • 分析了减震成形工艺介绍了成形零件的拉深边模以及旋压模具结构

    The forming technology of rear shock absorber cap is analyzed, and its drawing die, flanging die and spinning die structure are also introduced.


  • 数字载波频率频谱成形滤波特性参数选择提出了建议。

    The author also makes some Suggestions for frequency selection of digital carrier and parameters selection of spectrum shaping filter.


  • 根据平稳随机过程理论利用噪声驱动成形滤波获得海浪干扰模型得到了令人满意仿真结果

    Using white noise to drive shaping filter, the interference model of wave is acquired on the basis of stable stochastic process theory, and the simulation results are satisfactory.


  • 通过消音环箍弯曲成形设计,介绍考虑补偿后,较大圆筒成形模具的设计分析模具结构

    Through the design of bending die for the back hoop of silencer, die design analysis and die structure for large cylinder part considering springback compensation was introduced.


  • 通过镜像映射将稳定过程转换最小相位系统然后闭环增益成形算法求解鲁棒控制

    An unstable process is transformed into a minimum-phase system through mirror-injection, then solve the robust controller using closed loop gain shaping algorithm.


  • 采用根据模型编制程序模拟了机油收集基本件的成形过程,并试验结果进行了比较

    Numerical results obtained from application of the FE program to the forming process of an oil collector are compared with experimental data.


  • 转换采用MASH噪声成形技术,而其数字抽取滤波部分梳状滤波级联滤波构成。

    The converter USES a high order MASH noise shaping technique and a digital decimation filtering part consisting of comb filters and cascade of half band filters.


  • 提出了一种微型成形放大积分简要介绍电路结构电路设计工作原理技术指标。

    A miniature shaping amplifier and gate integrator as well as its applications, operation principle, circuit structure and circuit design are introduced in this paper.


  • 提出了一种微型成形放大积分简要介绍电路结构电路设计工作原理技术指标。

    A miniature shaping amplifier and gate integrator as well as its applications, operation principle, circuit structure and circuit design are introduced in this paper.


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