• 我们陷入那种幻想观点了,以至于我们开始沉醉梦想本身。我们甚至害怕看到实现或看到它成为现实

    We get so caught up in that fantasy that we become addicted to the dream itself. Yet we are scared of seeing it realized, of it becoming reality.


  • 我们陷入这种幻想的观点以至于我们开始沉醉梦想本身,我们甚至害怕看到实现或看到它成为现实

    We get so caught up in that fantasy that we become addicted to the dream itself. Yet we are scared of seeing it realised, of it becoming reality.


  • 16以前从没有想象过我会实现如今我所拥有的一切。梦想最终成形并且成为现实

    16years ago, I never thought I would achieve what I have-that the vision that had gradually taken shape over several years would actually become a reality.


  • 一些几代人希望并且努力实现改变美国最终成为现实一周

    It was a week in which some of the change that generations have hoped for and worked for finally became reality in America.


  • 设想一下,将能够引用屏幕上呈现任何HTML元素更改属性设置事件触发处理程序修改其外观,而所有这些都能即时实现。而这一切如今已成为现实

    Imagine if you could reference any HTML element rendered on the screen, change its properties, set handlers triggered by events, and modify its appearance — all instantaneously.


  • 如果那些天文学家希望建造强大望远镜的愿望实现的话,那么以上的讨论均有可能成为现实

    They could, that is, if the powerful telescopes on astronomers' wish lists actually get built.


  • 科学家表示此项科技用于提高畜禽品种质量保护濒危灭绝物种更具争议的是,或许将使得“男性之间实现生儿育女”成为现实

    The geneticists behind the controversial technique said it could potentially be used to improve livestock breeds or preserve endangered species.


  • 实现吧,作为唯一成为现实

    Let it be, make it be that I'm the one for you.


  • 想想富足、富裕、繁荣、地位和谐成长而且如果今天看到这些实现,那么它们明天就可能成为现实

    Think of abundance, of opulence, of plenty, of position, harmony and growth, and if you do not see them manifested today, they will be realized to-morrow.


  • 运用虚拟现实技术实现远程实验教学成为网络教学实验资源建设重要组成部分

    Realizing distance experiment education with virtual reality technology is becoming the important part of network tutoring and the building of experiment resources.


  • 发掘工具本体诗情画意实现自由诗意地生存成为一个现实任务

    To discover the quality suggestive of poetry or painting of instrument noumenon, realize the free and poetic life become a realistic task.


  • 保险单作为持单人权利凭证成为实现功能现实载体保险单质押应运而生

    As the credence of the holders rights, policy has become the real carrier to realize this function, then the pledge of policy has emerged with the tide of The Times.


  • 保险单作为单人权利凭证成为实现功能现实载体保险单质押应运而生

    As the credence of the holder's rights, policy has become the real carrier to realize this function, and then the pledge of policy has emerged with the tide of The Times.


  • 目前,自动感应、自动操作、自动加工农产品已经成为现实家畜饲养早就实现仪表监控机械化

    Automatic sensing, handling, and processing of produce are now commonplace, while there is substantial instrumentation and mechanization of livestock procedures.


  • 梦想永远不会成为现实, 窝在窗边软软的沙发上,除非人们明白实现一梦想要做什么。

    A dream will never become a reality unless one understands what it will take to achieve the dream.


  • 随着计算机技术迅猛发展办公自动化成为现实,利用计算机实现企业人事管理势在必行

    With the rapid development of computer technology, office automation becomes a reality, computer personnel management of enterprises is imperative.


  • 现实如何实现双重身份有效协调成为我们关注研究焦点

    To realize this dual status how in the reality to be effectively coordinated, becomes us to pay attention with the research focal point.


  • 实现梦想你的想象力看到自己正在的梦想,他们成为现实

    Actualize your dreams by using your imagination to "see" yourself being, doing and having your dreams, and they will become a reality.


  • 如果成为现实金价全年就能实现30%的增长这一幅度要比2009年2010年的情况要略微一些。

    Were this to be so, gold will have seen a full 30% rise on the year which is a tad higher than we saw in 2009 and 2010.


  • 其他千百万人来说今天梦想仍然是不可能实现的。今晚要请你们就是帮助一起使一梦想成为他们的现实

    What I ask of you tonight is to help me make that dream come true for millions to whom it's an impossible dream today.


  • 用户们内部网消除了对依赖使雇员信息灵通、雇员之间增强了内部交流使时区实现协同工作成为现实

    Intranets also eliminate dependency on paper, keep employees informed, enhance internal exchange among employees, and make collaborative work across time zones a reality, users said.


  • 原因现实中的科举制度不能成为晚明文人实现理想阶梯,反而加速了文人群体的分化科举的失望和热衷是对传统价值标准的背离。

    The second reason: the imperial examinations system in the reality couldn't make literati's dreams be true, on the contrary, it quickened the differentiation of them.


  • 一切时常认为是“幻象”的“梦想成为现实那些被“承诺的都将得到实现

    What must have at times seemed merely like a dream will become your reality, and all that has been promised you will be fulfilled.


  • 随着移动通信应用领域的不断扩大,利用消息收发、数据语音通信功能实现报警监控技术成为现实

    Along with the mobile communication application, it USES short message data and the pronunciation correspondence function reports to monitor has became reality.


  • 为此通过诉权理论研究保证国民主体地位,使其充分、平等地享有接近法院的权利,真正确立并保障其诉权得以实现,就成为一个极具现实急迫性课题

    Therefore, it has become a radical and impending problem to guarantee citizen's status of subject to be equally entitled to approach to courts by the theoretical research.


  • 因此,探讨如何实现渤海湾港口合作一体化具有重要现实意义,并日益成为一个重要的研究课题

    Therefore, how to realize the cooperation and integration of Bohai Bay harbor group has become a significant research problem day by day.


  • 因此,探讨如何实现渤海湾港口合作一体化具有重要现实意义,并日益成为一个重要的研究课题

    Therefore, how to realize the cooperation and integration of Bohai Bay harbor group has become a significant research problem day by day.


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