• 生活非常简朴不想成为富豪

    His life is very simple and he would not want to be rich.


  • 如今有些是靠继续巨额遗产成为富豪的。

    Nowadays, some people rely on bequest of successive a huge sum to become rich and powerful person.


  • 一旦互联网上,你需要成为富豪摇滚歌星社会很大影响

    Once you're on the internet, you don't need to be a tycoon or a rock star to have a huge impact on society.


  • 他们成为富豪不是偶然的,可以想象许多退休后大亨们多想把他们的成功经验分享给大家呀!

    They didn't become billionaires by accident, so you can imagine that many retired billionaires are sought-after consultants and speakers.


  • 理解富豪之所以能够成为富豪是因为他们设法商业合作方那里得到了最大价值

    My take is that the rich got rich by extracting maximum value from their business relationships.


  • 创始人领导者,孙正毅(见上图),拥有公司38%的股份,看起来似乎即将赶超比尔-盖茨成为世界第一富豪

    Its founder and head, Masayoshi Son (pictured above), who owned 38% of the company, looked as though he might overtake Bill Gates as the world's richest man.


  • 故宫博物院表示故宫“不可能永远不会成为全球精英富豪私人奢侈会所”。

    The Palace Museum said the hall "cannot and will never become a luxurious private club for the global elite and wealthy".


  • 刘晓庆第一成为目标超级富豪之一,她是上世纪80年代一位著名女演员后来投身房地产行业。

    One of the first of the new super-rich to be targeted was Liu Xiaoqing, a prominent actress in the 1980s who then moved into real estate.


  • 位作者也都指出了其事业悲剧,尽管使她成为了亿万富豪文化偶像

    Both authors point to the tragedy of her career even though her book sales turned her into a multimillionaire and a cultural icon.


  • 直到最近,遗产税还只是超级富豪烦忧,现在由于房价上涨普通民众也开始担心自己也会成为征税对象。

    Until recently this was a worry only for the super-rich, but now many ordinary people fear that, thanks to rising house prices, they may be dragged into paying death duties.


  • 所以如果是个漂亮女孩并且想方设法接近亿万富豪的同类们很快发现,你将很容易成为下个女朋友

    So, if you're a pretty girl and manage to get close to that billionaire, he and many of his cohorts will immediately click with the idea that you might easily become the next girlfriend.


  • 如果成为亿万富豪,你必须自己创业最好建筑业并且公开出售股份

    If you want to become a billionaire, you must start your own business, preferably in construction, and sell shares to the public.


  • 由于铁矿石价格上升成为乌克兰年轻的亿万富豪去年他的铁矿石生产商ferrexpo的股价了两番。

    Ukraine's youngest billionaire benefiting from rising iron ore prices; stock in his iron ore producer Ferrexpo doubled over the past year.


  • 《福布斯》亿万富翁上,印度人占据了八位中的四个墨西哥卡洛斯·斯利姆(Carlos Slim)超过比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)成为全球第二富豪

    Indians already hold four of the top eight slots on the Forbes billionaire list, while Mexico's Carlos Slim has surpassed bill Gates to claim the No. 2 spot.


  • 榜上三分之二富豪白手起家,此外,富豪所占比例超过10%其中脱口秀“名嘴”奥普拉-温芙瑞的个人财富从2亿美元增至27亿美元,成为榜上最富的女性。

    About two thirds of the list are self-made billionaires and just over 10 percent are women, led by television star Oprah Winfrey whose fortune rose 200 million dollars to 2.7 billion dollars.


  • 如今享有“东方之星”美名的丁俊晖当年迷上斯诺克台球的时候绝对没想过自己有朝一日登上世界冠军宝座,跻身名人富豪之列,成为国人的偶像,被誉为台球神童

    When Ding Junhui — "The Oriental Star" took to 2 snooker, he never expected himself to be a world 3 champion, a 4 prodigious millionaire, a national 5 icon and a 6 phenomenon.


  • 还有房地产的一位女富豪吴亚军(Wu Yajun),的龙湖地产(LongforProperties)去年11月上市了,现在成为世界上富有的白手起家女性

    Another real estate fortune belongs to Wu Yajun, who took her Longfor Properties public in November and is now the world's richest self-made woman.


  • 阿尔诺凭借410亿美元的净资产成为法国首富目前也是全球第四大富豪仅次于卡洛斯·斯利(Carlos Slim)、比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)沃伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffett)。

    Arnault is France’s richest man, worth an estimated $41 billion, and currently the fourth-richest man on the planet behind Carlos Slim, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett.


  • 既然奢侈品消费已经成为大众市场超级富豪拿什么炫富?

    Now that luxury has gone mass market, how are the super-rich to flaunt their wealth?


  • 认为女性有朝一日成为全球首富吗?为什么没有更多的妇女登上富豪

    Do you think ll ever be the richest the world? Why aren't there more women on the rich lists?


  • 即使能力成为一个富豪如果没有一夜暴富也不要悲伤

    Even though you have the ability to become a multimillionaire, don't get upset if it doesn't happen overnight.


  • 即使能力成为一个富豪如果没有一夜暴富也不要悲伤

    Even though you have the ability to become a multimillionaire, don't get upset if it doesn't happen overnight.


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