• 每个星期我们都会内河。有,我们看到了这么鳟鱼

    Every Sunday we go to the Sangone. The other day, we saw a trout this big.


  • 主人给了乡绅

    One day, my master sold me to Squire Gordon.


  • 如果特曼博士真的评估一对夫妇是否一起,会邀请他们岛上静修处进行一个长的评估:持续而不是秒钟

    When Dr. Gottman really wants to assess whether a couple will stay together, he invites them to his island retreat for a much longer evaluation: two days, not two seconds.


  • 每个星期我们都会内河,有,我们看到了条这么鳟鱼

    Every Sunday we go to the Sangone. The other day, a trout this big.


  • 下午晚些时候我们乔拉·房子的屋顶凉台踱步

    One day, late in the afternoon, I was pacing the terrace of our Jorasanko house.


  • 下午麦斯·帕拉·西奥市的写作研系习班上,男孩为什么诗歌,我构思多长时间才下笔写。

    One afternoon, at the writing workshop in gomez Palacio, a boy asked me why I wrote poetry and how long I thought I would go on doing it.


  • 登·布朗飞往哥本哈根计划提前

    Gordon Brown will fly to Copenhagen today, two days earlier than planned.


  • 45岁的哈尼姆·伦正在为指控其丈夫梅米特而作证。面朝丈夫,质问其他年前女儿被害事件中的行为,这已经是第三了。

    Hanim Goren, 45, was giving evidence against her husband, Mehmet, for the third day when she turned to challenge him over his part in her daughter's killing a decade ago.


  • 萨科访问的第二阿森纳俱乐部的酋长体育场一个足球踢了满脸尴尬布朗,以此种方式庆祝这种新型谅解精神

    To celebrate the new spirit of entente amicale, Mr Sarkozy went on the next day to kick a football towards an awkward-looking Gordon Brown at Arsenal's Emirates stadium.


  • 可以第二酒醒之后确定自己到底身处何处网站的一位创建人登·巴特勒打趣地说。

    "You can also use it the next day to find out where the Hell you have been," quipped the site's co-founder Gordon Butler.


  • 矿业部长劳伦塞·沃内·卡玛沙漠金矿部分坍塌68开始矿工一一实施救援。

    Mining minister Laurence Golborne said miners would start being individually evacuated 68 days after the collapse of part of the gold and copper mine in the Atacama desert.


  • 花上时间游览佩鲁贾迪博尔塞纳华丽大学城。

    Take day trips to the gorgeous university town of Perugia and the Lago di Bolsena.


  • 广播听到乌比·堡的访谈人们手机打电话大声讲话这个现象不满

    I heard an interview with Whoopi Goldberg the other day on the radio and she was complaining about the problem of people talking too loudly when they use a cell phone.


  • 一两之后开车华盛顿告诉里克·斯坦恩斯竞选活动经理加里·哈特,我不能佛罗里达了。

    After a day or two I drove back across the country to Washington, to tell Rick Stearns and Gary Hart, Senator McGovern's campaign manager, that I couldn't go to Florida after all.


  • 梅拉造船地帮忙志愿者还要午饭,到了筏子下水的那一我们当然还要晚宴来庆祝一番。

    Also our volunteer helpers at the construction site on La Gomera should get lunch. On important days – final assembly, launching, and trials – they should certainly share the celebratory dinners.


  • 前一马车弗尔·明太太的车旁驶过后者立即摇身边的铃铛命令车夫马上回家

    Only the day before, her carriage had passed Mrs. Lovell Mingott's, and the latter had instantly rung the little bell at her elbow and ordered the coachman to drive her home.


  • 上台首相夫妇造访苏格兰议会(登·布朗任首相期间从未去过),光临萨尔蒙德府上与其会谈

    The pair visited the Scottish Parliament (which Gordon Brown never did as prime minister) and pitched up on Mr Salmond's doorstep for talks just three days after taking office.


  • 当然政客们一点也不比他们轻松登·布朗据说周四周五晚上三个小时

    The politicians themselves put in similarly long hours, of course, with Gordon Brown said to have snatched about two or three hours' sleep on both Thursday and Friday night.


  • 大选结束的第二又把希拉里称为“主流文化的之流”,这是对我们的终极谴责

    On the day after the election, he called Hillary and me counterculture McGovernicks, his ultimate condemnation.


  • 史密斯布朗就重获自信给了12个简单攻略一条只要21会变得更快乐惬意

    Adopt Goldsmith and Brown's simple strategies for gaining self-confidence (try one each day), and in just 21 days, you'll feel happier and more at ease.


  • 10月12日我们纪念克里斯多夫·哥伦布带领的探险队发现了通往东方的西方路线这一瞭望员罗德里·德·特里亚纳(RodrigodeTriana)第一次看到了大陆。

    On October 12, we commemorate the day when the lookout Rodrigo DE Triana first spotted land for the Christopher Columbus-led expedition to find a western route to the Orient.


  • 如果有一能够我们公共利益有所贡献,我就会认为自己世界上幸福的。——

    If one day, I can contribute to our public interest, I will think he is the happiest person in the world. — Gogol.


  • 如果有一能够我们公共利益有所贡献,我就会认为自己世界上幸福的。——果理。

    If one day, I was able to contribute to our public interests, I will think that I am the happiest person in the world.


  • 星期六晚上,也就是东城新区住户协会开会,马亚历克斯朋友邀请,参加了一次小型宴会

    On Saturday evening, two days after the forum east tenants association meeting, margot and alex were guests at a small party given by friends.


  • 第二爱德华下楼早饭时候发现坎特伯雷大主教登•正在

    The next day, when Edward came down to breakfast, Gordon Lang, the Archbishop of Canterbury, was waiting for him.


  • ·吉斯布雷西特在温尼荒凉冰面上滑雪度过了26,这是他马尼托巴大学所作的研究一部分,研究主题是:人体怎样来抵御寒冷的。

    Gordon Giesbrecht has spent the past 26 days skiing the isolated 2, frozen expanse of Lake Winnipeg as part of his research for the University of Manitoba on how the body copes with the cold.


  • 就是历史登·布朗尊为相当杰出首相那悲喜交加的首相任内人们所预期的要好得多,不管看起来有多么奇怪

    It is that, odd as it now seems, history could one day come to regard Gordon Brown as a rather good prime minister, a much better one than he has been reckoned during his tragicomic premiership.


  • 就是历史登·布朗尊为相当杰出首相那悲喜交加的首相任内人们所预期的要好得多,不管看起来有多么奇怪

    It is that, odd as it now seems, history could one day come to regard Gordon Brown as a rather good prime minister, a much better one than he has been reckoned during his tragicomic premiership.


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