• 机会感谢许多英国飞行员人员地勤人员每一个如此辛苦工作支持北约任务全国过渡委员会工作

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many British pilots, air staff, ground crew and everyone who worked so hard to support the Nato mission and the work of the NTC.


  • 如此特别,希望你能继续成功,取得完满艺术成就重要的,我希望得到你的爱,你万事如意

    You're pretty special, and I wish you continued success and artistic fulfillment, but most of all, I wish you love and contentment. That's all.


  • 基金会从来都不对世界上最穷国家的农业提前支付,当然对那些有争议科技比如转基因如此

    The foundation has never been upfront about its vision for agriculture in the world's poorest countries, nor the role of controversial technologies like GM. But perhaps it could start the debate here?


  • 基金会从来都不对世界最穷国农业提前支付,当然对那些有争议科技比如转基因如此

    The foundation has never been upfront about its vision for agriculture in the world's poorest countries, nor the role of controversial technologies like GM.But perhaps it could start the debate here?


  • 那么是什么苹果公司成为如此令人受欢迎的手机制造商以至于消费者产品的情况下就赌注呢?

    So what makes Apple such a desirable phone manufacturer that consumers are willing to bet on it, sight unseen?


  • 将包括太多成员如果他们当然如此添加重要性他们适宜的北大西洋公约组织标准,”

    "That includes very much that they will one day be members, if they so wish of course, and important to add, when they meet Nato standards," he said.


  • 已经如此明显地展示我们的护佑,继续仁慈地护佑我们

    that He will be graciously pleased to continue to us that protection which He has already so conspicuously displayed in our favor.


  • 一张贺卡,如此牵挂只因承载浓浓的祝福好友快快乐乐平平安安!

    A card, there are so many CARES, because it is a thick wish happy, a friend in peace!


  • 相识快乐最美好的东西永远伴你左右,今天如此年年岁岁亦如此因为一个好的朋友

    It's a joy to know you, wishing the nicest things always for you, not only today, but all the year through because you are really a good friend.


  • 所有如此欢快明亮

    I hope all of our Christmases are this bright!


  • 这种全面行动教科文组织世界艾滋病所要传递的讯息一讯息从未如此重要

    This vision for comprehensive action is UNESCO's message on World AIDS Day, and it has never been so important.


  • 单单地仰望等候上帝,我们每天时时刻刻如此祷告时等候,服事时等候主,即使休闲时,也以喜乐期盼的心等候主。

    Waiting truly and only upon the LORD. Be this our condition all this day and every day. Waiting his leisure, waiting in his service, waiting in joyful expectation, waiting in prayer, and content.


  • 借此机会谨代表我们代表团全体成员,感谢主人的盛情邀请,感谢你们热情的接待以及无与伦比的款待,使我们来到装饰得如此华丽大厅

    On my behalf of my delegation, I would like to take this opportunity to extend my gratitude to our guests for the gracious invitation and generous reception in this magnificently decorated hall.


  • 每次收到都十分愉快有着如此甜美清纯永远如此下去

    It always bring me much joy to receive your letters. You have such a sweet innocence about you, may you keep it always.


  • 所有春节如此欢快明亮

    I hope all of our New Years are this bright!


  • 我们好友永远如此

    We are wonderful friends; may it ever be thus!


  • 一个非常讨喜历史上看来,却似乎不是如此

    This is a very pleasant vision, but history does not bear it out.


  • 融入不曾所知记忆,以便显出,如何作为一个命运的巨大伏笔存在只是恰巧在今天,被惊喜发现。因为,我觉得如此熟识。

    I wish to be involved in your memory unknown by me to show how you exist as a great foreshadowing of the destiny only to be coincidentally found with surprise.


  • 生活如此,美好

    Happy life is also so, often in!


  • 不要如此再许个或者心想事成

    Please don't make a wish like "Let me make another wish" or "Let whatever I think comes true."


  • 并且这样言辞下诏于参议院:“其人如此其能后朕而死”。

    And did write also in a letter to the senate, by these words: I love the man so well, as I wish he may over-live me.


  • 尽管海洋如此宽阔,尽管没有翅膀,我一个潇洒船夫渡过我的

    But the sea is wide and I can not swim over Nor have I the wings to fly I wish I had a handsome boatman, to ferry me over, my love and I.


  • 明确事情本该如此。 忠诚、 勤奋工作。

    Have clear visions of the way things should be.


  • 融入不曾为我所知的记忆中,以便显出,你如何作为一个命运巨大伏笔存在,只是恰巧今天,被惊喜发现因为,我觉得如此熟识

    I wish you melt into strange memory to show how great you are as the foreshadowing in the fate, whereas with amazement I discovered it now, for I realised we live so near.


  • 肉身中的极大痛苦中祷告:“意旨成全”。他甚至于在离弃仍顺服到底,如此才能使一直欺骗着权势征服,使人得蒙拯救

    The Son, as Man, said in agony and blood, "Thy will be done, " and made the surrender even to being forsaken of God, that the power that had deceived man might be conquered and deliverance procured.


  • 肉身中的极大痛苦中祷告:“意旨成全”。他甚至于在离弃仍顺服到底,如此才能使一直欺骗着权势征服,使人得蒙拯救

    The Son, as Man, said in agony and blood, "Thy will be done, " and made the surrender even to being forsaken of God, that the power that had deceived man might be conquered and deliverance procured.


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