• 教皇到访批评主要来自所谓的愤怒运动

    Criticism of the papal visit has come mainly from the "Los Indignados" (Indignant Ones) protest movement.


  • 这种欺骗手段下愤怒谈判结果不如愉快谈判

    As a result of this deception, angry negotiators achieved lesser outcomes than happy negotiators.


  • 被称为“愤怒者”(indignados)的狂热年轻抗议专注发生他们身上的每个话题讨论投票,他们对酒精表示不满

    The earnest young protesters, dubbed indignados, devoted themselves to talking through and voting on every issue that occurred to them; alcohol was frowned upon.


  • 的前任合作伙伴2007年败选的社会党候选人罗雅尔(SégolèneRoyal刚刚推出立意鲜明的新书:《致渴望改制的所有辞职愤怒一封信》。

    Ségolène Royal, his ex-partner and the party’s defeated 2007 candidate, has just unveiled her snappily titled “Letter to all those Resigned and Indignant who want Solutions”.


  • 广场上聚满了成千上万的愤怒示威

    Thousands of angry demonstrators filled the square.


  • 到访总统受到愤怒示威的推搡

    The visiting president was jostled by angry demonstrators.


  • 愤怒抗议紧握拳头高声抗议

    Angry protestors with clenched fists shouted their defiance.


  • 后来因为不得不逃离愤怒抗议蒙受羞辱。

    Later, he suffered the indignity of having to flee angry protesters.


  • 几个愤怒示威窗下发起喧闹的抗议活动。随后他的邻居们就坚持要加强安保措施

    Some months ago angry demonstrators mounted a noisy demonstration beneath his window. His neighbours thereupon insisted upon more security.


  • 病人支持愤怒抗议精神病院的可能关闭

    Patient advocates are up in arms over the possible closure of the psychiatric hospital.


  • 总统对此愤怒回击批评

    The president responded to this with a blistering attack on his critics.


  • 变得非常具有标志性。1985年,人们试图改变口味,并计划通过增加甜味提高销售量,但事实证明这种尝试是灾难性的,消费普遍感到愤怒

    It's become so iconic that attempts to change its taste in 1985—sweetening it in a move projected to boost sales—proved disastrous, with widespread anger from consumers.


  • 变得如此经典以至于1985年它试图改变口味、通过增加甜味提高销量的时候出现了灾难性的结果,遭遇了消费的普遍反对愤怒

    It's become so iconic that attempts to change its taste in 1985—sweetening it in a move projected to boost sales—proved disastrous, with widespread backlash and anger from consumers.


  • 那么事情就是这样左翼愤怒批评右翼愚蠢支持中间一如既往地是大多数努力生活取得成功的勤恳人士

    Such, then, is the way things stand: on the left angry critics, on the right stupid supporters, and in the middle, as usual, the majority of earnest people trying to get on in life.


  • 据报道,一位投资柏利公司的数据发表评论时感到很愤怒,因为这些未售出商品销毁之前甚至没有提供投资

    One investor commenting on the Burberry figures was reportedly outraged that the unsold goods were not even offered to investors before they were destroyed.


  • 泽德我们公寓一个保洁工人,也上帝世界各地造孽愤怒尤其是海地人民

    Zed, a housekeeper in my apartment complex, said God was angry at sinners around the world, but especially in Haiti.


  • 事实证明,对于领导而言愤怒一种非常有用的情绪

    Anger, it turns out, can be a very useful emotion for leaders.


  • 那些没法弄的人们,生活很快就变得十分艰难引起瓦塔拉巴博支持愤怒和反叛。

    For those without access to ready money, life will soon become very difficult indeed. And that will cause anger and revolt-among both Ouattara and Gbagbo supporters.


  • 那些没法弄的人们,生活很快就变得十分艰难引起瓦塔拉巴博支持愤怒和反叛。

    For those without access to ready money, life will soon become very difficult indeed.And that will cause anger and revolt-among both Ouattara and Gbagbo supporters.


  • 人们西乌克兰使用俄语波兰语会引起当地民族主义愤怒

    It is often said that speaking Russian or Polish in western Ukraine arouses the wrath of local "nationalists".


  • 吉安顾问通常会飞船坠毁初次冲击幸存不久就在人类幸存愤怒被毁坏

    OnStar crash Advisors typically survived the initial impact of a starship crash, but were later destroyed by human survivors, apparently in anger.


  • 动物保护愤怒其实一则报道猫肉产业新闻所激发起来的。

    The protesters' indignation was whipped up by recent reports in Chinese newspapers about the cat meat industry.


  • 面对热心支持愤怒阿里赞成将冲突主张交付仲裁

    To the fury of his zealous supporters, Ali agreed that conflicting claims should be submitted to arbitration.


  • 如果广岛核爆幸存感到愤怒”,他们应该照照镜子好好反省自己。

    If those who survived the atomic bombings at Hiroshima feel 'outrage,' they should look in the mirror.


  • 包装改变短短几个星期之后公司不得不反对纯果变化愤怒消费们道歉。

    In just a few short weeks after the packaging change, the company bowed to consumer outrage and scrapped the Tropicana changes.


  • 出资国选民得知节俭成果用于援救那些奢侈浪费,必将愤怒不已。

    Voters in the donor country would be outraged if the rewards of their thrift were used to rescue the profligate.


  • 有让阿卜杜拉愤怒支持走上街头的风险虽然坚称呼吁冷静

    It would risk angry demonstrations from Abdullah's supporters, although he insists he will call for calm.


  • 有让阿卜杜拉愤怒支持走上街头的风险虽然坚称呼吁冷静

    It would risk angry demonstrations from Abdullah's supporters, although he insists he will call for calm.


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