• 目的观察针刺头穴脑血管便秘疗效

    Purpose to observe therapeutic effect of acupuncture at the Scalp Foot Motor Sensory Area on constipation after cerebrovascular disorders.


  • 实验为用电生理方法32头山羊进行电针效应大脑皮层感区诱发电位影响的观察。

    Electrophysiological studies were carried out on 32 goats to assess the effect of electro-acupuncture on cerebral evoked potential.


  • 结果表明:经络传者针刺穴位相应诱发电位具有相关的动态分维地形图。

    The results showed that the evoked potential in the somatosensory area corresponding to the acupuncture point was accompanied by running electroencephalogram fractal mapping.


  • {6}大脑皮层位于大脑外层,而大脑活动皮层称为“”,因为电磁波刺激证明导致那里的肌肉

    The cortex is the outside layer of the brain and the motor cortex is known as the “excitable areabecause magnetic stimulation has been shown to cause a muscle twitch.


  • 装置可能包括可以在动脉游动器,检测有害蚀斑的增长,并且迅速药物提供

    Devices may include sensors that swim inside arteries, detecting the build up of harmful plaque and rapidly delivering medications to the affected area.


  • 为了帮助犯人养成规律,且减少被监禁单调设计师生活,工作活动中心遍布整个哈尔监狱

    Village PeopleTo help inmates develop routines and to reduce the monotony of confinement, designers spread Halden's living quarters, work areas and activity centers across the prison grounds.


  • 拥有“社会责任投资者资本家越来越关注商业利润而并非贫困线,逐渐的使得这一领域成为一个牟利

    So, increasingly, is the for-profit sector, including "socially responsible" investors and capitalists more interested in the bottom line than the poverty line.


  • 黑人居住第一次产生不安全

    It was the only time I've ever felt insecure in a black neighborhood.


  • 假如更有层次,你可以颜色调黑色然后头部底部重复同样操作。

    Furthermore, to gain more depth, we can switch the color to black and do the same thing just in the bottom part of the header. Give it a try!


  • 欧盟统计局(Eurosat)周一早间宣布欧元失业率升至位数,为10.2%,让分析人士意外

    Eurosat announced this morning that unemployment in the euro zone broke into the double digits at 10.2%, surprising analysts.


  • 这种转变产生空间比例舒适入口一个双重高度等待从而减少周围环境压力

    This transition produces Spaces with right proportions, from a cozy entrance to a double height space for waiting, which reduce the feeling of pressure for the surrounding environment.


  • 首先领导者办公设立休息室每天固定时间员工交谈增强下属亲密

    First, the leader can set up a lounge in the office area, a fixed time every day and staff chat, enhance intimacy with subordinates.


  • 喂养马克斯这样体型有成就马克思来自邻近保护,牠就像婴儿般,让马提照护

    Nurturing Max to this size is a great achievement. He entered Murthi's care as a baby, from a neighboring reserve.


  • 然而,TNFSF4上游一种单倍体SLE增加有关。

    However, the upstream region of TNFSF4 contained a haplotype associated with increased susceptibility to SLE.


  • 随后银河内战岁月里帝国一个海军集结曼特尔兵站附近,打破了这个行星天堂般的安全

    During the later years of the Galactic Civil War, the Empire infringed upon the safe-haven feel of Ord Mantell by moving one of their Naval staging areas close to the system.


  • 文章实地调研剖析依据一个设计人员角度探讨我国归属户外空间营造方法

    The article according to the spot investigation and study analysis, from designer's Angle has discussed the method to build sense of belonging at outdoors space in our country.


  • 纵横线条使用使顾客有着充分空间归属

    In hot zone, cut the use of vertical and horizontal lines to make the customer has sufficient space sense of belonging.


  • 项目江津建筑安装工程有限公司以下简称)中标。

    The project by the Jiangjin District building install flu Tak Engineering Company Limited ( hereinafter referred to as the German sense of the construction division ).


  • 小脑前庭脂肪瘤非常少见的,任何桥小脑角前庭肿块都可以导致病人出现听力丧失就像例一样

    Cerebellopontine Angle lipomas and vestibular lipomas are rare lesions. Any cerebellopontine Angle or vestibular mass can cause a patient to present with sensorineural hearing loss, as in this case.


  • 实验是以阿拉尔部分豆制品卫生质量进行细菌学评价消费者健康饮食做以指导

    The experiment was to provide a guide for consumer's healthy diet through evaluating the bean products by perceptual and bacteriology from Alar in Xinjiang.


  • 机械压迫阻滞传,皮层体觉诱发电位地形图上只在下肢代表出现一个反应面部代表的反应消失

    However, the response in the face representation disappeared and it was confined to foot representation of SI when the PSM was blocked by mechanical pressure.


  • 贫民,奥基·多克斯意识到自己一项难能可贵的天赋自己孤独转化为富有强烈染力的艺术品

    In the gutters, Oakie Dokes realized she was endowed with a priceless talent: she could transmute her feelings of loneliness into powerful art.


  • 进步居民识别提出规划设计个性化地域特色设计进行把

    To improve the residents'sense of identification, the author proposes that the planning should control the individuation and the terrain characteristic design.


  • 根据这个可能性概念画家设计的形象效仿了已故同事彼得·库散发出的威严胁迫。彼得·库欣第四部》中扮演高级星总督塔金。

    Armed with this possibility, the concept artists developed designs that echo the stately menace exuded by Lee's late colleague, Peter Cushing, who played Grand Moff Tarkin in Episode IV.


  • 板状神经细胞体、树状突近端部、纤毛、树状突的端部及其分出的分枝等组成。

    The plate sensillum consists of nerve cells, proximal and distal parts of dendrites, ciliary region, and dendrite branches.


  • 河床地形变化引起三角洲河网潮汐动力增强,则潮河水位上升主要原因

    The strengthening of the tidal power caused by the significant topographic change is responsible for the rise of the low water levels in the tidal reach.


  • 为了探讨三七土壤提取物对三七幼苗作用,以不同极性三七根土壤提取物对三七幼苗进行生物测定

    The results showed that the allelopathic effects of extracts from Root-zone soil of Panax notoginseng on root length, seedling height, and fresh weight and NR activity of notoginseng were different.


  • 欧元纵身猛冲至动荡之中,而且可能走向令人不快终结时,对于德国僵化呆板的焦躁已然激起了一新的紧迫

    With the euro zone hurtling into uncertainty and maybe towards a nasty end, irritation over German inflexibility has prompted a new sense of urgency.


  • 欧元纵身猛冲至动荡之中,而且可能走向令人不快终结时,对于德国僵化呆板的焦躁已然激起了一新的紧迫

    With the euro zone hurtling into uncertainty and maybe towards a nasty end, irritation over German inflexibility has prompted a new sense of urgency.


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