• 经历使我们非常感动,我们已经决定今后经常这样,我们希望今年还要当志愿者,多做好事

    We were so moved by the experience that we've decided to make it a regular thing, and we hope to volunteer for other good causes this year as well.


  • 在这里我们要着重指出一个细节外公关怀爱护没有赢得欢心,也很少使他感动

    Let us here emphasize one detail, he was not won over and was but little softened by all the solicitude and tenderness of his grandfather.


  • 弗伦奇一个很好的作者印度所有的一切都有着令人感动痴迷,他的证实了这

    Mr French is a fine reporter, with an appealing fascination for all things Indian, as his book makes clear.


  • 所谓白头到老没什么秘诀只是相爱时存下感动,在冷战时,一些感恩

    The so-called a lasting relationship, it's no secret, Only in love, save point moved, in the cold war, understand some gratitude.


  • 所谓白头到老没什么秘诀只是相爱时存下感动,在冷战时,一些感恩

    Thee so-called a lasting relationship, it's no secret. Only in love, save point moved, in the cold war, understand some gratitude.


  • 感恩节最美好的一一切事物都定格纯洁心中感动都变成感恩,每一次呼吸都变成赞歌

    Best of all is it to preserve everything in a pure, still heart, and let there be for every pulse a Thanksgiving, and for every breath a song.


  • 感到有感动

    I felt a bit touching.


  • 这一感谢感动的前妻,或者说我的现任妻子

    For that, I must thank my former wife, or should I say, my present wife.


  • 他们可能会回绝但是很多感动心存感激——你帮助他们得容易使你的内心感到愉悦。

    They may rebuff you, but most people will be touched and grateful – you'll get to make their day a little bit easier, which will put a dash of joy into yours.


  • 于是告诉业务员可以提成不能按老制度算,业务员淡定地说:“这个次要的…”,那么感动,呵呵。

    So I told the salesman that we can handle the order, but the royalty rate should be lower than before, he said that's not important…Well, It touched me a little.


  • 所谓白头到老没什么秘诀只是相爱时存下感动,在冷战时,一些感恩

    The so-called a lasting relationship, it's no secret. Only in love, save point moved, in the cold war, understand some gratitude.


  • 旅客感到舒心的一是,酒店服务细节让人感动无论是忘记包包或者耳机充电器瑜伽或者热水等等,酒店都为你考虑周全了。

    Let the passengers feel comfortable that the hotel's service details to let a person touched, whether you forgot to bring my bag or headphones, charger, yoga mat or a cup of hot water, etc.


  • 喜欢古典捷奶油母亲从BCBG一些非常相似非常适合日常穿着感动

    I like this from the classical Entier cream, and my mother has moved from BCBG some very similar, its very suitable for daily wear.


  • 摄影本身应该艺术思想艺术,耐人寻味感动的闪光思想

    Photography itself, grace, it should be said that art is the art of thought, it is the spark touched one intriguing ideas.


  • 觉得几乎震撼感动

    I feel that my heart was almost shaking and a little moving.


  • 有时只是妈妈做了微不足道的小事,妈妈那么感动那么快乐

    Sometimes I just bit my mother did a little trivial, my mother would be so touched by so happy.


  • 不管是哪种原因我们撒谎重要的:我们不想让我们爱受到伤害,美丽的谎言时常会感动

    No matter which kind reasons we tell white lie, the important point, we would not like the person who loved get hurt. Beautiful white lie often let me moving!


  • 孤寂了许多感动歌声空旷平添绿

    Liu alone lonely sing a lot of moving, her voice for open and green to add a little rhyme.


  • 明明知道自己渴望尝试爱情太寂寞会去不是真的喜欢,还有被他一一滴的也许他自己都会忘记的贴心帮助而感动

    I knows clearly that I think about him so deep only because of loneliness rather than actually love him. Some tiny things can move myself so much which he might forgot already.


  • 感到感动之间QQ1,当时,知道意味着什么

    What makes me move is that he accompanied with me on QQ to almost 1 o'clock during two days. I don't know what did it mean.


  • 小时候以为假如努力用心讨好一个人,付出自己所拥有的一切好。那个人总会感动

    I always thought that a child, if you work very hard to please the very heart of a person, to pay all their own to go against him, and that person will always be moved a little bit.


  • 只是相爱时存下感动,在冷战时,一些感恩

    Only in love, save point moved, in the cold war, understand some gratitude.


  • 组织了一次演奏自己作品大规模音乐会,目的是感动, 可对此却一感觉到

    To impress her, he organized a vast concert of his own music she never knew about it.


  • 第五就是忘了面带笑容的去接电话,因为时候声音会传递出愉悦的声音,进而感动对方

    Don't forget to greet the telephone caller with a smile, your voice sounds more pleasant when you're smiling.


  • 然而,顶巨大的压力集团还是稍微涨了工资我们就像之前承诺的那样。我们很大的感动激励

    However, under the giant pressure, the company raised our wages a little bit as it promised before, which make us moved and inspired.


  • 因为原来的1.5网站不是感动升级过程中应该能够使用如果参考工作新的2.5

    Since the original 1.5 site is not touched in the upgrade process, you should be able to use if for reference while working on the new 2.5 site.


  • 因为原来的1.5网站不是感动升级过程中应该能够使用如果参考工作新的2.5

    Since the original 1.5 site is not touched in the upgrade process, you should be able to use if for reference while working on the new 2.5 site.


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