• 生病了,生病感伤怀念

    Sick, and the sick remind memories.


  • 不要流于感伤感动

    Not flow to small and small moving pathos.


  • 有些评论家小说略带感伤病态色彩感到不快。

    Some critics have been troubled by the novel's streak of sentimentality and morbidity.


  • 感伤期盼,并非痛苦与伤害,像是一种忧愁哀怨二者如同难辨

    A feeling of sadness and longing, that is not akin to pain, and resembles sorrow only as the mist resembles the rain.


  • 取景厦门常见郊居庭院生活弥漫画面是清闲、惬意又莫名其妙感伤悲凉。

    Caught in Xiamen and showing common life of the rural home garden, the pictures are suffused with full leisurely, pleasant feelings, but somehow with some sad and desolate sentiments.


  • 他们视觉艺术主要是围绕着青春自我感伤大都会表象自我寓言方式进行,艺术方式上是采用寓言方式进行的一种镜像式的心理现实主义性质的自我表现

    Their sense of vision art mainly surrounds the ego of the youth pathos and the ego parable method of the metropolis. They usually use enantiomorphism psychological realism to express theirs lives.


  • 特别令人感伤他们儿子去世前一天姐妹们合影。

    Of particular poignancy was the photograph of their son with his sisters, taken the day before he died.


  • 一家诊所而不是一个水疗吧:没有感伤地在玫瑰花瓣鲸鱼音乐环绕之下无事瞎忙。

    It is a clinic, not a spa: there's no namby-pamby faffing around with rose petals and whale music.


  • 我们商学院经常一个技术员,讲解我们研究课题概念,”感伤的说到。

    "We in business schools often act like technicians in the way we conceptualise and teach our topics of study," he laments.


  • 它虽然非常清洁 适,环境优美,毕竟一家诊所,而不是一个水疗吧:没有感伤地在玫瑰花瓣鲸鱼音乐环绕之下无事瞎忙的感觉。

    Though immaculately clean and comfortable, and in a beautiful setting, it is a clinic, not a spa: there’s no namby-pamby faffing around with rose petals and whale music.


  • 以后一直注意窗外,感伤过去错过十年不同的结了

    After that, he kept looking out his window for her, mourning the decade they had let slip by while married to other people.


  • 他们看到他们多么抵抗放手一切如何无助时,他们选择放弃这些事情发生眼前

    Once they saw how much they were resisting letting go of the story and how it kept them trapped in victimhood and powerlessness, they made the choice to give it up... right before my eyes!


  • 包含其中一份惊世奇才杰作:24年青荷兰艺术家自画像,充满栩栩如生能量感伤

    But packed into this space is a work of staggering genius: a portrait of the Dutch artist as a young man, age 24, that has all the energy and pathos of a living person.


  • 因为一个故事中可以传达的东西其实就是听众产生共鸣同一性要素;描述风味;它独有特质;对于情绪的不同着眼点以及让人感伤内容或者某种嗜好

    For the transmittable thing in a story is the identifying essence, the characterising savour, the peculiar quality and point of view of the humour, pathos, or interest.


  • 猛省40心血热爱征集藏品离我而去,一时我有点感伤

    Suddenly I felt somewhat sad to part with the collection I have put together following forty years of efforts, love, and passion.


  • 这本《如此人世间》(The WorldIsWhatIt Is:取自奈保尔小说河湾严厉开场白),完全典型奈保尔风格,紧张戏剧性节奏一流小说的深刻洞察感伤悲悯。

    “The World Is What It Is” (the severe opening words of “A Bend in the River”) is fully worthy of its subject, with all the dramatic pacing, the insight and the pathos of a first-rate novel.


  • 那些易于阅读,那些感伤的、或幽默很好的迎合中国年轻代中产阶级情感精神需要

    Books that are easy to read, those that are sentimental and humorous respond well to the emotional and spiritual needs of the young Chinese middle class.


  • 哈代怀旧情结形成幼儿时期压抑愿望使得从小便形成忧郁感伤气质潜藏在他的无意识中。

    Hardy's nostalgia complex came out of his oppressed wish in his early days, which helped to form his melancholy and sentimental quality, latent in his unconsciousness.


  • 亲情爱情友情我们真正的感触生活时候或许我们会有太多惊喜意外感伤正是这些多姿多彩的情愫我们的生活赋予更多不一样颜色

    Affection, love, friendship when we are feeling real to life when perhaps we have too many surprises, unexpected and sad, is these colorful affair, let us give life more different colors.


  • 德国诗人席勒诗歌分为两种模式素朴感伤诗。

    German poet Hile divides the emotion modes of poetry into two groups: natural poetry and sentimental poetry.


  • 非花》语言意象及其构思特征入手,结合诗人生平作品进行研究,可以得出该诗关键意象主题感伤美人如花来去匆匆。

    We can learn the main imageries of the poem are flowers and dream, and the main theme is the sentimentality of an attractive concubine to come and leave promptly.


  • 令人感伤那些日子已经逝去普通铅笔中蕴含着的手艺技巧荣耀只会尘封于历史了。

    Sadly those days are over and the craftsmanship, skill and pride once put into the ordinary pencil is but a thing of the past.


  • 共有月食满月他们带来结局挑起感伤情绪

    Total lunar eclipses are full moons, and they bring endings and stir up sentimental emotion.


  • 一部心情感伤寂寞电影,也一贯吻合侯孝贤本人的风格

    This is a talk about the United States, about feeling lonely and sad film, Hou Hsiao-hsien has always been my style anastomosis.


  • 的一些方式自然许多幻想的事业感伤试验都不能跟相提并论,因此它有独到成功

    It is very natural in its methods withal, far more so than many fantastic enterprises and sentimental experiments, and hence its singular success.


  • (815),白居易元九书》将自己诗歌分为讽谕闲适诗、感伤诗与杂对这四类诗做了界定

    In the Tenth Year of Yuanhe (815 AD), Bai Juyi categorized his poems into four types: satirical poems, leisure poems, sentimental poems and unregulated verses. He further defined the four types.


  • 旅途的答案旨在帮助找到一个精神上解决方案内心深处痛苦网站

    Renshengdaan. com is a website designed to help you find a spiritual solution to your most deep seated emotional hurts and pains.


  • 白先勇独特人生经历情感特征中国传统文学美学思想的影响,使其小说创作充满了浓重感伤主义色彩

    Bai Xianyong's particular personal life experience, his sentimental character and the Chinese traditional literary aesthetic views imbue his fiction creations with dense sentimentalism.


  • 独特的儿童视角绘制感伤悲悯压抑的儿童天地,某种程度上的童年经验有关系

    He depicts a sentimental miserable and constrained childres world from his unique childres perspective, which, to some extent, is related to the experience in his childhood.


  • 独特的儿童视角绘制感伤悲悯压抑的儿童天地,某种程度上的童年经验有关系

    He depicts a sentimental miserable and constrained childres world from his unique childres perspective, which, to some extent, is related to the experience in his childhood.


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