• 实验发现条件不同,增中心发生了空穴陷阱作用电子陷阱作用的转变

    It is found that the trap effect of the sensitization centers varies from the hole trap to deep electron trap with the change of sensitization conditions.


  • 可以考虑太极冥想祈祷生物反馈瑜珈——任何能培养平静中心平衡活动

    Think about tai chi, meditation, prayer, biofeedback, yoga-any activity that allows you to cultivate a peaceful center and a sense of balance.


  • 为了帮助犯人养成规律,且减少被监禁单调设计师生活区,工作区活动中心遍布整个哈尔监狱

    Village PeopleTo help inmates develop routines and to reduce the monotony of confinement, designers spread Halden's living quarters, work areas and activity centers across the prison grounds.


  • 觉到他身上传来很强烈愤怒相信,那种愤怒的觉都将我吞噬了,就像处在暴风雨中心似的。

    I felt the animosity, believe me it was almost overpowering, but it was like being in the eye of a raging storm.


  • 纽约城市大学神经科学家托尼·这所大学研究生中心可能已经找到了女教授原因

    Now Tony ro, a neuroscientist at the City College of New York and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, might have figured out the cause of this synesthesia.


  • 了很久意识到,正真的兴奋只有在市中心几家一流餐馆里才能找到。

    It took me a while to realise that the real buzz is to be felt behind the doors of several excellent downtown restaurants.


  • “奖赏中心”其实就是我们产生幸福系统

    She said that this ‘reward’center is essentially the system that gives us a sense of well-being.


  • 中心居民生活幸福很热心。

    He was interested in the lives and well-being of the people of Middletown.


  • 巧妙利用地形,让玩家游戏过程产生种抽丝剥茧一步一步进基地中心这样会让他们产生一种探索成就

    Clever use of terrain keeps the whole base from being visible at once, so there's the feeling of discovery and progress.


  • “人们没有紧迫。”位国家卫生研究院的高级实验室主管,为一样的科学家需要催促授权中心早日一项发现商业化到痛惜,“他们来说只是一张而已。”

    A top lab chief at the NIH laments that when scientists like himself push the licensing office to move a discovery toward commercialization, "it's just another piece of paper to them."


  • 商则更多是以交流中心朋友一样一对一的谈心交流,塑造信任然后再产生交易

    While wechat business more on emotional communication as the center, like a friend talk one-on-one communication, build trust and then produce trading.


  • 总部设在伦敦亨利中心预测小组组长保罗·爱德华兹指出压力可能夸大或者被强加于自身

    Paul Edwards, chairman of the London-based Henley Centre forecasting group, points out that the feeling of pressures can also be exaggerated, or self-imposed.


  • 我们深知我们公司必须具有社会意识社会责任也是我们获得商业成功中心所在

    We believe that our company needs to be socially aware and responsible, and that this is central to our business success.


  • 假如发现需要更多舒适地点定公共场所比如咖啡店购物中心或者酒吧

    If you calibrate that she needs more comfort, set up the meeting in a social place like a coffee shop, the mall, or a bar.


  • 这样一来,他们势必变得很没有安全也许同时还会变得自我中心

    And this was bound to make them insecure and perhaps egotistical at the same time.


  • 项目中心装饰品是防浪墙覆盖百叶窗曲线形墙体组成,使用宏达的雕塑楼梯汇聚一起,眺望着密歇根湖

    The centrepiece is the Wave wall, which consists of a curvilinear wall sheathed in louvres that merges with a grand, sculpted staircase overlooking Lake Michigan.


  • 她获奖消息激发中国人民族自豪将中外评奖标准的差异推向了舆论的中心

    While the news has stirred China's national pride, it has also highlighted differences in prize-awarding practices between China and the world.


  • 运用毕奥萨伐尔定律椭圆参数方程,计算出椭圆电流中心强度

    The magnetic induction intensity at the center of elliptic current ring is derived based on the Biot-Savart law and elliptic parameter equation intensity.


  • 设计目的是要新区中心创造一种新的场所激发旅游、商住的使用功能,形成畅想、诗意精致国际化社区,曲折的造型在狭长的基地上形成连续而又变化的空间。

    The design aims at creating a sense of place by the side of central lake in the new development area, so as to generate tourism and business with elegant and poetic international community.


  • 研究者发现大脑皮层中心活动成就成瘾性典型的相关性。

    Researchers saw activity in the brain's mesocorticolimbic centre, the region they said is typically associated with reward and addiction.


  • 它还可以做为中心区域:几乎建筑一部分都可以看到院子受到院子,给人提供种易于确定的方向

    And it can serve as a centering element: from nearly any part of the building the courtyard can be seen or sensed, offering a comforting level of orientation.


  • 知道一个以化身的灵魂成为关注中心缺乏安全

    What it does know is that as an incarnated soul, it feels less insecure when it is the center of attention.


  • 巴尔的摩马里兰大学医学中心心脏病学家最近项研究发现还有幽默保护不受心脏病困扰。

    According to a recent study by cardiologists at the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore, laughter, along with an active sense of humor, could help protect you against a heart attack.


  • 中心部分分布着密集视觉细胞,而在中心部分以外区域,光细胞的分布明显稀疏了许多。

    At the center is a dense cluster of ultra-sensitive vision cells. Outside this central area, the cells rapidly become more sparse.


  • 中心部分分布着密集视觉细胞,而在中心部分以外区域,光细胞的分布明显稀疏了许多。

    At the center is a dense cluster of ultra-sensitive vision cells. Outside this central area, the cells rapidly become more sparse.


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