• 意大利估计数据来看,一新研究研究者们创造出计算机模拟系统,以研究筛查美国1422运动员影响

    Using estimates from the Italian data, the authors of the new study created a computer simulation of how American athletes 14 to 22 years old would be affected by screening.


  • 意大利乌克兰相比这里球迷不同的。非常喜欢人们运动员球员表现出来的尊重

    Compared to Italy and Ukraine, the crowd is a different mentality. I have always liked the respect shown by the crowds here to athletes and football players.


  • 意大利成功研究使欧洲心脏协会奥组委所有的竞赛型运动员推荐EKG筛查

    The success of the Italian approach has led the European Society of Cardiology and the International Olympic Committee to recommend EKG screening for all competitive athletes.


  • 但是Hesslein其他国家在对特定儿童群体进行大规模心电图筛查方面成功经验,比如意大利说该国年轻运动员源性猝死比率有所降低。

    Still, Hesslein said other countries have had success with mass EKG screening in certain groups of children, including Italy, where he said sudden heart death rates in young athletes have decreased.


  • 数以百计受过专门训练狗狗意大利救生员他们每年夏天都帮助运动员部署需要救援

    Hundreds of specially trained dogs form Italy's corps of canine lifeguards. They are deployed each summer to help swimmers in need of rescue.


  • 意大利我们队员具有良好战术素养而且我们运动员各种不同技战术打法中都得到了好的训练,时刻准备适应各种变化。

    You may have to change the approach or the system rather quickly. But in Italy we have a very good tactical culture and our players are well trained in various systems and they are prepared to adapt.


  • 布莱恩特说过如果留在意大利,他会一直踢足球可能成为一个职业的足球运动员

    Bryant once said that if he had stayed in Italy, he would have stuck with soccer and would have tried to become a pro soccer player.


  • 意大利足球运动员已经宣布罢工意味着原本应该在本周末开始本赛季公开赛推迟

    Footballers in Italy have announced a strike, which means that the opening matches of the new first division season scheduled for this weekend will be postponed.


  • 意大利,就警察制服瓦伦蒂诺设计的,连足球运动员的行头都由阿玛尼先生亲自打造,意大利人自打出生开始就认为保持良好形象是最基本的。

    In a country where, even the police uniforms are designed by Valentino and footballers are kitted out by Mr. Armani, Italians consider it essential to look good pretty much from birth.


  • 布拉德利告诉《华商报》说:“(运动员)当然喜欢各种水果喜欢吃披萨饼意大利面食世界各地年轻人都喜欢吃这些东西。”

    "Of course (athletes) like to eat all kinds of fruits, they also like pizza and Italian pasta. young people all over the world like to eat this," Bradley told the paper.


  • 过去四个赛季中USC来自瑞典英国意大利危地马拉加拿大巴西匈牙利突尼斯撒特阿拉伯以及哥斯达黎加等国的游泳运动员

    In the past four seasons alone, USC has had swimmers from Sweden, Great Britain, Italy, Guatemala, Canada, Brazil, Hungary, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia and Costa Rica.


  • 对于任何一个足球运动员来说,安德烈·皮尔洛10个月内赢得项最难获得的奖杯:随意大利国家队获得世界杯以及那个难忘的雅典,他随米兰一起获得欧洲冠军联赛的冠军。

    In 10 months Andrea Pirlo won the two most sought after trophies for any footballer: the World Cup with the national team and the Champions League with Milan in the unforgettable night in Athens.


  • 波兰有史以来著名足球运动员之一。博上个世纪八十年代效力意大利尤文图斯赢得了广泛的国际声誉

    One of Poland's most famous footballers of all time, Zbigniew Boniek, came to international fame while starring for Juventus in the 1980's.


  • 波兰有史以来著名足球运动员之一。博上个世纪八十年代效力意大利尤文图斯赢得了广泛的国际声誉

    One of Poland's most famous footballers of all time, Zbigniew Boniek, came to international fame while starring for Juventus in the 1980's.


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