• 教学师生基于文本多元活动建立意义过程

    Teaching is a process of establishing significance field on the basis of text and diversified activities.


  • 广告目的就是构筑一个意义商品赋予意义从而确定社会分类系统中的位置

    The purpose of advertising is to build a meaning domain to endow commodity with meanings so as to determine its position in social classification system.


  • 意义重大当代雕塑展波特兰美术馆展出

    A significant exhibition of contemporary sculpture will be on view at the Portland Gallery.


  • 这些方法可以帮助赢得每一争论——不是毫无意义击败对手而是更好地了解使人们产生分歧问题

    These tools can help you win every argumentnot in the unhelpful sense of beating your opponents but in the better sense of learning about the issues that divide people.


  • 比尔·布赖森带领读者进行了一有趣有教育意义旅行贯穿现代科学史意外的成功巨大的失败以及其间的一切

    Bill Bryson takes readers on a very funny and educational trip through the history of modern science from its unexpected successes to its great failures and everything in between.


  • 诸如此类政策错误的,几年前一样它们今天变得更意义,而且这一切可能会导致旷日持久的反噬

    Such policies are a mistake. They make no more sense today than they did a few years ago and could take a long time to reverse.


  • 尽管很多谴责不过胜利者进行审判”,但是从正常意义上讲这并不能说明审判有什么不公正的地方。

    Although many people will condemn his hanging as "victors' justice", this was no miscarriage of justice in the normal sense of the phrase.


  • 日本皇室试图现代日本社会找寻意义角色迎面遇上一尖锐信任危机

    Japan's imperial family is confronting a sharp crisis of confidence as it searches for a meaningful role in modern Japanese society.


  • 杰德·布赫瓦尔德黛安·格雷科·Josefowicz他们巴黎星座》(评论,猛击这里)一书中提到,在运到法国的时候引起了一关于意义和起源的激烈争论。

    As Jed Buchwald and Diane Greco Josefowicz discuss in their book The Zodiac of Paris (which I have reviewed, here), it arrived in France to a stormy debate over its meaning and origins.


  • 如何才能做到帮助别人提高看到想要改变或是有益于意义讨论呢?

    How do you help someone improve, see the changes you want, or contribute to a meaningful discussion?


  • 切记这一点,现在让我们看看管理人员看起来意义处理工具采用方法事实上我们项目组织来说预示着一灾难

    Keeping this in mind, let's jump right into looking at ways of managing people and handling tool adoption that seem to make sense, but in reality can mean disaster for our projects and organization.


  • 允诺加入一意义重大议会但是她食言了。

    She promises to join you for your important meeting but doesn’t make it.


  • 我们随着持续战争经济危机进入一年专家许多美国民众正在寻求快乐和更意义生活

    As we head into the New Year with an ongoing war and economic crisis, experts say a lot of Americans are in search of happiness and a more meaningful life.


  • 国王的第一,弗朗索瓦就马里尼雅诺赢得了一意义非凡军事胜利重新控制米兰公国——法国通往意大利的门户。

    In his first year as king, François won a significant military victory at Marignano, regaining control of the Duchy of Milan, the French gate to Italy.


  • 重要的一点耶和华战斗,是历史意义上的,而不是神话意义上的,大海不是耶和华的敌人,也不是其他的敌人。

    The most important is that Yahweh's battle is a historic battle, rather than a mythic battle. The sea is not Yahweh's opponent, nor is Yahweh's enemy another god.


  • 原点向量没有意义的。

    At the origin, the vector field is not defined.


  • 而言之,实情就是这事足球世界最有标志意义比赛之一。

    The fixture is, put simply, one of the most iconic club matches in world football.


  • 许多人来说,取得美国胜利有着特别重要意义,尤其是在今年

    For many, a win against the US would have special significance this year.


  • 意义上来说,不是公平较量

    It's not a fair fight in that sense.


  • 开始简单而有意义生活唯一方法不能有一丝任何做比较的念头生活并不是一游戏,也不是一考试,不是只有胜者才会有收获。

    The only way to even begin to live a purposeful, simple life is to give up any notion that you are in competition with any other single person.


  • 球员如何友谊赛之前受点轻伤具有不同寻常的意义

    It is remarkable how often players sustain a slight injury on the eve of a friendly.


  • 正是这样背景下洛克·菲勒基金会连同《时代》杂志,组织了具有里程碑意义的、关于性别问题调查目的评估一下美国人如何应对的。

    It is in this context that the Rockefeller Foundation, in collaboration with TIME, conducted a landmark survey of gender issues to assess how individual Americans are reacting.


  • 激烈商业活动竞争,令人印象深刻愈发的无意义

    It is an impressive display of competitive commercial activity. It is also increasingly pointless.


  • 但是等式右侧意义就是等式要有意义需要向量在平面区域处处都有定义

    But, for the right-hand side to make sense, and therefore for the equality to make sense, we need the vector field to be defined everywhere inside the region.


  • 戈格比赛中第四分钟进球帮助球队战胜布勒森,最近比赛首次胜利却因为佛罗伦萨击败里昂而失去了意义

    David Ngog's fourth-minute goal gave Liverpool victory over Debrecen but a first win in six matches was rendered irrelevant by Fiorentina's defeat of Lyon.


  • 或许这是令人费解的争辩但是具有重大的实际意义衰退期间GDI显示的经济一直GDP显示疲软

    An esoteric debate perhaps, but with real stakes: during the recession, GDI consistently showed a weaker economy than GDP did.


  • 或许这是令人费解的争辩但是具有重大的实际意义衰退期间GDI显示的经济一直GDP显示疲软

    An esoteric debate perhaps, but with real stakes: during the recession, GDI consistently showed a weaker economy than GDP did.


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