• 首先应该决定收集什么

    First, you should decide what you want to collect.


  • 收集邮票因为他们有趣。

    I'd like to collect stamps because they are interested.


  • filters指示收集数据类型

    The filters indicate the types of data that you do want to collect.


  • 应该确定收集的。

    You should decide what you want to collect.


  • 如果收集历史数据,将参数更新HISTORY

    Because you also want to collect history data, update this parameter with a value of history.


  • 精灵仙灵魔法大师并且他们无论碰到什么,都会想要收集其中的魔法能量

    They are masters of faerie magic, and readily gather the powers of magic instilling it in all that they touch.


  • 一旦收集用户信息(即使只有用户流量日志),就告知用户打算如何处理这些信息。

    If you intend to collect any information from users (even only usernames or traffic logs), please let them know what you intend to do with that information.


  • 如果收集多个表上执行一系列SQL操作JDBC支持这些语句进行处理。

    If you wanted to collect a set of SQL operations that was going to act on more than one table, JDBC does not support batching those statements.


  • 如果收集效能资料特定执行的执行群组这种方法有用的另一个范例

    Another example where this approach is useful is, if you want to gather performance data of a specific thread from a group of threads.


  • 如果应用程序运作正常但是不再符合效能目标可能收集程序码剖析工具资料

    If your application is behaving correctly but is no longer meeting your performance goals, you might want to collect profiler data.


  • filter指定收集哪些事务而Sampling指定您想要收集事务数据数量或者百分比

    A filter specifies which transactions you want to collect data from. Sampling specifies what subset percentage or number of transactions that you want to collect data from.


  • 的一样,第一简直难以置信的天,对于我来说,在暴雪想要收集一个让人吃惊的时刻简直是太难了!

    As expected, day 1 was an incredible day. It's so hard for time to even recollect each and every single awesome moment at BlizzCon.


  • 建立集合取个名字一样容易喜欢数据分析扩展万圣节主题”,当然接下来就是选择收集的附加组件了。

    Creating a collection of your own is as easy as giving it a name, like "Ken's Favorite Data Analysis Extensions" or "Halloween Themes", and choosing what add-ons you'd like in the collection.


  • 卡斯尔曼管道一端建造太阳能放大镜收集热量把热量集中充满水的管道上。

    Castleman wants to build an array of solar magnifying mirrors at one end of the line to collect and focus heat onto water-filled tubes.


  • 自从我们陷入这些收集元数据困惑中,我们想要最后的事就是使停留在现状。

    Since we are going to all this trouble of collecting all this metadata, the last thing we want is for it to be just sitting there.


  • 应用程序可能经历了长时间停顿长的无响应时间,导致停顿原因中确定或排除垃圾收集

    Your application might be experiencing long pauses or periods of unresponsiveness, and you might want to identify or rule out garbage collection as the cause of the pauses.


  • 由于仪表板本身的性质,它通常是以数据中心的,所以快速轻松收集我们呈现数据我们提供良好生产效益

    Dashboards by their very nature tend to be data centric, so quick and easy ways to gather the data that we wanted to present would provide us good productivity benefits.


  • 简化收集将之转换客户端验收测试任务这些测试然后被重用开发人员培训资源

    I wanted to reduce the task of collecting use cases and turning them into client acceptance tests, which were then reused as a training resource for new developers.


  • 确定这个应用软件运行哪个主机以及哪个主机收集数据,就必须安装整个数据收集基础结构运行它。

    Each host on which the application runs, and from which you want to collect data, must have the data collection infrastructure installed and running.


  • 尽管如此,讲完了这些我们去看看,进行的操作,我想要运行一个,东西收集起来循环,我命名它。

    Nonetheless, having done that, let's look at what I'm going to do. I now want to run a loop where I need to collect things together.


  • 可能提供一个接口用于收集用户现有密码密码。

    You may want to provide an interface to collect the user's existing password and new password.


  • 如果想要高尔夫衬衫那一种你收集瓷器,你最好提前说清楚

    If there is only a certain kind of golf shirt you wear or certain kind of China you like to collect, then you are best to make this clear ahead of time.


  • 读者给了一个收集怀孕的女人数据网站。

    A reader pointed me to a website that's collecting some interesting statistics on women who are trying to get pregnant.


  • 图片记忆或者唤起感觉,气氛和场景。所以计划阶段怎样收获是哪记录模板等等,这些都会收集相关信息知识

    It is helpful to give some thought in the planning phase to how you want to harvest - what kind of records, templates etc. will help you gather the relevant information or knowledge.


  • 不管最后结果怎样,但是如果有人进行自定义编码,以便收集基于Windows应用程序性能数据并且进行分析,那么本文应该他们提供了一个良好开端

    Whatever the end result, this article should make a good starting point for those who wish to pursue custom coding for performance data collection and analysis for Windows-based applications.


  • 收集网络数据完成后,可以开始处理网络数据内容查找想要信息

    Once you have amassed the network data, you can start to process the network data contents to find the information you want.


  • 我们清楚他们收集了那些数据收集多少,”反应中心说道

    "We intend to find out what kinds of data they have collected and how much," the response center said.


  • 人们执著收集整理唱片目录, 于是他们有可能会下载张唱片,但其实里面的首歌曲

    People are obsessed with discographies and might download an entire set of albums when they really only want one or two songs.


  • 没有的话你可亏大.用火狐最大的好处很多可以用的插件.似乎每天都有人做出新的插件来帮助更快的得到想要东西更好整理我的收集让我的浏览器更聪明.

    It seems like everyday someone is creating a new add-on that will help me get things done faster, organize my content better or make my browser smarter.


  • 当时部门收集行星帮助几乎任何想要那种变化即使过去发现少得可怜的选择感到失望。

    At that time, gathering planets in your home sector will help you make almost any kind of change you want, even if you were disappointed with skimpy options you found in the past.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定