• 他们已经彼此那里借用一些想法概念

    They already borrow ideas and concepts from one another.


  • 思维导图图形化的方式展现想法概念

    A mind map is a graphical way to represent ideas and concepts.


  • 幻灯片应该想法概念延伸,而不是归纳概括

    The slide should be an addition to, not a summary of, your ideas and concepts.


  • 而言,“绘图不仅想法概念展示。”

    For him, "(Drawings) are more than just illustrations of ideas or concepts."


  • 人们看到队员技能想法概念都有了极大改进

    A great improvement in the player's skills, ideas and concepts was seen.


  • JES可以将DSL理解采用专门术语实现想法概念交流的工具。

    JES: You can think of a DSL as a means to communicate an idea or a concept in its own specific terms.


  • 空性任何想法概念完全是一种本质

    Emptiness is not defiled by any thought and conception; it is solely the nature of the mind, the True nature.


  • 大量研究表明孩子们介绍他们做好准备的想法概念产生消极的影响

    A lot of research shows introducing children to ideas and concepts they are not ready for will have a negative effect.


  • 讨论会目的是非正式,大范围远见的,透过想法概念不是正式证据并且在这里文章上方送。

    The seminars aim to be informal, wide-ranging and forward-looking, getting across the ideas and concepts rather than formal proofs, and this carries over to the articles here.


  • 本次演讲介绍开设课程原因,以及通过第一堂课总结的一些早期想法概念1一次性无线心电图传感贴片

    In this talk, I will describe the genesis of this program, and several early ideas and concepts developed from our 1st-class: 1) a wireless, disposable EKG sensor patch;


  • 问题常常出现项目组合管理内容上下文基本想法概念描述一个规程概要简介过程中,在其后

    This question most frequently occurs during, or immediately after, an overview briefing which describes the contents, context, and basic ideas and concepts of portfolio management as a discipline.


  • 用户可以通过插件应用程序建立一个旅游想法概念灵感计划实际上他们并不需要用到搜索引擎。

    The use of plug-ins or apps to build up a trip idea, notion, inspiration and plan without actually having an engine at all.


  • 部分包括产品包装概念它们很好的或者说独特的富有成效想法

    This section contains product packaging and concepts that arose out of a good or unique idea that seems to work really well.


  • 然而我们需要记住通过使用面向对象概念相关想法(例如:框架组件等等),已经做到了很大程度重用

    However, we need to keep in mind the significant amount of reuse that has been achieved by using OO concepts and related ideas (e.g. frameworks, libraries, components, etc).


  • 无论是解决问题探究一个概念证明一个说法、或创造一个新的观念方法或许想法本身一样

    The number of ways to overcome a problem, orto explore a notion, or to prove a statement, or to create a new idea, may be as large as the number of ideas itself.


  • 无论是解决问题探究一个概念、或证明一个说法、或创造一个新的观念方法或许想法本身一样

    The number of ways to overcome a problem, or to explore a notion, or to prove a statement, or to create a new idea, may be as large as the number of ideas itself.


  • 每个人都有想法是个发明家听起来是个很狭窄概念貌似你只会化学仪器打交道

    "Everyone gets ideas. But to say you're an inventor sounds like a narrow concept, as if you only dabble in chemistry sets." davison.


  • 头脑有了数字式会面场所这种想法克里斯坦森休斯就着手设计软件设法刚好一个月内概念变成正常运转电子公告板

    The notion of digital meeting place in mind, Christensen and Suess set out to create the software and managed to go from idea to working bulletin board in just a month.


  • VFS UNIX一切均文件”的概念很相似因为这个想法容易理解模仿但是意识到应用程序设计简化到哪种程度,还需要花几年工夫。

    VFS is also like UNIX's "everything is a file" concept, in that it's easy to understand and imitate the idea, but it might take years to appreciate how much it simplifies application design.


  • 在阅读美国电影以及你的国家生活美国交谈过程中,也许会美国生活有一些概念想法

    From your reading, from American films and TV and from talking with Americans in your country, you have probably formed some idea of life in the United States.


  • 头脑数字式会面场所这种想法克里斯坦森休斯就着手设计软件设法刚好在一个月内概念变成正常运转电子公告板

    The notion of digital meeting place in mind, Christensen and Suessset out to create the software and managed to go from idea to workingbulletin board in just a month.


  • 公司不再满足于传统的想法正在采用新的框架理论模型概念

    Companies are looking beyond traditional assumptions and adopting new frameworks, theories, models and concepts.


  • 布雷中国炫耀性消费文化庞大豪华汽车市场是这里成为产生想法概念理想之地

    China's culture of conspicuous consumption and its big luxury market make the country an ideal place to 'generate new ideas and new concepts,' Mr. Boulay said.


  • 概念模型用来表现操作想法

    Conceptual models represent and manipulate ideas.


  • 这次世博会来说好的资源,我可以看到来自世界各地工艺、新想法概念

    The expo will be a great source for me to discover new technology, ideas and concepts from around the world.


  • 为了支持这种想法UMLModeler特性现在使用主题概念可重复使用形式能够自动应用形状联系上

    To support this, the UML Modeler feature now USES the concept of themes: reusable styles that can be automatically applied onto shapes and connectors.


  • 上帝从不惩罚任何人。人们通过他们对上帝宇宙万物错误概念惩罚他们自己。他们的想法创意无限他们造成自身不幸

    God, or Life, never punishes. People punish themselves by their false concepts of God, Life, and the Universe. Their thoughts are creative, and they create their own misery.


  • 里卡多想法通膨概念比较优势因为涉及国际贸易

    Ricardo's ideas about inflation and the concept of comparative advantage as it related to international trade.


  • 这个概念基于合作团体”想法——最近比利时德国英国类似案例一个越来越受欢迎社区模式

    The concept is based on the idea of a cooperative community - a model that is proving increasingly popular, with similar recent examples in Belgium, the UK and Germany.


  • 这个概念基于合作团体”想法——最近比利时德国英国类似案例一个越来越受欢迎社区模式

    The concept is based on the idea of a cooperative community - a model that is proving increasingly popular, with similar recent examples in Belgium, the UK and Germany.


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