• 2009辉瑞公司裁员10%,员工人数降至74 000人(不包括下半收购增加员工)。

    Pfizer lowered its headcount in 2009 by almost 10%, to 74, 000 (excluding the employees it added late last year through its acquisition of Wyeth).


  • 2009辉瑞公司裁员10%,员工人数降至74,000人(不包括下半收购增加员工)。

    Pfizer lowered its headcount in 2009 by almost 10%, to 74,000 (excluding the employees it added late last year through its acquisition of Wyeth).


  • 如果先生汽车符合美国环保署即将实施的2012二氧化碳排放指南驾驶每天产生20.9二氧化碳

    If Mr. Wheeler's car is in compliance with the EPA's upcoming 2012 carbon dioxide emissions guidelines, his drive will produce 20.9 pounds of CO2 per day.


  • 2008大学一项研究表明,的爸爸妈妈更好空巢”问题做准备所以没有那么糟糕。

    According to a 2008 study from Wheaton College, fathers were actually less emotionally prepared for an empty nest than mothers.


  • 尽管通用汽车已经开始寻找高管猎头公司帮助寻找长期首席执行长塔克上周早些时候却说,可能会担任首席执行长

    Although GM has begun to look for an executive recruiting firm to help find a permanent CEO, Mr. Whitacre said earlier this week that he may hold the CEO job for as long as a year.


  • 瑞士银行业安全和谨慎的服务世界各地富人享有盛誉几十来瑞士银行业也一直收于此。

    The Swiss banking industry benefited for decades from its reputation as a safe and discreet haven for the rich around the world.


  • 杨国强面对媒体一向低调。2005将其所有股份女儿名下,目前,碧桂园的常务董事主要负责公司的物流项目

    In 2005, the press-shy Yang transferred his shares to his daughter, who sits on Country Garden's board as an executive director and works in its logistics activities, according to Forbes.


  • 特沃思2006进行了一次广泛深入讨论,详细阐述了公司治理持有一些观点

    In a wide-ranging discussion with me in 2006, Whitworth articulated some of his views on governance.


  • 恩·赛德赢得了评论界广泛赞誉,2000更是凭借《救济之舞》荣获·布莱特诗歌诗作同时还入选前进诗歌奖T·S·艾略特奖。

    Burnside has achieved wide critical acclaim, winning the Whitbread Poetry Award in 2000 for the Asylum Dance which was also shortlisted for the Forward and T. s. Eliot prizes.


  • 1000G发动机应于2013投入使用,用以为两种新的分别三菱以及庞巴迪制造的短程飞机提供动力。

    The PW1000G is due to enter service in 2013 powering two new short-haul aircraft being built by Mitsubishi and Bombardier.


  • 福田理子认为人生坎坷。

    Five years ago, Eriko Fukuda could have been forgiven for thinking that life had dealt her a poor hand.


  • 某些彗星似乎以某个倾斜角度向着太阳运行,上个世纪九十代末期开始,马泰同事丹。特·迈尔一直就这点争论不休。

    The argument Matese and his colleague Dan Whitmire have been making since the late 1990s is that some comets seem to be moving in toward the Sun from a skewed direction.


  • 萨克斯见面会系汉森教授组织助理教授卡罗尔伊戈乔恩泰勒以及一位来自委员会学生予以

    Sachs’ appearance was organized by Hanson, with help from faculty assistant Carol Igoe, Jon Taylor ’10 and an inter-year committee of students from Section VI.


  • 父亲杨国强广东长大,从小生活贫困,他早瓦匠,上世纪90早期,他开始从事房地产开发

    Yang's father, known as Yang Guoqiang, grew up in poverty in Guangdong Province and worked as a bricklayer before becoming a developer in the early 1990s.


  • 正如弗吉尼亚大学天文学教授马克·特尔所述,137亿的宇宙爆炸爆发数以亿计恒星星系的诞生相随的巨响。

    As University of Virginia astronomy professor Mark Whittle tells it, the big bang 13.7 billion years ago spawned a big noise along with billions of stars and galaxies.


  • 19世纪三十英国库克斯通开发电报系统。该系统五个磁针,通电后,可以指出字母和数字。

    In the 1830s, the British team of Cooke and Wheatstone developed a telegraph system with five magnetic needles that could be pointed around a panel of letters and Numbers by using an electric current.


  • 里昂证券(CLSA)分析师(JennyLai)预计,鸿海精密的整体液晶电视发货量跃升至500万,2009不足100万台。

    CLSA analyst Jenny Lai estimates Hon Hai's total LCD TV shipments will likely jump to five million units this year from less than one million in 2009.


  • 例如圣马丁胡安(Juanjui)地区出口2000顶级品质有机可可果,而2003该地区的出口不过190吨。

    One cocoa cooperative in the Juanjui area of San Martin, for example, exported 2, 000 metric tons of top-quality organic cocoa last year, up from 190 metric tons in 2003.


  • 例如圣马丁胡安(Juanjui)地区出口2000顶级品质有机可可果,而2003该地区的出口不过190吨。

    One cocoa cooperative in the Juanjui area of San Martin, for example, exported 2,000 metric tons of top-quality organic cocoa last year, up from 190 metric tons in 2003.


  • 弗莱恩的小说在上个世纪六十赢得两项大奖,最新的一部小说《间谍》赢得2002度的布瑞特最佳好书奖(theWhitbreadnovelaward)。

    In the 1960s his first two novels won major prizes, and his latest one, “Spies”, took the Whitbread novel award in 2002.


  • 1867建成房屋最初主人完全ThomasWhaley后代居住,自始至终这里民居

    Built in 1867, Whaley House was occupied by solely by a descendant of the original owner, Thomas Whaley, all throughout its entirety of being a residential a building.


  • 20109月22日,曾经国际空间站第23远征成员,现担任国际空间站指挥官道格拉斯H .洛克再次成为第25远征队成员执行飞行任务。

    On September 22, 2010, with the departure of the Expedition 23 crew, Colonel Douglas H. Wheelock assumed command of the International Space Station and the Expedition 25 crew.


  • 2002西弗吉尼亚州承包商杰克特克赢得3亿1500万美元的强力球头奖,这是迄今为止最高单人奖金。

    West Virginia contractor Jack Whittaker wins the biggest single-winner jackpot ever, $315 million, in the Powerball game.


  • 到200210月13为止,美国女宇航员吉·特森已经太空度过了漫长的130天。对自己的太空生活感到愉快而满意,如果真的要问有什么麻烦的话,也许是带上了太多到太空来。

    peggy whitson Peggy Whitson, the American astronaut spending her 130th day in space, said on Sunday that she was happy in orbit, but maybe she brought along too much shrimp.


  • 公司现在要做的就是试验飞行获取数据进行整理分析,最终敲定发动机设计方案。 PW1000G发动机计划在2013投入使用

    P&W will now use the data gathered from its test flights to finalise the engine’s design.


  • 其实早2001傅英同事就发现了另外种能够引起家族性睡眠状态提前综合征的基因突变。

    In 2001 Fu and her colleagues discovered a different gene mutation that causes FASPS.


  • 其实早2001傅英同事就发现了另外种能够引起家族性睡眠状态提前综合征的基因突变。

    In 2001 Fu and her colleagues discovered a different gene mutation that causes FASPS.


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