• 情绪相关内疚感情绪体验本身具有毁灭性破坏性

    Feelings of guilt associated with emotions are more devastating and damaging than the experience of emotion itself.


  • 例如可以激活积极情绪相关大脑左侧区域

    For example, it activates an area on the left side of the brain that is associated with many positive emotions.


  • 这个机器人需要什麽情绪相关能力

    What emotional capabilities would this robot need?


  • 感情情绪相关或者日常生活相关的书非常着迷。

    I am fascinated by books which are about feeling and emotions or are closely related to our everyday life.


  • 事实上一些更大敏感性相关遗传变异和有较少负面情绪相关

    In fact, some of the genetic variants linked with greater sensitivity are also associated with less negative emotionality.


  • 使用电脑触摸屏记录系统后,SF-36量表情绪相关指标的得分略有升高

    The SF-36 tended to produce slightly higher values on touch-screen recordings in questions concerning mental health.


  • 他们发现城市居民大脑杏仁区域更大应激反应,这块大脑区间用来调节情赶而且和情绪相关

    They found that city dwellers had greater stress responses in the amygdala, an area of the brain involved in emotional regulation and mood.


  • 管理者情绪智力管理者工作交往过程表现出来理解驾驭情绪情绪相关心理行为能力

    Manager's emotional intelligence is the ability of understanding and reining emotion and its relative psychology and behaviors that managers display in the process of work and intercourse.


  • 我们这些好的感觉时,他的户头里就会有“存入;然而,当他们我们情绪相关时,他的户头里的“爱”就会注销。

    When these people are associated with our good feelings, "love units" are deposited into their accounts, and when they are associated with our bad feelings, love units are withdrawn.


  • 因此他们研究了参加痛苦制约实验老鼠大脑,接着他们注意杏仁体(大脑中与情绪相关的一部分)里出现了一种不同寻常蛋白质

    So they studied the brains of mice that had just gone through fear conditioning. And they noticed that an unusual protein appeared in the amygdala, a part of the brain involved in emotions.


  • 因此他们开始学习管理自己气愤情绪时,他们发现某种紧张情绪他们的气愤情绪相关,就好像用吸尘器清除树叶一样在减少。

    So when they start managing their anger and they find that kind of intensity associated with their anger, as it starts to diminish it leaves a vacuum.


  • 这些不是很效患者中,amygdala恐惧情绪相关区域往往连接subgenual-与DBS有效的病患不同。

    In these patients, the amygdala, which is involved in fear and other emotions, tended to be connected to the subgenual area - not the case in responders.


  • 这问题相当之妙。我们知道奖励机制情绪相关大脑部分,及记忆认识之间相关联系这些本身都是具有塑性,可能凭经验而改变的。

    We know that interconnections between the reward circuitry and the parts of the brain involved in emotion, memory and cognition are themselves plastic and experience-modifiable.


  • 尽管浪漫爱情相关负面情绪——害怕失去失望嫉妒——在不同文化中都是一致的,但积极情绪却各相同。

    Although the negative emotions associated with romantic love fear of loss, disappointment and jealousy are fairly consistent across cultures, the positive feelings can vary.


  • 惊讶积极情绪愉悦感相关享乐幸福感研究中的表现远不及现实幸福感。

    It was surprising to her that hedonic well-being, which is associated with positive emotions and pleasure, did so badly in this study compared with eudaimonic well-being.


  • 首先压抑情绪导致与压力相关疾病

    First, suppressed emotions can contribute to stress-related disorders.


  • 近的研究表明,如果争辩得到解决,与之相关情绪反应会显著减少或几乎完全消失。

    Recent research suggests that if an argument gets resolved, the emotional response tied to it is significantly reduced or almost completely erased.


  • 简单地说,这个理论假设我们情绪产生于对与我们相关的特殊信息类型进行评估的过程中。

    Very briefly, this theory posits that our emotions are generated through an evaluation of particular types of information that are relevant to us.


  • 记忆相关情绪可能存储杏仁核里——个在出生时就存在功能的大脑边缘系统的另一个组织

    But the emotions associated with the memory might be stored in her amygdala, another structure in the brain's limbic system that may be functional as early as birth.


  • 话说,约会对象脸上出现说谎相关情绪时- - -愧疚害怕的脸部细微表情时- - -你可能忽略了某个更为重要的事了。

    In other words, while you're scanning your date for the usual emotions someone might associate with lying — microexpressions of guilt or fear — you might be missing something bigger.


  • 其他表现还包括死亡的的侵入性想法不可自控悲伤内疚负面情绪的发作,以及任何失去的人相关的事物产生的偏见逃避

    Other symptoms include intrusive thoughts about death; uncontrollable bouts of sadness, guilt and other negative emotions; and a preoccupation with, or avoidance of, anything associated with the loss.


  • 婚介公司相关人士表示,适度赞许积极效果可以提升对方情绪活跃谈话的氛围

    Proper praise has positive effects, which could light up the mood of the opposite side and enhance the atmosphere.


  • 具体地讲“研究发现情绪密切相关脑部区域就是杏仁体,城市居民当中更加活跃。”

    More specifically, "the study found that the region of the brain - the amygdala, which involves mood and emotions - was much more active in city dwellers."


  • logo中的图像、色彩情绪应该公司的业务有成关联。如,不要使用金色和愚蠢字体法律相关企业中

    The graphics, color and mood associated with a logo should have some association what the company does - i.e., don't use primary colors and a goofy typeface for a legal firm.


  • 应激对于记忆影响补充调查研究我们提供了更多的信息,有助于我们更好地了解创伤应激障碍综合症以及其他应激相关情绪障碍。”芬顿博士补充说。

    Additional investigations into the effects of stress on memories could shed light on PTSD and other stress-related mood disorders,” added Fenton.


  • 道路暴躁情绪相关匿名者汽车中兴奋起来

    Road rage bubbles up in the relative anonymity of one’s car.


  • 他们明白如果做到这一点那么创造一系列被证明能够实验室环境里产生互不相关情绪电影极其有用

    They knew that if they could do it, creating a list of films proven to generate discrete emotions in a laboratory setting would be enormously useful.


  • 他们明白如果做到这一点那么创造一系列被证明能够实验室环境里产生互不相关情绪电影极其有用

    They knew that if they could do it, creating a list of films proven to generate discrete emotions in a laboratory setting would be enormously useful.


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