• 机器学习方面我们需要机器提供带有情绪表情很好的声像材料

    In terms of machine learning, we had to give the machines good audiovisual material with real emotions and expressions.


  • 研究人员们这项工作试图创建多种模式界面”,这种“多种模式的界面”能够使机器感应使用者情绪

    The academics said the work would build upon attempts to create "multi-modal interfaces" which allow machines to sense and respond to the moods of the user.


  • 这些情绪共和党舆论机器上个月批评如出一辙。

    Those sentiments pretty much mirror the output of the Republican message machine in the last month.


  • 身处混乱战场机器不会反复无常情绪左右

    In the tumult of battle, robots wouldn't be affected by volatile emotions.


  • 下一步研究机器情绪语言表现更进一步把语言和非语言交流它们身上更紧密地结合在一起使其适合它们。

    The next steps are to research the bots' emotional and non-linguistic behavior, and to move toward combining linguistic and non-linguistic communication to become further attached and adapted to them.


  • 克里姆林宫宣传机器借机让仇外情绪火上浇油:什么卡·什维利魔鬼因此西方国家支持他是见利忘义。

    The Kremlinpropaganda machine has used it to stoke xenophobia: Saakashvili is a monster, it says, so the West is monstrously cynical in backing him.


  • 显然我们某个精神方面情绪方面,我们最为担心的,机器感觉到吗。

    But there's clearly a side of our mental life, the emotional side, where we might really worry, could a robot feel love?


  • 所以如果我们机器没有也不可能精神生活,我们真正意思机器不能对事物产生情绪

    So maybe if we want to say machines don't have a mental life and couldn't have a mental life, what we really mean is no machine could feel anything emotionally.


  • 参加者们电影之前,事先机器记录血压心跳呼吸次数情绪反应

    Before watching the movies, participants were hooked up to monitors that recorded physiological responses such as blood pressure, heart rate and breathing patterns.


  • 事实上两人的关系当中,机器包下了所有事情反复学习迎合情绪冲动。

    In fact, in this relationship, the robot does all the work, learning by trial and error, taking all the risks and adapting to my moods and whims.


  • 国家宣传机器煽动多年排外情绪也因为北约仗义出手感激而烟消云散。

    Xenophobia stoked by years of state propaganda has been swept aside by gratitude for NATO intervention.


  • 机器表达负面情绪获得一种虚幻身份因此也失去了有意识身份。

    The machine receives an illusory identity from expressing negative emotions, and thereby one loses one's conscious identity.


  • 就是36岁的ChrisDahlen狂热游戏玩家edge杂志游戏撰稿人,同时打理自己的拯救机器博客”。 这家伙早就游戏产品的营销免疫了,也不曾怀旧情绪

    But 36-year-old Chris Dahlen, an avid gamer and writer about games for Edge Magazine and his own Save The Robot blog, is immune to the marketing and has never seen the nostalgia.


  • 由此产生的乐观情绪传递他正能量,使更快调试机器三个月内按期完成任务。

    The resulting positive feelings gave him the energy to de-bug the device faster and finish the three-month project on time.


  • 放弃负面情绪自愿性受苦因为机器不想放弃它们

    Relinquishing one's negative emotions is voluntary suffering because the machine does not want to give them up.


  • 然而尽管机器可以模拟人类情绪进行反馈人类的情感智能依然相去甚远

    However, although the robot is OK, the mood of imitate mankind undertakes feedback, but the affection of it and mankind, intelligence still goes very far.


  • 觉得这些情绪因素怎样影响机器学习过程

    How do you think these emotional factors would influence the learning process in the robot?


  • 年前问世的“胡椒”人形机器设计成拥有通过分析表情语调理解某些情绪能力

    Created two years ago, the humanoid robot is designed with the ability to read certain emotions from analysing expressions and voice tones.


  • 戴尔·史普纳警探:但是一个机器人来说,情绪是个有用的模仿物品。

    Detective Del Spooner: But emotions dont seem like a very useful simulation for a robot.


  • 这个机器需要什麽情绪相关能力

    What emotional capabilities would this robot need?


  • 命令大白开启战斗模式时,身为医护机器大白便一脸茫然,歪着脑袋轻声阿宏该如何改善他的情绪。 看到这里,观众的心也随之融化

    When Hiro commands Baymax to fight, something it doesn't understand, the cute medical care robot instead tilts his head and tenderly asks what would improve Hiro's mood, melting the audience's hearts.


  • 不同于传统机器,纳自己个性情绪情感可以根据谈话内容表现出高兴或是悲伤

    Unlike conventional robots, Nadine has her own personality, mood and emotions. She can be happy or sad, depending on the topic.


  • 机器具有多变情绪包括激动心烦意乱好奇基于通过应用程序轨迹球交互类型-例如目前喂养它。

    The robot also features changeable moods, including excited, upset, or curious, which are based off the types of interactions given to it through the app or TrackBall - like virtually feeding it.


  • 就是为什么围绕护理-O-机器4尝试这个时间检测当前情绪周围相应地作出反应,通过触摸屏进行通信情绪面部表情)。

    That is why this time around Care-O-bot 4 tries to detect the current mood in its surroundings and react accordingly, communicating emotions (as facial expressions) through a touchscreen.


  • 机器可能会引起语音叹息根据情感时候当时情绪显示器上。

    The robot might raise its voice or sigh depending on its emotion at the time, and the prevailing emotions are also shown on a display.


  • 宠物可以主人情绪的积极作用逻辑所以一个机器宠物可以

    Pets can have positive effects on their owners' emotions, the logic goes, so would a robot pet be able to do the same?


  • 英国《卫报》报道欧洲研究小组研发世界上首台可以产生展示情绪变化机器

    A European research team has developed the world's first robot, Nao, that can develop and display emotions, the Guardian reported.


  • 大约200机器应用程序专用应用程序商店辣椒日记应用程序,记录了辣椒日常情绪图片照片事件下载

    Around 200 robot apps will be available for download from the dedicated app store, such as the Pepper's Diary app that records Pepper's daily emotions and events with pictures and photos.


  • 故事背景设在未来,威利斯经营娱乐场所幻世拥有机器当作人类发泄情绪实施现实生活无法实施的各种残忍犯罪受害人

    The story is set in the future, Willis's business entertainment unreal world, has a group of robots, as the human emotional vent, crimes in real life can not be implemented various cruel victim.


  • 故事背景设在未来,威利斯经营娱乐场所幻世拥有机器当作人类发泄情绪实施现实生活无法实施的各种残忍犯罪受害人

    The story is set in the future, Willis's business entertainment unreal world, has a group of robots, as the human emotional vent, crimes in real life can not be implemented various cruel victim.


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