• 孩子们谈论表达情感方式取决于他们年龄成长阶段

    The way children talk about or express their feelings depends on their age and stage of development.


  • 一个成熟与否不是仅仅年龄或许过多的是认识情感把握情感深浅程度

    Sophisticated or not a person's age are not just, perhaps too many are referring to awareness of emotions and grasp the extent of emotion.


  • 情感顺应性一些不能控制因素有关比如年龄性别创伤被揭露等

    Emotional resilience is also related to some factors that aren't under your control, such as age, gender, and exposure to trauma.


  • 他们研究包括了69个具有精神分裂症情感分裂精神障碍的实验对象年龄1860岁之间,服用抗精神病药物病情稳定。

    The cohort of their study included 69 subjects with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder, aged 18 to 60, and all on antipsychotic medications and stable.


  • 引起苦恼因素包括女性年龄绝经年龄以及整体情感状况

    Factors affecting distress included women's age, age at menopause and overall emotional well-being.


  • Piaf美国明星Judy Garland去世年龄相同。Piaf至今仍然使我们间接地感受到她情感世界大起大落极端变化。

    Like Judy Garland, who died at the same age, Piaf still lets us live, vicariously, in a world of emotional extremes that few of us could handle.


  • 这些发现7月22日发表社会认知情感神经科学网页上显示悲伤情绪随着年龄增长会发生变化,但是变化趋势不同其他情感

    The findings, which appeared online July 22 in Social Cognition and Affective Neuroscience, suggest that sadness changes with age in a way that's different than other emotions.


  • 虽然研究4作为情感障碍首次发作的最低年龄限,但是一些父母报告说他们小孩双相情感障碍症状那个年纪还要

    While the study set age 4 years as the minimum age for onset of bipolar disorder, some parents reported their child's bipolar-disorder-like symptoms began even before that age.


  • 孩子们遭到猛烈的暴风雨般的情感打击后,一旦暴风雨停止,父母亲适时提醒不同年龄阶段孩子们记住,他们都将找到属于他们自己安全充满亲情爱意港口

    Violent emotions leave everyone feeling tempest-tossed, and kids of all ages need to be reminded that once the storm abates, they'll find themselves in a harbor where they are safe and loved.


  • 情感认知人际关系处理能力测试,无论是在哪一年龄女性表现远远好过男性

    Females of all ages outperform males on tests requiring the recognition of emotion or relationships among other people.


  • 特别困难的,儿童青少年双相情感障碍区别其它可能发生年龄特有的问题

    Bipolar disorder in children and adolescents can be hard to tell apart from other problems that may occur in these age groups.


  • 报告的主要执笔人茱莉亚·海曼,婚姻关系最初15年里,因为要抚育孩子,所以女人情感方面不太顾及自身的感受,但随着她们年龄的增长,她们承受的生活压力减少

    Lead author Julia Heiman said that the first 15 years of a relationship may be emotionally draining for women while they are raising children.As they get older, they have fewer pressures.


  • 报告的主要执笔人茱莉亚·海曼,婚姻关系最初15年里因为抚育孩子,所以女人情感方面太顾及自身的感受,但随着她们年龄的增长,她们承受的生活压力会减少。

    Lead author Julia Heiman said that the first 15 years of a relationship may be emotionally draining for women while they are raising children. As they get older, they have fewer pressures.


  • 许多歌迷认为的艺术生涯可能此结束了,个没有年龄优势的女人,一个丧失情感寄托的女人,歌坛上拼搏下去?

    Many of her fans had thought that her singing career would come to an end since then. As a female singer who had lost her youth and love, how could she still strive in her field?


  • 孩子们都是完美模仿者,小时候会内化他们父母表达情感而当他们年龄一些之后,则会内化同龄人情感

    Consummate imitators, children internalize the feelings expressed by their parents, and, when they are a bit older, their peers.


  • 通过扫描300名14岁24青少年大脑他们希望鉴别出随着年龄的增长,控制冲动情感行为的大脑线路有什么变化

    By scanning the brains of 300 people between the ages of 14 and 24, they hope to identify how the wiring that controls impulsive and emotional behaviour changes as they get older.


  • 许多公共场合常常较少表现自己的情感,随着年龄增长也不那么情感外露了。

    Many people tend to show less affection in public and be less touchy-feely as they grow older.


  • 观众通过观察就能注意某人年龄情感地位或者健康了。

    An audience or viewer can watch it to pick up on someone's age, emotions, status, or health.


  • 肢体语言表达我们自己或者角色态度一种方式观众通过观察就能注意某人年龄情感地位或者健康了。

    Body language is the way in which our bodies communicate our own or a character's attitudes. An audience or viewer can watch it to pick up on someone's age, emotions, status, or health.


  • 当下中国很多这个年龄女孩,往往是以自己情感身体交换自己的未来甚至成为别人获得利益工具

    In present China, there are many girls in this age group. They want to gain future in trade with their emotional and physical, and even become a tool for others to benefit.


  • 可以说情感生活、不同年龄阶段的创作心态寄托了《聊斋志异》当中。

    In fact, his emotional life and the psychology of his creation are implied in this great work.


  • 面对一宝贵的情感无论是国籍年龄重要的,真正重要性在于信仰,站着照顾

    Facing this valuable emotion neither nationality nor age was important, the real importance lay in faith, under-standing, and care.


  • 通过这些照片试图定义岁月流逝年龄增长感受描绘出这些跟同龄伙伴瞬间思绪情感交织中产生的表情,从而产生“他们生活到底发生了什么事情”的留白。

    Bryan: Through these photos I'm trying to define how I feel about getting older as well as describe the fleeting thoughts and emotions people my age associate with what's going on in their lives.


  • 这次研究对象为30年龄20到33女性朋友,研究人员她们观看产生强烈情感影像,让她们把看到的影像按照非常消极 “非常积极”的程度进行评价。

    The study involved 30 pairs of female friends aged between 20 and 33 who were shown emotionally powerful images and asked to rate them on a scale from 'very negative' to 'very positive'.


  • 但是随着年龄的增长,的性情越来越内向不再甘于只是用笔表达自己情感爱上了用声响肢体言语这种传达思想方式

    However, with age, I am more outgoing personality, no longer willing to just pen and paper to express their feelings, fell in love with the voice, body language to convey ideas that way.


  • 幼儿情感变,难于控制家长见机行事,年龄稍大的孩子训练他自己控制情绪

    Teach the children to regulate their own emotions: kids are mutable and difficult to control; so parents should play to the score, and train elder children to control their own emotions.


  • 年轻瓶有乱发脾气倾向虽然随着年龄的增长终结这种混乱情感

    Moon in Aquarius may be prone to temper tantrums when young, even though as they grow they end up feeling that emotions are "messy."


  • 本文老年人认知功能下降影响因素年龄性别文化程度情感障碍生活方式饮食习惯躯体状况做一综述

    This article reviews on the influential factors concerning the decline of cognition ability such as age, gender, education level, affective disturbance, life style, eating habit, body situation, etc.


  • 本文老年人认知功能下降影响因素年龄性别文化程度情感障碍生活方式饮食习惯躯体状况做一综述

    This article reviews on the influential factors concerning the decline of cognition ability such as age, gender, education level, affective disturbance, life style, eating habit, body situation, etc.


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