• 情形满足可条件

    Case 2: separation condition does not hold.


  • 总部位于纽约维码扫描技术提供商s canbuy的首席执行官迈克·威尔斯坦承这种情形,“多数公司都对营销活动的效果心生不满。”

    Mike Whers, CEO of Scanbuy, a New York-based provider of scanning technology, admits that in those types of cases "most companies aren't satisfied with the performance of their campaigns."


  • 情形相同

    It is the same situation as when we had a circle in the 2d case.


  • 情形变量条件修改重新使用的问题子集只是有时我们保持现有,有时需要使用一个新值。

    The second case, the conditional modification of a variable, is a subset of the variable reuse problem except that sometimes we will keep our existing value and sometimes we will want a new value.


  • 对于故障情形1如果A出现故障被转移到空闲节点

    For the second failure, case 1: If a fails, it is placed on the spare node.


  • 定义这类谬误里,论者叙述情形似乎只有唯一一一的情况。

    Definition: in false dichotomy, the arguer sets up the situation so it looks like there are only two choices.


  • 研究已被接受但是尚未同名杂志上发表,这项研究探索尚未发现似乎有道理存在世界可能会发生情形

    The second study, accepted but not yet published by the same journal, looks at what might happen on worlds that haven't been discovered but whose existence is at least plausible.


  • 克林顿星期记者会上说,旷日持久竞选活动的压力下,描述那次访问情形的时候说错了话。

    On Tuesday, Clinton told a news conference that the long grind of the presidential campaign had caused her to misspeak about the circumstances of the visit.


  • 出版的《当代生物学》中比查德博士有一文章论到,很多自然选择发生所谓“基因扫描情形下。

    In an article in Current Biology in February, Dr. Pritchard suggested that a lot of natural selection may take place through what he called soft sweeps.


  • 情形,即或者更多人争当关键位置领导者,这种情况通常在当两个大型组织机构需要合作开发某个大规模的集成项目时发生。

    The second situationtwo or more individuals competing for a key leadership positioncommonly happens when two large organizations must collaborate on a larger-scale integration project.


  • 第一图片近距离显示了莫斯科东南部大火情形幅图片则全景式展现了由大火所产生的滚滚浓烟

    The top image provides a close view of the fires immediately southeast of Moscow, while the lower image shows the full extent of the smoke plume.


  • 杨紫琼卫报记者描述了见面时的情形:“我们第一件事便是拥抱,觉得

    Yeoh told the Guardian: "The first thing we did is hug and I thought you are really skinny, man.


  • 发生这种情形时,需要动态分配日志

    When this happens, secondary logs will be allocated dynamically.


  • 运作原理类似只是调用情形不同

    These two operate in a similar function; they are just called at different times.


  • 魔兽世界资料片之怒》去年首发时出现了粉丝们通宵排队争相抢购情形

    Wrath of the Lich King, the second World of Warcraft expansion pack, was released last year, with fans queuing through the night to be among the first to play the game.


  • 看看简单些的曲线情形这样我们解决积分简单许多。

    So maybe we first want to look at curves that are simpler, that will actually allow us to set up the double integral easily.


  • 如果封面文字章节一些其它三者组合,将可选择合并符合实际情形

    If you have Invariant Sections without Cover Texts, or some other combination of the three, merge those two alternatives to suit the situation.


  • 对于故障情形2如果eCMD b位于空闲节点上,那么ITIC随后出现故障时不会更改现状但是Maximo空闲节点上转储ecmdb

    For the second failure, case 2: If eCMDB is on the spare node, then the subsequent failure of ITIC will not change the status quo; however, Maximo will bump eCMDB from the spare node.


  • 同步gc原因包含标记中,其中systemgarbagecollect用于第一情形out ofmemory用于第情形

    The reason for the synchronous GC, contained in the tag, consists of system garbage collect for the first case and out of memory for the second.


  • 下面考虑情形注意第一发送消息再次提交,则日志消息将会被处理2因为条日志信息已经记录了。

    If you think through the second scenario, you notice that a logging message sent gets processed twice as it has already been logged when the logging message was submitted for the first time.


  • 行的第一重写条件表明下面规则适用HTTP请求报头中的user - agent字符串包含子字符串msie情形

    The second line, the first rewrite condition, indicates that following rules only apply when the user-agent string in the HTTP request header contains the substring MSIE.


  • 第三行的重写条件表明下面规则适用浏览器请求文件具有.xhtml扩展名的情形

    The third line, the second rewrite condition, indicates that the following rules only apply when the browser requests a file that has the extension.xhtml.


  • 规则认为创设法律一般规则,以免滋生任何情形都设规定的诱惑尝试实际上是根本不可能做到的。

    In my opinion, the second rule is to create general set of laws in order not to give into temptation and try to rule every circumstance, which, in fact, it is not possible to do at all.


  • 情形独一无任何一种阻止提升关系那些此生致力于提升条路径的人们而言,都是一个终结离开的关系。

    Each case is unique, and any relationship that deters ascension is a relationship to complete with and exit the dance of for those dedicated to this path in this lifetime.


  • 所有这些情形个体自我感受,以及他人对其所形成的看法者可能甚为近似

    In all of these cases, an individual's self-perception and how others view that individual are probably very similar.


  • 现在分析我们知道赤胆忠心魔咒情形个(我相信这个比较简单)。

    I will now try to analyze each of the two situations of the Fidelius Charm that we know about, starting with the second (which I believe is less complicated).


  • 现在分析我们知道赤胆忠心魔咒情形个(我相信这个比较简单)。

    I will now try to analyze each of the two situations of the Fidelius Charm that we know about, starting with the second (which I believe is less complicated).


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