• 如果进度可见的话,那么意味项目构建正在进行当中,必须等到完成为止

    If the progress bar is visible, it means that the project build is in progress and you must wait for it to finish.


  • 意味只能声明测试引用变量不是其他测试之间引用

    This means that you can reference this variable only in the test that it is declared but not across other tests.


  • 意味只需打包BAR文件开发机器中使用参数来对测试然后部署使用另一组参数值的生产环境中,而不必重新编译。

    It means you can package a BAR file once, test it on a development machine using one set of parameter values, and then deploy it to the production environment using another, without recompiling.


  • 这个统一编程模型意味一个分布式方案中运行时,无需重写代码

    This unified programming model means you don’t need to rewrite your code when you want to run it in a distributed scenario.


  • 意味低的入门门槛,并且任何人希望可以的时间内掌握尤其是老板办公室颐指气使的时候。

    That means less to learn to get started, and almost everyone likes less to learn, especially when the boss is yelling at you from the corner office.


  • 分钟实例请求、预备激活意味已经开始运行并且可以使用

    A few minutes later your instance is requested, provisioned, and then active, which means it is up and running and ready to use.


  • 尽管使用SSH登录远程计算机非常有用的(因为这样做意味无需提供密码),不过执行远程管理方面有价值。

    Although this is useful when using SSH to log in to a remote machine (as it means you don't have to provide a password), it is even more useful when performing remote administration.


  • XHTML可能使页面更加符合标准但是大量使用标记(强制性标记),意味浏览器下载更多代码

    XHTML might make your pages more standards-compliant, but its verbose use of tags (the mandatory and tags) means more code for the browser to download.


  • 注意42平方,这意味Square sInt工作起来就应当工作那样。

    You will notice that 4 is the square of 2, indicating that SquaresInt is working as it should.


  • 图上显示非常糟糕:只有极少数升级支持就地升级(in - place upgrade)”,意味,系统将为保存现有Windows版本下的文件设置程序

    As this chart illustrates, it's a mess: Only a few upgrade paths qualify for an "in-place upgrade," which means you can keep "files, Settings, and programs intact from your current Windows version."


  • 第二web应用程序脱离意味无需担心未授权的Web用户执行

    Second, taking it out of the Web application means you won't have to worry about unauthorized Web users executing it.


  • 意味Guice绑定列表找到WeaselGirlFrogMan无需provider方法手动构建

    This means Guice will find WeaselGirl and FrogMan from its list of bindings without you needing to construct them manually within the provider method.


  • 意味如果delegate实现了接口回到了创建一个临时替代这件上来。

    This means that if the delegate class implements an interface, you are back in the business of creating a drop-in replacement for it.


  • 意味应该打印机功能一样新的

    This means that it should function in your printer, just as well as a new one.


  • 如果梦想使成为自己可能意味发生争执一位亲人

    If you dream of making it yourself this could mean a quarrel with a loved one.


  • 雷尼替丁并不自动意味合同湿疹只不过一些应该知道

    Taking Zantac does not automatically mean that you will contract eczema; it is merely something that you should be aware of.


  • 非常适合小腿也是一个锻炼心血管增强式意味燃烧热量,是骨骼

    This is great for your calves, and it's also a cardiovascular and plyometric workout, which means that it burns a ton of calories and is good for your bones.


  • 不要因为否认,这意味停跑

    Don't go into denial because you're afraid it will mean a layoff.


  • 公共借阅权产品意味可以要求产品决定出售

    PLR products mean that you could claim the product as yours and sell it at your discretion.


  • 显然意味必须很多丑化任务信心什么修改使代码

    Obviously this means you must place a lot of faith in the uglify task and what modifications it makes to your code.


  • 假若实现别的几个改变,是否带来幸福使我们共同面对问题,假若还在寻找幸福,意味拥有

    Are there other changes which should give you happiness after having achieved them? Let's face it, if you are still hoping for happiness, it means you don't have it.


  • 意味例如模型代码——世界内部表示具体知道如何显示视图

    The means, for example, that your model code - the representation of the world internally, doesn't specifically know how it'll be displayed by the view.


  • 意味例如模型代码——世界内部表示具体知道如何显示视图

    The means, for example, that your model code - the representation of the world internally, doesn't specifically know how it'll be displayed by the view.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定