• 见到了尔迪先生太太他们非常友好

    She met Mr. and Mrs. Ricciardi, who were very nice to her.


  • 真正监狱毕竟不多,但由此想到,很多人与我的这位朋友相反,明明没有进监狱却自己在心的监狱,不肯自我减刑、自我赦免。

    In our lives, only a handful of people would be put into jail.However, many of them have indeed locked themselves in the prisons that are created by their own hearts without releasing themselves.


  • 赛诺菲安万特同意未来延长对世卫组织昏睡、布鲁溃疡病加斯以及利什曼病规划支持

    Sanofi-aventis has agreed to renew its support for the WHO programme to eliminate sleeping sickness, and its support for Buruli ulcer, Chagas disease and leishmaniasis for the next five years.


  • 尔肯德邦哈扎巴格地区座非官方煤矿提炼焦煤工人

    Workers produce coke at an unofficial coal mine in Jharkhand's Hazaribagh district.


  • 这种不间断支持确保获得必要的资源同时推进曼病、布鲁溃疡斯病的控制活动。

    This continued support will ensure that necessary resources will be available also to move forward in combating leishmaniasis, Buruli ulcer and Chagas disease. In addition.


  • 条1560长的河流起源于喜马拉雅山脉(Himalayas),流经印度北安尔邦(Uttarakhandstate of India),进入孟加拉湾Bay of Bengal)。

    The 1,560-mile-long river originates in the Himalayas and flows across the Uttarakhand state of India to the Bay of Bengal.


  • 但当意识到照片正是自己的手,张照片我们分钟刚刚拍下事实时,我的震惊缓和下来。 click here.

    My shock was tempered only slightly by the fact that it was my hand, and we’d taken the picture just a minute earlier.


  • 村庄噶尔·克拉贝亚(Gar Chakraberia)的入口烧毁的警用蓬车上写着他们文:“我们决不会工业夺走我们的乡土。”

    At the entrance to one village, Gar Chakraberia, a burnt-out police van bears their epitaph: “We will never let industry take our motherland.”


  • 有些年轻背包客生活巴德楼称为纳曼,他们使用Twitter软件传送每分钟更新事情发给亲戚朋友

    Some of the young backpackers living near the Chabad House, also known as Nariman House, said they used Twitter to send minute-by-minute updates of what was happening to relatives and friends.


  • 600m[font=宋体]碎片总共页数,这些打算要复原的碎片存放在从Normannenstraße[font=宋体]发现的16000[font=宋体]个袋子

    For that is the number of pages which the 600m fragments of paper, stored in more than 16, 000 bags that were recovered from Normannenstrasse, are thought to represent.


  • 他将这个英国东海岸英国领海外高台宣布为西兰公国

    Hedeclared the platform, perched seven miles off the east coast of England and just outside Britain's territorial waters, to be the principality of sealand.


  • 600m碎片总共页数,这些打算要复原的碎片存放在Normannenstraße发现的16000个袋

    For that is the number of pages which the 600m fragments of paper, stored in more than 16,000 bags that were recovered from Normannenstrasse, are thought to represent.


  • 大鱼露面的月份,”白。“,大家都能渔夫。”

    The month when the great fish come, " the old man said. "Anyonecan be a fisherman in May.


  • 脑子喧嚣坟墓般的寂静对比

    The tumult of his thoughts contrasted with the funereal silence of the den.


  • 美国地质勘探局测定,这次地震震级为氏6.2级,震中位于诺尔东南大约10

    The U. S. Geological Survey put the magnitude at 6.2 with an epicenter about 10 kilometers southeast of the town of Norcia.


  • 主要城市克鲁斯、拉巴斯班巴、奥鲁罗、波托西、苏克雷

    Major Cities: Santa Cruz DE la Sierra, la Paz, Cochabamba, Oruro, Potosi, Sucre, Tarija.


  • 遇到了非常友好尔迪夫妇。

    What do you think of my new pictures? —Very nice .


  • 安德烈公爵回来不久公爵儿子分开把博古罗沃、离童山四十大片领地分给了。

    Soon after prince Andrey's return, the old prince made over a part of the property to him, giving him Bogutcharovo, a large estate about thirty miles from Bleak Hills.


  • 个人悄悄前庄小二黑路上碰上小二黑,两个悄悄拉着手到一个大商量对付三仙姑的法子。

    Quietly, she hurried in search of Young Blacky. By chance she met him on the road, looking for her. Hand in hand they stole to a cave they knew to talk over how to deal with Third Fairy.


  • 一个自己他们命运认为只有所房子在那

    The other one is person vs self, just like Roderick thinks their destiny is only live in this house and die there.


  • 叙述者朋友收到了一封信关于主人公罗德想要访问因此城堡

    The narrator received a letter from his friend Roderick, it is about Roderick wants to see him and he also wants to visit Roderick, therefore he goes to Roderick's castle.


  • 叙述者朋友收到了一封信关于主人公罗德想要访问因此城堡

    The narrator received a letter from his friend Roderick, it is about Roderick wants to see him and he also wants to visit Roderick, therefore he goes to Roderick's castle.


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