• 看到,我被住了,所以我会留出空间等待张牌恰好出现

    I get down to a certain card and I am stumped, so I will leave a space waiting for that card to appear on cue.


  • 到达恰好车站上。

    I happened to be at the station when he arrived.


  • 来访我们恰好外出了

    We chanced to be out when she called.


  • 如果很小玻璃杯或是一个很大的玻璃杯,当参数设定一致,你恰好的到同一个形状波形。”莱克·拉里

    "If you have a very small glass or a very big glass and you put in the same parameters, you will have exactly the same shape of the wave," Reclari says.


  • 科学家准备探究人类笑声起源搔痒大猩猩恰好了大忙。

    When scientists set out to trace the roots of human laughter, some chimps and gorillas were just tickled to help.


  • 想想看,篇文章,恰好感同身受

    Think about it. If you're reading this it's probably happened to you.


  • 的的保守的精神伙伴罗纳德·里根打趣或是在奉承新人米哈伊尔·戈尔巴乔夫这个世界看来恰好适合她驰骋的舞台

    The world stage seemed just the right size for her, as she chaffed her conservative soul mate Ronald Reagan or flattered the “new man”, Mikhail Gorbachev.


  • 灯光铺裙子一边随意站着恰好能看见露出的衬裙白边

    It fell over one side of her dress and caught the white border of a petticoat, just visible as she stood at ease.


  • 犯规非正在投球(play -controlfoul):球员正在投球但是恰好该队正在控球进攻犯规。

    Player-control foul: An offensive foul that is committed not when a player is shooting, but just when his team is in control of the ball.


  • 奇并未插手布朗一案阅读判决书发现了那些斜体字母,他写道:“经过反复试验我们发现有个公式恰好可用来破译法官的密码。”

    "After much trial and error, we found a formula which fitted," wrote Tench, who had nothing to do with the Brown case but discovered the italicized letters when studying the ruling.


  • 恰好一直搭便车游览整个欧洲,当我里斯本大街看到乞丐,我非常震撼。

    I had just been hitchhiking around Europe and was shocked to see beggars on the streets of Lisbon.


  • 剑桥市哈佛麻省理工访问校外租房恰好邻居

    I was visiting Harvard and MIT in Cambridge and I rented a house and this guy was next door.


  • 再次强调工作任务需要完成如果完成一个项目碰到了困难,那你就要分给其他队员一起做,即使委派给别人工作恰好是你喜欢的。

    Again, tasks need to be completed in a timely fashion; if you're having trouble finishing a project, you must delegate to other team members, even if you happen to relish the task you're giving away.


  • 但实际上当佩林随行人员安静地离开停车场恰好遇到麦凯恩

    Instead, Palin and her entourage accidentally ran into McCain in the parking lot as they were making a quiet exit.


  • 而协调世界恰好伦敦的冬令相吻合。

    Coordinated Universal time coincides with winter time in London.


  • 认为这样事件发生一系列现象恰好也发生了,大气流在加利福尼亚停止了。

    The event occurred, he believes, when a series of phenomena called atmospheric rivers stalled over California.


  • 但是它们为了其他家人出现冰箱里,恰好在家要用很大意志力抵抗它们

    But when they're in the fridge for the rest of my family whilst I'm at home, it takes an absolutely enormous amount of willpower for me to resist it.


  • 经济繁荣资产价格上涨借贷风险似乎小,银行恰好需要抑制借贷,却被允许持有资本

    When the economy is booming and asset prices are rising, loans seem less risky so Banks are allowed to hold less capital at exactly the moment when they should be showing restraint.


  • 如果拍摄恰好天空景色乏味无聊的话不要天空的部分主宰照片可以地平线位置放在三分之一以上的地方。

    If you have a bland, boring sky - don't let it dominate your shot and place the horizon in the upper third of your shot (however you'll want to make sure your foreground is interesting).


  • 就是说统治权力,危机崩溃,这恰好就是霍布斯情况,充满内战危机的代。

    That is to say, when the rules governing authority have broken down in times of crisis, and that was certainly true in Hobbes' time, a time of civil war and crisis.


  • 关于比利人低劣陈旧笑话比利最好优点在于轻易地远走他乡,但针对比利私人银行而言,情况恰好倒过来从而对比利的私人银行有益

    Thus the mean old joke that the best thing about Belgium is the ease of travelling elsewhere has been reversed, to the benefit of Belgian private Banks.


  • 20038月安东尼奥坐在这位律师的办公室恰好母亲告诉自己件事之后

    Antonio was in her office the day in August 2003, just a year after his mother had told him the news, when a hospice nurse called.


  • 格雷,当格雷博士研究表示,“一个男子睾丸激素水平下降可能恰好一些人可能他们的孩子所收益。”

    And, as Dr. Gray wrote in a commentary accompanying the study, "the descent of a man's testosterone may even be welcomed by some, perhaps his progeny."


  • 其中之一的阀门被激活,如果恰好迸发前工人操作不慎,那么防喷器不会阻止油气流,当失去与平台之间的连接也不会切断本应切断的油气流,即便稍后便启动了一个远程操作装置。

    Nor did it shut off the flow when its connections to the rig were lost, as it should have. Nor when a remotely operated vehicle activated it later.


  • 十四第一爸爸一起去跑步那天恰好首次进行田径训练前一天

    I was 14 years old the first time I went running and I was with my dad, the day before my very first track practice was going to start.


  • 人们这些内容恰好他们希望了解的,拉米雷斯准备自己的第二婚礼想到办《二度新娘》这本杂志的。

    "People say it's exactly what they were looking for," says Ramirez, who got the idea for Bride Again while preparing for her own second wedding.


  • 恰好开口想到

    I thought of it just as you opened your mouth.


  • 到达恰好机场

    I happened to be at the airport when he arrived.


  • 到达恰好机场

    I happened to be at the airport when he arrived.


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