• 那段激动人心岁月里,他经历了伏击(1778年的布鲁·之战),被俘(布曾为肖尼人所俘,后来逃脱),营救绝望保卫战

    These were stirring years of ambushes (such as Blue Licks in 1778), captures (Boone was seized but escaped from the Shawnees), rescues, and desperate defenses.


  • 维京开始突袭英格兰东北部时修道士们着卡伯特遗骨逃离了他们岛上家园他们一直流浪直到达拉谟找到了避难所

    When the Vikings began raiding the North-East of England, the monks of Lindisfarne fled their island home with Cuthbert's bones and wandered until they found sanctuary in Durham.


  • 卢安镇长梅尔·托•曼古达达图妻子吉娜就是受害者之一愤怒地指着安帕图周围的人不得不阻止

    Ismael "Toto" Mangudadatu, deputy mayor of Buluan, whose wife, Genalyn, was one of the victims, angrily pointed at Ampatuan and had to be restrained by those around him.


  • 于是决定亲自把这件事告诉嘱咐先生回到吃饭时候不要在班纳特家里任何人面前透露一点风声

    She resolved to give her the information herself, and therefore charged Mr. Collins, when he returned to Longbourn to dinner, to drop no hint of what had passed before any of the family.


  • 最近的罗马城叫做奥尔——维鲁拉米——沃特街道上一个繁忙市场拥有自己的角斗士剧院

    The nearest Roman town was st Albans - or Verulamium - a busy market on Watling Street with its own gladiator theatre.


  • 这些自大两部杰作中显露无疑:奥逊·威尔的电影《公民伊夫的小说《独家新闻》。

    These men's megalomania was captured in two masterworks: Orson Welles's film "Citizen Kane" and Evelyn Waugh's novel "Scoop".


  • 这位名叫琳·的妇女告诉警方是从专门从事拆工作朋友那里得到具骨骼的,而后者曾经对表示30年前帮忙拆除底特律所学校发现的。

    Lynn Sterling told police she obtained the remains from a friend who works in demolition and who said he found them in a Detroit school he helped demolish about 30 years ago.


  • 米拉麦克电影公司前任制作人哈特先生将一些电影化的综合修饰应用于这部作品常常让人联想到大卫离奇电影

    Mr Earnhart, a former producer for Miramax Films, has applied some cinematic flourishes to this production, which often recalls the bizarre cinema of David Lynch.


  • 马德·克击败竞争对手——“小甜甜”布兰妮凯文·费德儿子西·普雷登上可爱明星宝贝”排行榜之首。

    Maddox saw off stiff competition from Britney Spears and Kevin Federline's son Sean Preston to top the cute list.


  • 克里·教授伦敦自然史博物馆研究人类起源专家表示赞同马里教授关于早期智力演化意见。但他说,他并不认同现代人类均起源于同一群人的观点。

    Professor Chris Stringer, a human origins expert at the Natural History Museum in London, said he agreed with Professor Marean's views on the early evolution of intelligence.


  • 想象自己从位于市的家里出来,开车去格特市上班,以及一路上看到每一处景象…我可以这样消磨掉4个小时

    I pictured myself leaving my house in Lynn and driving to Gloucester and every sight I'd see on the way... I could lose four hours just like that.


  • 艾琳奥尼尔凭借凯特他们八个孩子》莎拉的阿拉加》以历史突破性业绩成功将TLC转型。

    Eileen O’Neill transformed TLC with such groundbreaking fare as Jon &Kate Plus 8 and Sarah Palin’s Alaska—earning her stewardship of the flagship Discovery Channel.


  • ·米德尔顿(Kane Middleton)、母亲斯林(Jocelyn)他的裁员

    Kane Middleton with his mother, Jocelyn, and his redundancy letter Photo: masons.


  • 洛夫·洛克把这个观点称为盖亚[7],并于1972年微生物学家·马基·莉[8]一起公布了这个观点,以接受科学评判。

    Lovelock called this view Gaia. Together with microbiologist Lynn Margulis, the two published the view in 1972 so that it could be critiqued on scientific terms.


  • 自然杂志发表的文章中,同事·西蒙兹(IanSimmonds)新的数据表明预期中的海冰融化-温度上升反馈作用目前已经观察到

    Writing in the journal Nature, Screen and his colleague Ian Simmonds, say they used new data to show that the projected ice-temperature feedbacks are now being observed.


  • 1992年610克莱裁定公布之前家人一起了,和他一起的有丹尼蒂姆、蒂姆的女朋友弗朗、莫的未婚夫保罗以及凯西

    On June 10, 1992, the night before the Chrysler verdict was announced, Kearns went out on the town with his family: Dennis; Tim; Tim’s girlfriend, Francine; Maureen; Maureen’s fiancé, Paul; and Kathy.


  • 盐湖城市郊弗洛雷找到了邮差·邮差能否一些垃圾邮件

    Flores approached his mailman, Ron Lynch, in a Salt Lake City suburb to ask if he could have any junk mail.


  • 显然也出什么建议着眼睛看了一会儿,又转向邓布利多的遗嘱

    Evidently Scrimgeour had no Suggestions. After squinting at Ron for a moment or two, he turned back to Dumbledore's will.


  • 之后是他的三个妹妹布赖娜·雷,3l盎司;布·费伊,3磅13盎司巴克利·莉娜,42盎司。

    After Robert Jared came his three sisters: Brianna Rae, 3 pounds 1 ounce; Briusley Faye, 3 pounds 13 ounces; and BuckleyLenay, 4 pounds 2 ounces.


  • 帝国多一役惨败,核心世界全部被共和国收复,缪尼由此成为帝国残余势力财政中心

    After the Empire's defeat at the Battle of Endor, and the loss of the Core worlds to the New Republic, Muunilinst became the financial heart of the shrinking Empire.


  • 盐湖城市郊弗洛雷找到了邮差·邮差能否一些垃圾邮件

    Floress approached his mailman, Ron Lynch, in a Salt Lake City suburb to ask if he could have any junk mail.


  • 的确公道,”班纳先生,“先生要继承的产业,他罪过是洗也洗不的。”

    It certainly is a most iniquitous affair, "said Mr. Bennet," and nothing can clear Mr. Collins from the guilt of inheriting Longbourn.


  • 例如已经许多游戏电影界原画美工合作过其中包括一些世界著名的美工,悉德·米德,罗杰·克雷格。姆

    For example, I have worked with many concepts artists in the game and film industry, including some world famous artists like Syd Mead, Roger Dean and Craig Mullins to name a few.


  • 初选支持登。贝恩斯。约翰逊,因为参议院领导有方特别是1957年通过民权法案。此外他并没有强烈维护南方奴隶主集团的利益。

    I had been for LBJ in the primaries because of his Senate leadership, especially in passing a civil rights bill in 1957, and his poor southern roots.


  • 结论部分再次审视了·布鲁悖论理论短歌集》中的悖论。

    The Conclusion undertakes a revaluation of Cleanth Brooks' assertion and an assessment of the paradox in Donne's The Songs and Sonets.


  • 最近,《争霸》将会迎来百老汇明星克里-肯诺恩斯客串评委

    Most recently, SYTYCD welcomed a guest judge in the form of Broadway icon Kristin Chenoweth.


  • 最近,《争霸》将会迎来百老汇明星克里-肯诺恩斯客串评委

    Most recently, SYTYCD welcomed a guest judge in the form of Broadway icon Kristin Chenoweth.


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