• 那之后,奥瑞希望获得更大的影响

    After that, Orion wanted to make an even bigger impact.


  • 施特伯格指出传统测试最能评估分析语言技能无法衡量创造实践知识,而这些也是解决问题和实现成功关键因素

    Sternberg notes that traditional tests best assess analytical and verbal skills but fail to measure creativity and practical knowledge, components also critical to problem solving and life success.


  • ·肖特中音萨克斯,弗雷迪·哈伯德吹小号,柯蒂斯·富勒吹长号,阿特·布莱基扎实而富有想象鼓乐领导着乐队

    、Wayne Shorter on tenor sax, Freddie Hubbard on trumpet, Curtis Fuller on trombone and Art Blakey in the lead with his solid, imaginative drumming.


  • 变换了战术开始多种语言来说“”这个字眼,“波罗、特、胡、塔勿克……,”希望其中有一种发音与格鲁吉亚有点相似

    I changed tactics and began saying "chicken" in as many languages as I could – "pollo", "poulet", "huhn", "tavuk" – in the hope that one might slightly resemble the relevant Georgian word.


  • 练习瑜伽后,集中注意水平大增

    Sean also indicated that his concentration levels increased tremendously after practicing yoga.


  • 加拿大伯纳比西门菲大学考古学布赖·海登这些新的证据非常有说服并且代表着最早宴会案例

    Brian Hayden, an archaeologist at Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, Canada, says that the new evidence is "very convincing" and represents the "best documented case" of early feasting to date.


  • 卡特的《数字不列颠》最近国内观点报告如何保持竞争提升国家水平,”麦克·考

    "Carter's [Digital Britain] report recently was about how we stay competitive and bring up the national capability from a domestic perspective," McKeown says.


  • 不过,特布尔先生抛出镖可能将最后使自己成为受害者

    But Mr Turnbull might have thrown a boomerang, making him victim of his own attack.


  • 梅丽莎·芬努凯科学知识技术情报当然提供全面有说服决策至关重要,还很片面。

    Melissa Finucane: Certainly scientific knowledge and technical information is critical for informed, robust decisions. But it's not the whole picture.


  • 颇具影响专栏作家尼尔·图拉昨天环球日报》上写道席尔瓦巴西选举带来巴马式的选举风。

    Writing in the o Globo newspaper yesterday, the influential columnist Zuenir Ventura said Silva could bring a touch of Barack Obama to the Brazilian elections.


  • 有一种有影响催眠理论认为催眠状态下,意识削弱,这样催眠师的暗示就能够以无意识地方式(对来访者-译者)发挥作用。(希尔·加德,1965)。

    Well, one influential theory of hypnosis says that in the hypnotic state the conscious will is weakened so that Suggestions from the hypnotist are carried out automatically (Hilgard, 1965).


  • 卢塞的著名景点包括斯扇,巴士或者缆车很容易就到了

    The Lucerne brand includes Mount Titlis, easily reached by bus and cable car.


  • 旧金山德尔·劳,哥纪念教堂屋顶上900平方英尺大小的菜地玛雅

    In San Francisco's Tenderloin district, Maya Donelson has filled planter boxes with vegetables on a 900-square-foot patch of roof at the Glide Memorial Church.


  • 野生生物爱好者们惊惧于他们自己想象:“·福克斯杀虫剂除草剂狂热支持者!”

    Wildlife lovers will blanch: Mr Lane Fox is a rabid fan of pesticides and herbicides.


  • 歌曲中这样一种元素提供了深度安慰慰藉以及想象勇气激励。”莱昂纳德·,1995。

    There is an element in song that provides deep comfort and deep solace and stimulation for the imagination and courage.” Leonard Cohen,1995


  • 兄弟长期合作的制作人Rick包括即将上映的DanceFlick)说:“威尔史密斯独一无二的是极少数仅仅名字就极有号召的演员。”

    "Will Smith is unique in that he is one of a very few people who is a draw purely on name alone, " says Rick Alvarez, longtime Wayans brothers producing partner, including the upcoming Dance Flick.


  • 把注意收回纽约客》杂志上来,篇是英国作家·麦克尤(Ian McEwan)的简介

    I returned to my reading, a profile of the British author Ian McEwan in the New Yorker.


  • 这种领导模式退休杰克•查将军的想法不谋而合公司董事会任职曾担任美国空军战略司令部(Strategic AirCommand)领导人。

    This leadership model resonates with retired General Jack Chain, who sat on a number of corporate boards and, at one time, headed the Strategic Air Command.


  • 伊沃·德波尔作讲话当天,英国能源气候变化大臣克里斯·休(ChrisHuhne)表示,下周开始气候变化大会会谈上能否达成具有法律约束协议不抱太大希望。

    His comments came on the same day that the UK's energy and climate secretary, Chris Huhne, played down the prospects of a legally binding agreement at the talks, which open on Monday.


  • MTV甚至无视种族隔阂始终挺迈克·杰克逊使凭借比利·史诗般长达14分钟的“战栗者”成为第一位非裔美籍获奖歌手。

    It even broke color barriers, making Michael Jackson the first African-American artist to receive consistent play with videos like "Billie Jean" and the epic, 14-minute "Thriller."


  • 但是表示除非教学艺术“墨守成规、缺乏想象的机械实践变成种在学术上有远大志向、有进取精神事业”,否则教学改革无法取得成功

    Yet Cohen says reforms won't succeed until the art of teaching is transformed "from a largely routine and unimaginative practice into an intellectually ambitious and adventurous enterprise."


  • 阿拉伯苏菲派(Sufi)传统音乐专家安.拉尔.艾迪.韦斯Julien Jalal Eddine Weiss)的话来说,其效果像是“用非洲的邦哥小对鼓(亦称曼波鼓)来演奏莫扎特奏鸣曲”那样。

    The result, according to Julien Jalal Eddine Weiss, an expert on classical Arab and Sufi music, was likeusing African bongos in a Mozart sonata”.


  • 因为英语电话英语教学面对面的教学,你需要更加注意所以你就会认真地学习

    Because English is telephone English favor the teaching, a face-to-face teaching, you need more high attention, so you will be more learn seriously.


  • 去年年初宣布研究结果表示:“在工作中,无聊一直是必须被杜绝的状态之一,为了提高创造我们或许应该接受。”

    "Boredom at work has always been seen as something to be eliminated, " Mann said when announcing the results early last year, "but perhaps we should be embracing it in order to enhance our creativity.


  • 尽管偏导护盾发生器毁而十分担心克兰持续通过影响帝国舰队

    Although concerned about the destruction of the deflector shield generator on Endor, Declann continued to influence the Imperial fleet through the Force.


  • 尽管偏导护盾发生器毁而十分担心克兰持续通过影响帝国舰队

    Although concerned about the destruction of the deflector shield generator on Endor, Declann continued to influence the Imperial fleet through the Force.


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