• 这个动作想起这项活动曾带给快乐肌肉恢复运动做好准备。

    The action will remind you of the joy the activity brought you and prime your muscles for when you can get out there again.


  • 脑震荡症状完全消失后才能恢复运动

    Concussion symptoms should be resolved before returning to exercise.


  • 出院病人指示逐步恢复运动活动

    On discharge, patients were instructed to gradually resume motor activity.


  • 的英年早逝使他无法看到干细胞研究是否帮助瘫痪恢复运动

    Reeve did not live long enough to see whether stem cell research could help restore movement to the paralyzed.


  • 飞机的建设恢复运动一个非常微不足道木材行业市场

    The building and restoration of sport aircraft is a very insignificant market for the wood industry.


  • ACL手术物理治疗康复目标力量恢复运动

    The goals of physical therapy and rehabilitation after ACL surgery are to rebuild your strength and to get your motion back.


  • 最近话题包括人工化合作用月球最近发现以及电子游戏如何帮助中风患者恢复运动机能

    Recent topics have included artificial photosynthesis, the Moon's newly discovered ice, and how video games can aid stroke victims in recovering motor function.


  • 本周一公布表明,患者肠道手术之后口香糖可以帮助麻痹的肠道恢复运动,有助于患者早日出院

    Chewing gum after intestinal surgery can help reactivate paralyzed bowels and get patients out of the hospital sooner, a study said on Monday.


  • 最终我们可以发现按摩不仅有助于恢复运动导致的肌肉劳损同样有助于其它医疗环境下肿胀疼痛的康复。

    Ultimately, we could also find out how massage helps not just exercise-induced muscle injury, but swelling and pain associated with other medical conditions, as well.


  • 运动训练中,超量恢复训练理论目标提高运动运动技能使运动增强适应恢复运动疲劳能力

    In sports training, the theory of excess resume training objective is to improve the athlete skill, and athletes and restore movement to enhance the ability of fatigue.


  • 好的营养运动前后热身运动恢复运动一样一个重要组成部分。如果好的话改善身体条件

    Good nutrition is as much of an important component of workout as warm up, stretching and warm down. If done correctly, it will only improve your conditioning.


  • 本周一公布一项研究表明患者接受肠道手术之后口香糖可以帮助他们麻痹的肠道恢复运动,有助于患者早日出院

    Chewing gum after intestinal surgery can help reactivate paralyzed bowels and get patients out of the hospital sooner, a study said on Monday.


  • 长期的研究来看,对于运动,无论是轻度还是重度扭伤,当恢复运动时,佩戴功能性踝关节具、气垫或是绷带,预防将来的反复扭伤的出现。

    For athletes with moderate to severe sprains who arereturning to sports, the use of a functional ankle brace or air stirrup, ortapingon a long-term basis, will help prevent recurrent injury.


  • 恢复不错大概可以轻微的运动了。

    You are probably well enough to take a little light exercise.


  • 运动中获得快乐有益健康方式诱导他,这样恢复健康了。

    Pleasure him with sports, beguile him in wholesome ways, so that his health come again.


  • 不要试图恢复中断之前运动水平。

    Don't try to go back to what you were doing before your break.


  • 尽管步行可以作为一种独立的锻炼方法,但如果目标恢复尊巴课程打网球骑行其他任何运动步行也是不错的一步

    Although it can be a workout on its own, if your goal is to get back to Zumba classes, tennis, cycling, or any other activity, walking is also a great first step.


  • 如果认为饮食需要更多蛋白质考虑以下问题:你极限运动吗?你是受伤还是处于术后恢复或者说已经60更老了

    If you think you need more protein in your diet, consider these questions: Are you are an extreme athlete; are you recovering from injury or surgery; or are you are 60 years or older?


  • 市场也许再次萧条下去,并不认为会出现急速自由落体运动”,股市通常也会在经济恢复之前开始趋向上扬

    He said the market could fall again, though he did not expect as many "sharp free falls." Usually the stock market starts trending higher before the economy recovers.


  • 私人教练,产前后运动专家JoannaHelcke大夫剖腹产需要810才能恢复

    Dr Joanna Helcke, a personal trainer and specialist in pre and post natal exercise, said it takes between eight to ten weeks to recover from a caesarean section.


  • 时间没有没有运动情况下,恢复健康是要避免一次太多运动陷阱

    Avoid the pitfalls of trying to do too much too soon when you get back in shape after a long layoff.


  • 连夜进行了马拉松式谈判解决薪资纠纷之后西班牙足球运动取消罢工周六开始恢复运转。

    Spain's top footballers have called off their strike and will be back in action on Saturday after resolving a pay dispute in marathon negotiations overnight.


  • 穿着一身黑色运动滨海路上着气放松运动着,问题了,她这么早就开始自己的恢复训练计划是不是过早呢?

    In a black tracksuit, she puffed and panted her way through a jog on the seafront, raising questions as to whether she was a little premature with her training regime.


  • 平躺床上提起45位置慢慢弯曲膝盖然后恢复最初平躺状态,这样是1轮,重复这个运动100

    Lie on the bed and lift your leg at the Angle of 45 degree, then bent your knees slowly and then return to the original position. Repeat this move for 100 times.


  • 这位25岁的跨栏运动据称恢复很快最近上海重新开始训练

    The 25-year-old hurdler is said to be recovering quickly and recently resumed his training in Shanghai.


  • 击剑选手服装的保护性不断加强,以至于几年,竞赛官员们不得不防护面具加以改进以便让击剑运动恢复人性化面貌”。

    The clothing has become so protective, though, that officials modified masks a few years ago to return a "human face" to the event.


  • 肯尼亚著名马拉松运动卫斯理·科利尔十分信赖抗氧化补充剂深信类产品让保持健康帮助他在训练中取得更快的成绩,恢复得也更快。

    Elite marathon runner Wesley Korir of Kenya swears by antioxidant supplements, which he believes have kept him healthy, allowing him to do faster workouts and recover more quickly.


  • 肯尼亚著名马拉松运动卫斯理·科利尔十分信赖抗氧化补充剂深信类产品让保持健康帮助他在训练中取得更快的成绩,恢复得也更快。

    Elite marathon runner Wesley Korir of Kenya swears by antioxidant supplements, which he believes have kept him healthy, allowing him to do faster workouts and recover more quickly.


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