• 但是这样凌日现象已经证明可能宇宙重要突破之一的说法铺平了道路,这个说法即找到那些围绕其他恒星轨道公转的和地球大小相似的行星

    But such transits have paved the way for what might prove to be one of the most vital breakthroughs in the cosmos—detecting Earth-sized planets orbiting other stars.


  • 密度牵涉恒星轨道同步化

    The wave involves the synchronization of stellar orbits.


  • 银河中心恒星轨道不同速度前景恒星

    Bulge stars orbit the galactic center at a different speed than foreground stars.


  • 科学家星系中心恒星轨道发现共同物质体。

    Scientists have also been able to identify common properties among the stellar orbits at the galactic centre.


  • 黑洞可以推断通过跟踪运动恒星轨道区域空间看起来

    A black hole can be inferred by tracking the movement of a group of stars that orbit a region in space which looks empty.


  • 这个艺术化图片可以看到在围绕太阳年龄大小相当恒星轨道有一个巨大小行星

    This artist's animation illustrates a massive asteroid belt in orbit around a star the same age and size as our Sun.


  • 正如我们上周报道的,研究员们发现了一物体19世纪天文学界著名的伏尔甘行星出奇的相似,这颗物体正在按被称之为开普勒-10恒星轨道上运行。

    As we reported last month, an object surprisingly similar to an astronomical wild-goose from the 19th century, the mythic planet Vulcan, was found orbiting a star dubbed Kepler 10.


  • 圆盘产生自己引力拖曳这种相互作用的力夺走了行 星轨道上的动量迫使盘旋恒星的方向。

    The disk exerts its own gravitational tug, and this interplay of forces robs the planet of momentum in its orbital path, forcing it to spiral in toward the star.


  • 我们太阳系中,行星轨道几乎是圆形的,这使得科学家预测其他恒星周围的行星位于圆形轨道上。

    The nearly circular orbits of planets in our solar system led scientists to expect that planets around other stars would also reside in circular orbits.


  • 如果我们一月份观察恒星——那时地球轨道上的——位置似乎会与个月出现的位置不同

    If we look at a star in Januarywhen Earth is at one point in its orbitit will seem to be in a different position from where it appears six months later.


  • 这个状物开始合并成为一组原行星时,它们引力拉动着盘状物周围气体凝聚的硬块,一起环绕着恒星轨道运行。

    When the disk begins to coalesce into protoplanets, the gravity of those protoplanets pulls clumps of gas around the disk with them as they orbit the star.


  • 如果所有这些成分存在那么天文学家们可以使用新的方法计算测量大小地球月球轨道恒星质量直接研究人员

    If all those ingredients are present, then astronomers can use the new method to calculate the star's mass directly by measuring the sizes and orbits of the planet and moon, researchers said.


  • 除了这个,还得到半径大小,速度以及周期假设地球上这些恒星环绕轨道同处一个平面

    And out of this information you get the radius, the velocity and the period, assuming that you are on Earth in the plane of the orbit of the stars.


  • 基本上我们测量恒星周围行星月球地球的轨道,”基平

    "Basically, we measure the orbits of the planet around the star and the moon around the planet," Kipping said.


  • 最终会导致其中一个行星这场较量,失去这个星系中存在的资格,或者完全开除出绕恒星运行的轨道

    Eventually, one planet loses the battle and winds up in the nether regions of its solar system or kicked out of the parent star's orbital nest entirely.


  • 副描绘M 33 X - 7艺术概念图,这是位于M33星系一个双星系统黑洞正在一颗巨大恒星轨道运行。

    An artist's conception shows M33 X-7, a binary system in the galaxy M33 where a black hole is in orbit with a large star.


  • 一些模拟场景中,恒星们会沿着一个完整轨道围绕银河系中心运转。

    In some simulations, the stars spread along a full orbit around the galactic center.


  • 我们这个宇宙里出现漫长生命周期恒星具有稳定轨道行星能够实现复杂化学变化分子仿佛它的物理法则被精确校准过

    In our universe the laws of physics seem precisely calibrated to allow the existence of long-lived stars, planets with stable orbits, and molecules that allow complex chemistry.


  • 4.7环绕恒星一周,轨道一个适度椭圆平均距离0.04个天文单位(为水星太阳的十分之一)。

    It orbits its star every 4.7 days, in a moderately elliptical orbit at a mean distance of only 0.04 AU (one tenth of Mercury's distance from the sun).


  • 运行轨道恒星很近但是由于恒星太阳更小些、更些,所以行星气候能够相当温和

    It orbits close to its star, but since that star is somewhat smaller and cooler than the sun, the planet's climate could be rather temperate.


  • 知道地球轨道直径恒星变化角度我们就能计算出距离

    From knowing the diameter of the Earth's orbit and the apparent angular movement of the star, we can calculate the distance to it.


  • 所以原则上来说你们可以决定任何,恒星轨道中的速度轨道半径以及当然二元体系周期

    So, in principle, you can determine for each one of those stars the velocity in orbit, the radius of their orbit and, of course, the period of the binary system.


  • 更好的是,处在其星系的宜以内,围绕恒星格利泽的轨道距离适中,液态水足以存在。

    Better still, it's located in what's known as a habitable zone, orbiting Gliese at just the right distance to have liquid water.


  • 径向速度观察颗行星环绕恒星轨道引起恒星相对地球来往的速度变化

    The radial velocity method, which looks for changes in a star's velocity toward or away from Earth triggered by a planet's orbit around that star.


  • 第一被发现海王星距地球33.4光年位于狮子座的Gliese 436b恒星轨道距离要比海王星太阳的距离近1000

    The first hot Neptune discovered was Gliese 436b some 33.4 light years away in the constellation Leo, which orbits its star a thousand times closer than Neptune orbits our Sun.


  • 颗行星距离地球大概153光年,质量木星轻,但是轻快敏捷的轨道距离中心恒星却比木星的100

    The planet is about 153 light-years from Earth, and weighs a bit less than Jupiter. But its zippy orbit is a hundred times closer to its star than Jupiter's is.


  • 半人马座阿尔法星系的中心位置,有分别颗分别被称为“CenA“Cen B”的恒星,它们轨道运行特征表明附近可能有行星的存在

    The orbital mechanics of the two stars at Alpha Centauri's heart, often called Cen a and Cen b, indicate where planets are likely to reside.


  • 半人马座阿尔法星系的中心位置,有分别颗分别被称为“CenA“Cen B”的恒星,它们轨道运行特征表明附近可能有行星的存在

    The orbital mechanics of the two stars at Alpha Centauri's heart, often called Cen a and Cen b, indicate where planets are likely to reside.


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