• 这个价值6.17亿美元的人造卫星研究宇宙中活动剧烈恒星所发出的辐射能

    The $617 million satellite will study energy radiation from the most violent stars in the universe.


  • 但是这样凌日现象已经证明可能宇宙重要突破之一的说法铺平了道路,这个说法即找到那些围绕其他恒星轨道公转的和地球大小相似的行星

    But such transits have paved the way for what might prove to be one of the most vital breakthroughs in the cosmos—detecting Earth-sized planets orbiting other stars.


  • 但是仍然我们相似因为应该也与同伴交流,对宇宙兴趣,生活一个行星上,这个行星也像是太阳一样的恒星运转。

    It will nevertheless resemble us in that it should communicate with its fellows, be interested in the Universe, live on a planet orbiting a star like our Sun.


  • 摆弄少数几个物理常数我们最终将会导致没有恒星或者没有物质,或者宇宙只能持续地存在于极短一瞬间的结论。

    Tinker with a few physical constants and we would end up with no stars, or no matter, or a universe that lasts only for the blink of an eye.


  • 相反其中巨大分子尘埃云气却搅在一起,在宇宙废墟中心附近引发激烈恒星形成事件

    Instead, their large clouds of molecular gas and dust do, triggering furious episodes of star formation near the center of the cosmic wreckage.


  • 他们中的许多相信随着时间流逝物质逐渐冷却更多种类原子开始形成然后这些原子最终凝聚成了现在宇宙中的恒星星系

    Many believe that as time passed and matter cooled, more diverse kinds of atoms began to form, and they eventually condensed into the stars and galaxies of our present universe.


  • 许多物理学家依然仰望天空搜寻线索,即如今认为如同恒星行星一般平淡无奇宇宙事件本质的线索。

    Plenty of physicists still look to the skies in search for clues to the nature of what is now believed to be as humdrum a cosmic occurrence as stars and planets.


  • 球状星团很多宇宙古老的恒星

    Globular clusters have some of the oldest stars in the universe.


  • 宇宙浩瀚无涯超出想象,无数的恒星行星、星系、星云气体尘埃充斥其间,让我们无法一一探个角落。

    The universe is an unimaginably vast space filled with planets, stars, systems, nebulae, gas, dust — and it's impossible for us to ever explore it all.


  • 任务计划发现以前从未过的目标包括最冷恒星宇宙明亮星系一些最暗近地小行星和彗星

    The mission is designed to uncover objects never seen before, including the coolest stars, the universe's most luminous galaxies and some of the darkest near-Earth asteroids and comets.


  • 主要目标就是研究宇宙中的极端现象——爆发中的恒星宇宙喷流湮灭粒子以及其它那些我们根本不想发生地球附近的现象。

    Its intended purpose is to the study the extreme universe - exploding stars, cosmic jets, annihilating particles, and other stuff that we don't want happening near Earth.


  • 收集数百万光年外的恒星星系宇宙射线信息

    It will also gather information from cosmic radiation sources on stars and galaxies millions of light years away.


  • 现在我们第一证据表明宇宙中存在环绕常态恒星运转行星

    Now, for the first time, we have evidence for a rocky planet around a normal star.


  • 随着发现地外行星脚步不断加快,加上宇宙中含有无数恒星我们的还有更多的惊人发现。

    With a rapidly increasing pace of discovery of exoplanets and a practically infinite number of stars in the universe, many other exciting discoveries are ahead of us.


  • 遍布宇宙各处的星系闪耀恒星诞生的光芒。

    Galaxies throughout the universe are ablaze with star birth.


  • 由于宇宙太多恒星了,所以IAU还使用不同系统命名发现的恒星

    Since there are so many stars in the universe, the IAU USES a different system for newfound stars.


  • 直到最近科学家们才相信大部分伽马射线遥远星系剧烈的宇宙活动产生的,比如超大质量恒星死亡

    Until quite recently, scientists believed that most gamma-rays are produced by cataclysmic events in distant galaxies, such as the death of supermassive stars.


  • 反物质组成宇宙中的星系恒星我们人类原材料(即物质)的古怪堂兄弟

    Antimatter is a strange cousin to the stuff that makes up galaxies, stars and us.


  • 此外由于宇宙膨胀物体(比如恒星星系)离开地球速度,通过红移可以出来

    In addition, the speed at which an object such as a star or galaxy is moving away from Earth, because of the expansion of the universe, can be worked out from its red-shift.


  • 观察远处宇宙恒星爆炸时候,他们注意宇宙不仅爆炸起源点开始不断膨胀膨胀速度还越来越快。

    They were looking at exploding stars in the distant universe, and they noticed that not only is the universe expanding from its big bang origin, but its expansion is actually speeding up.


  • 天体物理学家坚信他们发现了那些宇宙诞生时期恒星所发出微弱光晕。

    Astrophysicists believe they've spotted a faint glow from stars born at the beginning of time.


  • 大图宇宙望远镜揭示早期恒星形成

    BIG PIC: Cosmic Telephoto Reveals Early Star formation.


  • 由于宇宙老的恒星只有一百亿至两百亿年的星龄,所以尚未已知矮星。暂时没有

    Because the universe's oldest stars are only 10 billion to 20 billion years old there are no known black dwarfs-yet.


  • l依据上面所说计算方法文学家可以精确测算出宇宙行星恒星星系运行规律。

    This calculation allows astronomers to predict precisely the movement of every planet, star and galaxy in Universe.


  • 这个发现文学家相信宇宙恒星可能比先前理论推测3

    The finding leads astronomers to believe that there may be three times as many stars in the universe as they'd previously theorized.


  • 通过研究粒子对撞的结果,他们希望发现宇宙怎样含有形成星系恒星行星,或者至少是形成生命本身物质

    By studying what happens, they hope to discover why the universe contains the matter that has formed galaxies, stars, planets and, in at least one place, life itself.


  • 而这样宇宙模型恒星起源方面面临着一些问题:就引力协助构成恒星一样反馈能量也在阻碍他们的构成。

    It also throws up problems for the birth of stars in galaxies, with as much feedback energy needed to prevent their creation as gravity provides to help them form.


  • 构成是超巨星表面膨胀大气宇宙散发的物质一颗大质量恒星进化最后阶段

    The dust is likely formed as the swollen atmosphere of the supergiant sheds material into space, a final phase in the evolution of a massive star.


  • 或许谈及宇宙”这个表达通常暗示意义因该一个限制短语——恒星宇宙

    In speaking of what is ordinarily implied by the expression, Universe, I shall take a phrase of limitation the Universe of stars.


  • 宇宙存在物质普通物质,恒星即由这些物质构成

    There are two types of matter in the universe: ordinary matter, including the material that makes up stars.


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