• 正如我们讨论鸟类显然恐龙后代一些恐龙物种许多共同之处比如羽毛甚至飞行当然还有产卵

    As we've discussed, birds are apparently descendants of dinosaurs and shared many commonalities with some dinosaur species, like feathers and maybe even flight and of course egg laid.


  • 认为恐龙所以他将命名为 Oviraptor,在拉丁语中表示“偷”,这进一步恶化了这些恐龙在人们心目中的负面形象。

    He assumed the dinosaur was stealing the eggs, so he named it Oviraptor that means egg thief in Latin, which fueled the generally negative public image of such dinosaurs.


  • 那些怀疑恐龙温血动物的人指出恐龙骨骼本质通常纤维层状的。

    Those who suspect they were warm-blooded point out that dinosaur bone is generally fibro-lamellar in nature.


  • 1840年至1880年间首次发现研究了这种称为蜥脚类动物的巨型食草恐龙骨骼化石成年型恐龙的巨大特征提供证据

    Fossil bones of the huge herbivorous dinosaurs known as sauropods were first discovered and studied between 1840 and 1880, providing evidence for the gargantuan dimensions of the adults.


  • 还有一些恐龙其他恐龙

    And some dinosaurs ate other dinosaurs!


  • 中国出土有羽毛恐龙化石恐龙鸟类之间密切进化关系提供迄今为止引人注目的证据

    Unearthed in China, fossils of feathered dinosaurs offer the most dramatic evidence yet discovered of the close evolutionary relationship between dinosaurs and birds.


  • 这个问题仍然没有答案事实上根据所有证据我们不能基于恐龙骨骼恐龙生理学做出一个明确声明

    This question remains unanswered; indeed, taking all the evidence into account, one cannot make a definitive statement about dinosaur physiology on the basis of dinosaur bone.


  • 当今已经没有恐龙生存了,但是我们可以博物馆看到恐龙模型

    There are no dinosaurs alive today, but models of dinosaurs can be seen in the museum.


  • 迅猛龙看起来有点恐龙但是它们其他兽脚类恐龙比如暴龙相比,与鸟类相似。

    Raptors look quite a bit like dinosaurs but they have much more in common with birds than they do with other theropod dinosaurs such as Tyrannosaurus.


  • 很难理解为什么它们不会受到影响,恐龙却因为残疾而无法生存,尤其是如果恐龙一些科学家认为的那样温血动物。

    It's hard to understand why they would not be affected, whereas dinosaurs were left too crippled to cope, especially if, as some scientists believe, dinosaurs were warm-blooded.


  • 长期以来,研究恐龙生理学科学家们一直在争论恐龙到底温血动物还是冷血动物。

    Scientists studying the physiology of dinosaurs have long debated whether dinosaurs were warm- or cold-blooded.


  • 由于成年恐龙化石有时巢穴附近巢穴顶部发现我们一直观察恐龙育儿行为

    Since adult dinosaur fossils have sometimes been discovered near or on top of nests, we've been looking at the dinosaur parenting behavior.


  • 尽管de Ricqlès 极力主张谨慎对待,主张恐龙生理学中间类型,但这一代古生物学家已经开始相信恐龙骨骼哺乳动物相似。

    Although de Ricqlès urged caution, arguing for an intermediate type of dinosaur physiology, a generation of paleontologists has come to believe that dinosaur bone is mammalian like.


  • 来可能会发现更多包括脚印、骨头或恐龙蛋在内的恐龙化石。

    More dinosaur fossils, including footprints, bones or eggs, could be discovered in the future.


  • 这种反对合理,因为只有早期的兽脚亚目食肉恐龙锁骨发现但是现在已经发掘出类似始祖鸟骨的兽脚亚目食肉恐龙锁骨化石

    This objection was reasonable when only early theropod clavicles had been discovered, but fossilized theropod clavicles that look just like the wishbone of Archaeopteryx have now been unearthed.


  • 恐龙世界我们看到许多种类恐龙化石

    We saw many kinds of fossils of dinosaurs in the dinosaur World.


  • 这种古老的爬行动物背上有着标志性的船帆状背鳍,它常常被误认为一种恐龙甚至出现恐龙玩具

    This reptile, with its iconic sail-shaped back, is often mistakenly identified as a dinosaur, and is even included in packages of toy dinosaurs.


  • 第二恐龙时期已知大型鸟类,与恐龙同时期的鸟类名单扩大了。

    It's the second known large avian from the dinosaur era, adding to the list of birds that lived alongside dinosaurs.


  • 科沃斯拉丁美洲发现目前已知最大恐龙发现的西班牙恐龙创造新的欧洲记录

    The largest known dinosaurs have been found in Latin America and the new Spanish dinosaur claims the record for Europe, Cobos said.


  • 这些方面恐龙骨骼哺乳动物恐龙现代后裔——鸟类——骨骼相似,而古代现代的鳄鱼骨骼不相同。

    In these characteristics, dinosaur bones are similar to those both of mammals and of dinosaurs' modern descendants, the birds, and dissimilar to those of both ancient and modern crocodiles.


  • 答案就1999年出的本名叫《以及恐龙宝贝恐龙繁殖初探》的里。

    A 1999 book squarely addresses your question: Kenneth Carpenter's Eggs, Nests, and Baby Dinosaurs: A Look at Dinosaur Reproduction.


  • 小鸡以及其他禽类恐龙后代,有着恐龙基因

    Chickens, and other birds, are descendants of dinosaurs and carry the dino DNA.


  • 自贡恐龙博物馆世界上三个最大恐龙博物馆之一建立恐龙化石遗址上。

    Zigong dinosaur museum: it is one of the three biggest dinosaur museums in the world built on the site of a group of dinosaur fossils.


  • 澳洲古生物学家亚当叶茨这种恐龙从前没有见过恐龙族谱上非常重要地位。」

    This is a species "that no one has seen before and one that has a very significant position in the family tree of dinosaurs, " said Australian paleontologist Adam Yates.


  • 有人恐龙后代(兽脚恐龙是一食肉的两足恐龙,其中包括龙、迅猛暴龙),这引起了学界很大的注意。

    Suggestions that they were the direct descendants of theropod dinosaurs (a group of bipedal meat-eaters that include Allosaurus, Velociraptor and Tyrannosaurus) caused quite a flap.


  • 尽管在《侏罗纪公园影片恐龙有自信刻画,但是对恐龙的重现必然需要不断地重新解译

    Despite the confident depiction of them in films such as "Jurassic Park", the reconstruction of dinosaurs is subject to constant re-interpretation.


  • 兽脚亚目食肉恐龙早期有翼羽的恐龙主要靠后足行走不会飞行

    Theropods were early winged and feathered dinosaurs that walked mainly on their hind legs and were incapable of flight.


  • 恐龙以及恐龙消失侏罗纪的标志人类或许也会它们那样定义一个地质时期

    Human may define a geological period in the way dinosaursand their vanishing act — helped mark the Jurassic.


  • 加拿大研究人员琥珀发现保存完好的恐龙羽毛,这表明恐龙中的许多品种可能全身覆盖着大量羽毛

    Researchers in Canada have discovered dinosaur feathers perfectly preserved in amber, suggesting that many species of dinosaur may have been covered in rich plumage.


  • 加拿大研究人员琥珀发现保存完好的恐龙羽毛,这表明恐龙中的许多品种可能全身覆盖着大量羽毛

    Researchers in Canada have discovered dinosaur feathers perfectly preserved in amber, suggesting that many species of dinosaur may have been covered in rich plumage.


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