• 人类大脑创造模式的,所有如果不停地集中焦虑恐惧问题的大脑将启动寻找消极东西没有资源剩下寻找积极的东西。

    The human brain is wired to create patterns, so if you constantly focus on worries, fears and problems your brain gets "stuck" looking for the negative and has no resources left to seek the positive.


  • 被确定具有高度焦虑恐惧愤怒抑郁孤独主人的猫有可能行为问题

    Owners defined as individuals with high levels of anxiety, fear, anger, depression and loneliness were more likely to have cats with behavioural issues.


  • 恐惧驱动的,随着资金问题确定性进一步突出,它正在制造更多恐惧

    It has been driven by fear, and it is creating even more fear as money problems and uncertainty grow.


  • 报道,错失恐惧症是一个严重的问题,它会让你感到沮丧、孤独无聊。

    It is reported that FOMO is a serious problem, which can make you feel upset, lonely and bored.


  • 并且这个问题根源大多数情况下由于——恐惧不负责任

    And the roots of this problem, in most cases, are the following - fear and irresponsibility.


  • 显然这些至关重要问题掺杂已知事实显著的恐惧偏见报的混合体。

    And of course these are all crucial issues, riddled with a mix of known facts and remarkable fears, prejudices, and misinformation.


  • 发表了此类研究文章之后,有红头发人群给塞斯勒医生写信抱怨他们的牙疼问题看牙医恐惧

    After publishing research on the topic, Dr. Sessler began hearing from redheads who complained about problems with dental pain and fear about going to the dentist.


  • 最终战胜人性中的恐惧之前只是时间问题首要勇气然后是诚实接着是荣誉正直,最终就会得到自由。

    It's only a matter of time before you sacrifice the noblest parts of your humanity on the altar of fear: first courage... then honesty... then honor and integrity... and finally your independent will.


  • 不管是否能成功战胜这种恐惧或者是否能成功开创自己的事业,这另外一个问题——你首先必须用你的努力时间能力接受失败失败中学到些什么。

    Whether you’ll be successful at overcoming the fear, and at starting your own business, is another questionit takes work, and time, and an ability to accept failure and learn from it.


  • 恐惧缺乏信任也是他们共同点——尤其是面临婚姻问题时候

    Fear and lack of trust were common threadsespecially when the issue of marriage came up.


  • 问题案件英国黑暗心灵恐惧举起一面镜子多于真的情况。

    The trouble is, the case held up a mirror less to the real state of Britain than to its dark, psychic fears.


  • 能够敞开心扉谈论诸如恐惧焦虑挫败怀疑等种种心理问题有利于解决生活中的问题

    Being able to talk openly about fears, anxiety, frustration, and doubts can be very helpful in dealing well with these new facts of life.


  • 所有那些问题恐惧谴责自责,所有审判期间冒出来的恐怖痛苦以及立即都失去的直觉又一股脑回来了。

    All the questions and fears, accusations and self-accusations, all the horror and pain that had erupted during the trial and been immediately deadened were back, and back for good.


  • 寂寞孤独空虚无聊社会偏见个人恐惧使得我们把单身问题给放大,变成一个真实情况还要糟糕的问题

    Feelings of loneliness or emptiness societal prejudices towards singles and personal fears about being single can make us perceive singleness as a much bigger problem than it really is.


  • 寂寞孤独空虚无聊社会偏见个人恐惧,都使得我们把单身问题给放大,变成一个真实情况还要糟糕的问题

    Feelings of loneliness or emptiness, societal prejudices towards singles, and personal fears about being single can make us perceive singleness as a much bigger problem than it really is.


  • 可以用于治疗方式包括药物治疗针对各种恐惧自助团体不过任何担心自己可能问题的人,都应该家庭医生,以便做出正确的诊断

    There are treatments available including medication and self-help groups for all manner of phobias, but anyone fearing they may have a problem should see a GP first for proper diagnosis.


  • 但是新的研究发现凡是符合社交恐惧标准青少年容易陷入沮丧、焦虑物质障碍其他问题

    But the new research finds that teens who meet the criteria for social phobia are also more likely to struggle with depression, anxiety, substance disorders and other problems.


  • 医药营销医学科学令人着迷令人恐惧方式融合,关于是否应用一种定义疾病方法正当的,这些问题浮现出来。

    Drug marketing is merging with medical science in a fascinating and frightening way, raising questions about whether a new approach to defining diseases is warranted.


  • 事实上这项研究发现,对失业恐惧能够很好的预言身体健康问题吸烟高血压预言的健康问题还要准。

    In fact, the study found that job fear was a better predictor of poor health than both smoking and hypertension.


  • 消除他们恐惧他们知道技巧经验解决他们的问题

    Calm their fears: Let them see how your skills and experience can solve their problems.


  • 帮助克服团队恐惧、解决Scrum对于更多沟通反馈互动要求所引发的问题等方面需要HR的参与。

    HR should also be included to help conquer team fear, and issues with Scrum's demands for greater communication, feedback and interaction.


  • 使心里充满敬畏惊疑恐惧没完没了地问题

    It filled me with awe, wonder, and fear, and I asked ceaseless questions.


  • 允许一个问题美国媒体为何减轻纳塔尼亚担心恐惧如此负责? ?

    AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Allow me to ask a question from you. Why does U. S. media feel so responsible for allaying Mr. Netanyahu's concerns and fears?


  • 这个问题——是年迈人,还是正在悲痛绝望心情注视年迈,心存对自身衰老的恐惧那些人?

    Who is asking the question - the senile, or those who are watching the senility with sorrow, with despair and fear of their own deterioration?


  • 武装冲突被迫移民许多关键全球问题存在分歧这个时刻人民应该为了共同目标,携起手来,而不应该因为恐惧相互背弃

    At a time of divisiveness on many key global issues, from armed conflict to forced migration, people need to turn toward each other in common cause, not away from each other in fear.


  • 世界一系列问题标题神秘面纱这些难题,一劳永逸地通过显示即使是数学恐惧读者简单一步一步技巧技术

    This new title in the World problems series demystifies these difficult problems once and for all by showing even the most math-phobic readers simple, step-by-step tips and techniques.


  • 世界一系列问题标题神秘面纱这些难题,一劳永逸地通过显示即使是数学恐惧读者简单一步一步技巧技术

    This new title in the World problems series demystifies these difficult problems once and for all by showing even the most math-phobic readers simple, step-by-step tips and techniques.


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