• 这个可怕幽灵出现之前,恐惧退却,这种恐惧在我写作时伴随着

    Before this awful apparition, I retreat in terror that is upon me as I write.


  • 久之渐渐领悟其实所有恐惧大脑出于保护自己本能产生的,而且你也会领悟那些未知恐惧没有你潜意识中认为的那样危险

    With time you will start understanding that all those fears are just crap that your brain creates to protect you from the unknown but you’ll also know that this unknown is not THAT dangerous.


  • 这个列表中蜘蛛恐惧甚至对死亡恐惧排到了一起,这样值得深思。

    That's pretty high considering its companions on that list are fear of spiders, fear of heights, and even the fear of death.


  • 几个晚上处在惶惑死亡恐惧中,第二天早上他就克服恐惧

    Some nights he was in blank terror of death, but in the morning he could deal with it.


  • 你们还是肉身,会被想象恐惧左右,会多大的恐惧啊,让人险恶存在寻找安全感

    You that are still in the flesh, subject to horrors of the imagination, think what a monstrous fear that must be which seeks in darkness security from malevolent existences of the night.


  • 艾伦许多成千上万其他同性恋恐惧法律受到一样判处同性恋男人受到恐怖的‘礼遇’,那些年里成百万生活被定罪恐惧中。

    Alan and the many thousands of other gay men who were convicted as he was convicted under homophobic laws were treated terribly. Over the years millions more lived in fear of conviction.


  • 邦德不仅可怕车祸中活下来了,面对恐惧,丈量着恐惧带来的痛苦

    Not only does Bond survive this horrific car crash, he then faces horrible, length torture.


  • 至今为止,他们结果始终支持论点——著名恐惧管理理论——我们观念中的某些方面受到一种需求支配一需求就是控制我们自己对死亡恐惧

    So far, their results consistently support a thesis - known as Terror Management Theory - that particular aspects of our outlook are governed by our need to manage our fear of death.


  • 挑战自己。正视恐惧直到感到窘迫为止。挑战自己忍耐让你恐惧事情这件事让你无法忍受了,就暂时恐惧中抽离出来

    Confront the fear until you become distressed. Challenge yourself to endure the situation. When it becomes unbearable, separate yourself from the fear.


  • 公共演讲恐惧美国视为所有恐惧排在第一位的。

    Making a presentation in public is the no.1 fear reported by people in the U.S..


  • 缺乏这种GluA1化学改质的老鼠会重新出现响亮声音造成的恐惧记忆同窝出生的老鼠中仍然拥有正常glua1蛋白质的老鼠不会重新出现相同恐惧记忆。

    Mice lacking this chemical modification of GluA1 recovered fear memories induced by loud tones, whereas littermates that still had normal GluA1 protein did not recover the same fear memories.


  • 久之渐渐领悟其实所有恐惧大脑出于保护自己本能产生的,而且你也领悟那些未知恐惧没有你潜意识中认为的那样危险

    With time you will start understanding that all those fears are just crap that your brain creates to protect you from the unknown but you'll also know that this unknown is not that dangerous.


  • 足够多记录丧失中,恐惧成为常态出于恐惧人们为了生存而彼此攻击

    In the loss of enough records, fear becomes the norm, and out of fear, one attacks another in order to survive.


  • 奇迹代表恐惧中解脱出自由。“救赎”具有“消解”之意。消解恐惧乃是奇迹救赎价值根本要素。

    Miracles represent FREEDOM from fear. "Atoning" really means "undoing." the undoing of fear is an essential part of the Atonement value of miracles.


  • 自己越多面临恐惧心态包围自己,潜意识中你将会恐惧赶出去

    The more you surround yourself with the mindset of facing your fear, the more you subconsciously intend to kick fear out of the window.


  • 你自己生活中直面恐惧就能战胜恐惧

    To be yourself, get rid of all fear in your life by facing it head on.


  • 坠落噩梦可以反映恐高,对失控恐惧以及一种生活所依靠的感觉甚至是对死亡恐惧

    Nightmares of falling could reflect a fear of heights, a fear of not being in control, a feeling of having nothing solid to hold onto in life, or even a fear of death.


  • 真正开始理解那个恐惧并不服务创造扭曲而是恐惧关系创造那个扭曲。

    Truly begin to understand that the fear does not create the distortion in your service, but your relationship with the fear creates that distortion.


  • 这个观察中,不是某种特定恐惧而是恐惧真正根源被粉碎了。

    Not any particular fear but the very root of fear is disintegrated in this observation.


  • 记忆中最大恐惧是对死亡恐惧思考最大问题可能也是生死的问题。

    In my memory, the most horrible thing was death. And the biggest question that I had thought might be the question of life and death.


  • 奇迹代表了恐惧中解脱自由。“救赎”具有“化解”之意。化解恐惧乃是奇迹救赎效能的根本要素。

    Miracles represent freedom from fear. "Atoning" means "undoing". The undoing of fear is an essential part of the atonement value of miracles.


  • 灵魂一点力量勇气自信积累,都来自于你一次又一次地直视恐惧面对恐惧

    You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.


  • 医学对于心理恐惧治疗方法简单中医食疗的方法,中医食疗方法怎么治疗心理恐惧呢?

    Medicine for the treatment of psychological phobia, the most simple way is Chinese diet, therapeutic method of Chinese medicine treatment of psychological fear of how it?


  • 暴露疗法中,医生不具威胁性方式患者频繁暴露于所恐惧的事物中,帮助他们直面内心的恐惧逐渐弱化恐惧反应这个过程称作“消退法”(extinction)。

    In exposure treatment, repetitive exposure to a phobia in a nonthreatening way is designed to help patients confront their fears and gradually weaken the fear response, a process known as extinction.


  • 我们可以审美现代性语境恐惧问题展开梳理论述,也可以从恐惧视角反观现代性。

    In the context of aesthetic modernity, we can discuss and analyze the problem of angst more distinctly, ponder on modernity under the perspective of angst.


  • 年老心中,在他精力充沛身体中,存在着对死亡恐惧。很明显可能没有的,这种恐惧显然不能失明恐惧压倒

    In that old heart, in that vigorous body, there was, that nothing should be wanting, a horror of death that apparently could not be overcome by the horror of blindness.


  • 年老心中,在他精力充沛身体中,存在着对死亡恐惧。很明显可能没有的,这种恐惧显然不能失明恐惧压倒

    In that old heart, in that vigorous body, there was, that nothing should be wanting, a horror of death that apparently could not be overcome by the horror of blindness.


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