• 整个911事件涉及纽约、弗吉尼亚宾夕法尼亚,而纽约世贸大厦则是此次恐怖袭击事件中心约有12000逃离双子楼,幸而生还

    At the World Trade center alone, epicenter of the terrorist attacks that unfolded in New York, Virginia, and Pennsylvania, an estimated 12,000 people emerged from the twin towers alive.


  • 仿佛观看一部恐怖电影人们眼睁睁地看着一个沿着大厦外面往下爬,爬了以后,便仰面向后坠落

    People watched in horror as a man tried to shimmy down the outside of the tower. He made it about three floors before flipping backward to the ground.


  • 新闻博物馆选取了60联邦调查局收藏的用于恐怖事件审判证据其中包括撞击世贸大厦后残留的大块飞机碎片。

    The Newseum selected 60 pieces of evidence the FBI had in storage for use in terror trials, including huge pieces of an airplane that survived ramming into the World Trade Center towers.


  • 恐怖活动演愈烈,纽约世贸大厦北奥塞梯恐怖威胁警钟一次又一次敲响。

    Terrorist activities are ever more rampant. From the New York World Trade Center to North Ossetia, the alarm bell of terrorist threats has tolled loud time and again.


  • 总体来看有一半受访者称当时他们笼罩大楼倒塌产生巨大烟尘中,70%的人亲眼目睹飞机撞上大厦尸体横飞恐怖场景;

    Overall, half of the respondents said they had been in the dust cloud from the collapsing towers;70 percent witnessed a traumatic sight, such as a plane hitting the tower or falling bodies;


  • 2002年3月11日纽约世贸大厦遭受恐怖袭击个月纪念日自由女神像闪烁纪念光碑。

    The "Tribute in Light" memorial shines behind the Statue of Liberty, March 11, 2002, on the six-month anniversary of the World Trade Center terrorist attacks in New York.


  • 恐怖袭击纪念日当天逝去的生命建造纪念碑零地(“911恐怖袭击”中倒塌的世界贸易中心遗址)上矗立新的世贸大厦尽快继续建造。

    On the anniversary of the attacks a memorial to those killed will be dedicated at Ground Zero while work on the new One World Trade Centre tower continues apace.


  • 社会礼仪大厦高大恐怖,他礼仪社会之间的名片交往迷宫迷了路,终于放弃了寻找

    He was appalled at the vast edifice of etiquette, and lost himself in the mazes of visiting-card conduct between persons in polite society. He abandoned his search.


  • 月黑风高晚上,在恐怖危机大厦充满僵尸鬼魂煤泥蜘蛛其他海洋生物。

    On Heifeng high in the evening, the terrorist crisis in the building, full of zombies, ghosts, slime, spiders and other Marine life.


  • 有关当局星期四宣布了将这些恐怖嫌疑人逮捕消息。指控阴谋袭击芝加哥地标性建筑西尔斯大厦以及迈阿密联邦调查局办公室

    Authorities announced the arrests of the terror suspects Thursday. The men are alleged to have planned attacks against the landmark Sears Tower in Chicago and an FBI office in Miami.


  • 美国战舰使用了纽约世贸大厦残骸提炼钢铁。现在,这艘战舰参观2001年恐怖袭击场景

    An American warship, whose hull contains steel salvaged from the debris of the World Trade Center in New York, has paid an inaugural visit to the scene of the 2001 attacks.


  • 美国战舰使用了纽约世贸大厦残骸提炼钢铁。现在,这艘战舰参观2001年恐怖袭击场景

    An American warship, whose hull contains steel salvaged from the debris of the World Trade Center in New York, has paid an inaugural visit to the scene of the 2001 attacks.


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