• 总计$220329。

    It came to a grand total of $220,329.


  • 8天来总计5608角。

    The total for the eight days is five hundred sixty yuan and eighty fen.


  • 总计436

    That will be the total, it is 436 yuan.


  • 店员:(微笑)我会对不起我们弄错了费用一下…总计200

    I will. I'm sorry for the mistake. I'll change it for you…Okay. The total is 200 yuan.


  • 资产净值外,他们金融资产总计是可支配收入的3.2相比之下,美国德国为1.9和1.1倍。

    Their net financial assets, excluding equities, amount to 3.2 times personal disposable income, compared with a ration of only 1.9 in America and 1.1 in Germany (see left-hand chart).


  • 这些客户的用电量总计4800兆瓦(如果需要其他用户还可以继续签约),超过美国最大核电站装机容量。

    Their combined consumption, which can be made available to other users if needed, is 4,800mw, exceeding the output of America's largest nuclear plant.


  • Zillow 资料显示,10 月的时候,中等房屋价格包括单一生活用房屋公共区域,总计 250800 美元,几乎整个房产 127300 美元的两倍

    The median home value, including single-family properties and condominiums, was $250, 800 in October, almost twice the $127, 300 for the entire state, according to Zillow.


  • Zillow 资料显示,10 月的时候,中等房屋的价格,包括单一生活用房屋公共区域,总计 250800 美元,几乎整个房产 127300 美元两倍

    The median home value, including single-family properties and condominiums, was $250,800 in October, almost twice the $127,300 for the entire state, according to Zillow.


  • 经常电影院一个很少去电影院的人总计电影票更多的钱,似乎合理的。

    It seems reasonable that a person who often goes to the movies pays more in total for movie tickets than a person who rarely goes.


  • 接下来小计附加费用比如运费处理费佣金以及总计

    Then follows a subtotal, additional charges such as shipping, handling, brokerage, taxes, and the total.


  • 总计使印度赤字接近GDP8%,新兴经济体中最高的。

    This puts the total deficit closer to 8% of GDP, the biggest among the main emerging economies.


  • 斯坦家庭信托总计持有1,620万公司股票,持股比例约为11% ,Lazard股份最大集中持有人

    Mr. Wasserstein and the Wasserstein family trust hold a total of about 16.2 million shares, or about 11% of the company, the largest concentrated holdings of Lazard shares.


  • BillJensen一位管理咨询师,他管自己叫做“简单先生”。调查了1500家企业总计有50万员工最后得出了自己的结论

    Bill Jensen, an American management consultant who bills himself as 'Mr Simplicity', has surveyed 1, 500 companies, totalling 500, 000 employees, to arrive at his conclusions.


  • 密码模糊度测量总计时的补充击键需求之间精度

    A complement to the obfuscation and total timing measurements is a precision between keystrokes requirement.


  • 个值得指出该项研究涉及了一个相对较少数量女孩样本总计83名,似乎一个足够的群体,不足以得出可靠通用结论

    It's also worth pointing out that the study involved a relatively small sample of girls: 83 in total, which doesn't seem like a large enough group to form any definitive, universal conclusions.


  • 总计欧元区17银行业平均杠杆比率为26 - 1——美国的两

    All told, Banks across the 17-country euro area average 26-1 leverage - double the ratio in the United States.


  • 算什么:2010年,互联网用户总计发送了107万亿(没错,单位万亿”)条消息

    That's nothing: Internet users collectively sent 107 trillion (yes, that's with a "t") messages in 2010.


  • 研究基于美国11年间每个节日所有小孩出生出生证明信息而得出的结果——总计出生小孩超过180万个。

    The study was based on birth certificate information for all deliveries in the US either side of each holiday across 11 years - in total more than 1.8 million births.


  • 这位被认为世界第三富有的投资者,去年所得税率总计达到17.4%,办公室其他员工的平均税收负担却达到36%。

    The investor, believed to be the world’s third-richest man, said his income-tax rate amounted to 17.4% last year, whereas the average burden on others in his offices was 36%.


  • 位于苏格兰福斯贝斯,这里世界上最大北方岩石栖息地,总计多于十二万的塘鹅筑巢

    Bass rock in the Firth of Forth, Scotland, is the largest single rock colony of northern gannets in the world, amounting to more than 120,000 occupied nests.


  • reduce函数计数器(一些1整数)进行总计因此提供给目标地震文件中某一个日期出现次数

    My reduce function will then sum up the counters (which are just integers with the value of 1), thus providing me with the number of times a date occurs in a target earthquake file.


  • 总计144583本发行量竞争这么激烈市场以及对于拥有众多业务斯特来说,显然不够的。

    A circulation of 144, 583 is apparently not enough in a crowded market and, for Hearst, a crowded portfolio.


  • 他们交通延误耗时总计1.35亿小时额外消耗燃料差不多达9600万加仑——20年前延误耗时的4接近20年前额外耗油的5倍。

    They spent a total of 135m hours in traffic delays, burning through almost 96m extra gallons of fuel-four times as much time and almost five times as much fuel as 20 years earlier.


  • 这种新的市容采取形式一系列湖泊湿地水域提供贷款的形式向新的地区的

    This new amenity takes the form of a series of lakes, wetlands and waterways which lend form to the new districts in the master plan.


  • 总计可以包括显示的数据或者可见隐藏的数据。

    Totals can include only the displayed data, or both visible and hidden data.


  • 总计可以包括显示的数据或者可见隐藏的数据。

    Totals can include only the displayed data, or both visible and hidden data.


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