• 发出一封信并且抄送总裁

    He fired off a letter and copied it to the president.


  • 执行总裁已经提名了一新的财务总监

    The CEO has named a new chief financial officer.


  • 总裁收到了电报简报

    The president received a briefing by telegram.


  • 提拔总裁职位

    He was elevated to the post of president.


  • 他们的代言人总裁

    Their mouthpiece is the vice president.


  • 这位新的临时代理总裁主见名声

    The new acting president has a reputation of being someone who is independent.


  • 听从总裁吩咐

    She takes orders only from the president.


  • 一个家族企业–现任总裁是该世家的第4代。

    This is a family-owned company – the current president is the fourth in this dynasty.


  • 给了比尔一个公司总裁董事长主管经理厮混机会

    This gave Bill an opportunity to hobnob with the company's president, board chairman, and leading executives.


  • 三月份,今年时代》杂志年度人物巴马掉了通用总裁

    In March its chief executive was fired by Time's current man of the year, Mr. Obama.


  • 公司负责营销销售总裁表示:“我们受益较低预期。“

    According to the firm's vice-president of marketing and sales, "We benefited from low expectations."


  • 所有吃惊的是,总裁逃往美国使得公司陷入一片混乱之中。

    To everyone's surprise, the CEO fled to the US, leaving his company in a mess.


  • 然而沃尔玛网上销售同比增长了7%,导致总裁哀叹增长太慢”。

    Yet Walmart's year-over-year online sales only grew 7 percent, leading its CEO to lament "Growth here is too slow."


  • 高级总裁 JulietJiang:“锅炉发家致富。”

    His senior vice-president, Juliet Jiang, says, "He made his fortune on boilers."


  • 企业之所以存在总裁COO头衔考虑到了高管层的运营能力

    The reason why the company has the titles of "President" and "COO" is to consider the operational capabilities of the senior management.


  • 负责邮递邮局运营总裁迪安·格兰霍姆表示一轮关闭今年秋季开始

    Dean Granholm, the vice president for delivery and post office operations, said the first wave of closings would begin this fall.


  • 2004年,《福布斯杂志耐克总裁菲利普·奈特列为全球排行第53富豪。

    Forbes magazine identified Nike's president, Philip Knight, as the 53rd-richest man in the world in 2004.


  • “这些说法的流传伤害了零售商娱乐了消费者。”Verde集团总裁拉·考特尼

    "Storytelling hurts retailers and entertains consumers," said Paula Courtney, President of the Verde group.


  • 他们公司人事方面没有多少根基。”管理咨询公司总裁负责人詹姆斯·表示

    "They don't get a lot of grounding in the people side of the business," said James Shaffer, vice-president and principal of the Towers Perrin management consulting firm.


  • EggInnovations 公司总裁约翰·布伦凯尔指出年轻人真的很关心地球”。

    Young adults "really care about the planet," says John Brunnquell, president of Egg Innovations.


  • 多年来,高管猎头公司一直坚持这样一规则:引人注目执行总裁候选人必须挖走

    For years executives and headhunters have adhered to the rule that the most attractive CEO candidates are the ones who must be poached.


  • 公司负责营销销售总裁表示:“我们预期中受益这个产品人们预期好的。”

    According to the firm's vice-president of marketing and sales, "We benefited from low expectations. The products were much better than people thought they would be."


  • 该市开发商盖尔国际公司总裁斯科特·萨默斯表示:“这里正在成为一个非常适合工作的地方。”

    "It's becoming a great place to work," says Scott Summers, vice-president of Gale International, the developer of the city.


  • “你可以看上晚上电视数数自己一共听到多少背景音乐。” “蝶总裁里米·拉斯赛尔

    "Watch an evening's worth of TV and count how many times you hear music in the background," says Jeremy Lascelles, chief executive of Chrysalis.


  • 我们以为这些设备最大关注点将是内容消费。”杜克大学信息技术总裁首席信息西·富西

    "We had assumed that the biggest focus of these devices would be consuming the content," said Tracy Futhey, vice president for information technology and chief information officer at Duke.


  • 词汇来回顾21世纪十年是个如梦初醒甚至悲观事情。”全球语言监测机构总裁鲍尔·JJ·佩亚克

    "Looking at the first decade of the 21st century in words is a sober, even sombre, event, " said Paul JJ Payack, president of The Global Language Monitor.


  • 我们不能公布其他人消息。”苹果公司iPodiPhone营销总裁Greg Joswiak

    "We can't announce other people's news," said Greg Joswiak, vice president of iPod and iPhone marketing at Apple.


  • 脸书总裁埃利奥特·沙里奇表示,公司只是在做出改变提升服务如果人们分享信息那么用户体验满意度将会有所降低。

    According to Facebook's vice-president Elliot Scharage, the company is simply making changes to improve its service, and if people don't share information, they have a less satisfying experience.


  • 今年5月,伊利诺伊州体育公司总裁朱莉·尼蒙斯成功打赢了诉讼,该诉讼涉及一名着舒特头盔比赛中瘫痪足球运动员

    In May, Julie Nimmons, president of Schutt Sports in Illinois, successfully fought a lawsuit involving a football player who was paralyzed in a game while wearing a Schutt helmet.


  • 总裁叫去问话被解雇了

    He was hauled before the managing director and fired.


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