• 莫夫塔金总督反抗军摧毁时,维德认为消失在宇宙深渊中

    When Grand Moff Tarkin's Death Star was destroyed by the Rebels, it was believed that Vader had been lost to the void.


  • 令人崇敬温斯洛普总督床边了大半夜,尽拙技之能为减轻痛苦

    I had spent the better part of the night at the bedside of the worshipful Governor Winthrop, doing what my poor skill might to give him ease.


  • 亚瑟总督请求之下,英格兰运来了上十万英镑硬币满足殖民地需要

    At the request of Governor Arthur, COINS to the value of a hundred thousand pounds were sent out from England for the use of the colonists.


  • 盖丽尔卢克通报总督的阴谋。卢克运用阻止幼年寄生虫杀死自己。

    Gaerial informed Luke of the governor's plot, and using the Force, he was able to prevent the larval parasites from killing him.


  • 知道费伦奇上校上船时带来了总督信件于是就向船长索要那些由我携带的信。

    Understanding that colonel french had brought on board the governor's despatches, i asked the captain for those letters that were to be under my care .


  • 第二重返此地,并印第安人麻烦告知了约翰·莫里·多莫尔总督调查员

    The next year he went again into the region carrying a warning of Indian troubles to Governor John Murray Dunmore's surveyors.


  • 西班牙人1510年在此定居于1740年后组成了拉纳总督的辖地。

    It was settled by the Spanish in 1510 and formed the nucleus of the viceroyalty of New Granada after 1740.


  • 那个时代沟通耗费时日,国王的命令再总督汇报,传达所有总督需要以上

    Communications being slow in those days, a dispatch from the king, responding to a viceroy's report, could take more than a year to reach an individual viceroy.


  • 很大程度要归功于苏乐总督睿智治理致力于犯人改造,同时注重自由移民素质的提升

    Much of the progress was due to the sensible management of Governor Sorell, who spared no effort to reform the convicts, as well as to elevate and refine the free settlers.


  • 庞塞·莱昂,凭借着总督权利决定考察北部地区,那传闻中拥有不老地方,据说喝了不老泉的人可以重青春。

    Ponce DE Leon, freed of his governorship, decided to explore areas to the north, where there was rumored to be a fountain of youth that restored the youth of anyone drinking from it.


  • 海丝特·白兰举起门口腿于,敲了下门总督一个家奴应声而至,他本一个英国的自由民,但当了奴仆了。

    Lifting the iron hammer that hung at the portal, Hester Prynne gave a summons, which was answered by one of the Governor's bond-servants; a free-born Englishman, but now a seven years' slave.


  • Atropatene总督辖地以及高加索阿尔巴尼亚公元前4世纪建立包括阿塞拜疆现在大部分领土以及Dagestan以南部分

    The satrapies of Atropatene and Caucasian Albania were established in the 4th century BC and included the approximate territories of present-day Azerbaijan and southern parts of Dagestan.


  • 新任总督胜过前任

    The new governor is an improvement on his predecessor.


  • 农民当时岛上总督寻求帮助。

    The farmers asked the governor over the island at that time for help.


  • 出版商担心强迫接受包括殖民地总督在内受过教育的学术审查

    The publisher, fearful of being cheated, forced her to submit to his scholarly examination by a board of educated men, including the colonial governor.


  • 著名总督总督夫人已经来了

    The famous Viceroy and Vicereine have come.


  • 引发持续降雨击落电源可能引起山体滑坡波多黎各总督敦促居民留在室内

    Citing continuing rains, downed power lines, and potential landslides, the Puerto Rico governor urged residents to stay indoors.


  • 因为,昨天夜里我们那位善心的温斯洛总督成了天使,所以不用说,上天显显象才是呢!

    For, as our good Governor Winthrop was made an angel this past night, it was doubtless held fit that there should be some notice thereof!


  • 可怕了!”总督着,渐渐珠儿应答带给震惊中恢复过来

    "This is awful!" cried the Governor, slowly recovering from the astonishment into which Pearl's response had thrown him.


  • 名义无数归因于往来交易它对它们了解不会威尼斯总督威尼斯所发生的事了解得多

    Love lends its name to countless dealings which are attributed to it but of which it knows no more than the doge knows what goes on in Venice.


  • 不久也成为众多俘虏一个,很快我就了那个行列,没有受到任何来自巴比伦军伤害之后我就跟随了尼亚的总督大利

    Soon, I was in the captives lines but then, I was taken out and I was done no harm by the guards of Babylon and I was left to live with Gedaliah the Governor of Judah!


  • 商人对于支付过路费其他黑胡子对他们所做残忍的事情觉得厌烦了,于是他们要求弗吉尼亚州总督亚历山大·斯波伍德帮助他们摆脱黑胡子。

    The merchant's got tired of paying the toll and of the other mean things that Blackbeard did to them, so they asked the lieutenant governor of Virginia, Alexander Spotswood to help get rid of him.


  • 于是总督们接受一个简单规则诠释国王的命令——“国王是明智的”。

    So, the viceroys adopted a simple rule for interpreting directions from the king - the king is Wise.


  • 欧盟希望关闭高级代表办公室这一总督性质机构的权利或被削弱了

    The European Union wants to shut the office of the high representative, a sort of governor-generalship, whose power has anyway more or less evaporated.


  • 1585年,当选总督在即位祈愿时不是金币,而是银币

    In 1585 the newly elected doge had thrown silver COINS instead of the traditional gold at his ascension.


  • 1585年,当选总督在即位祈愿时不是金币,而是银币

    In 1585 the newly elected doge had thrown silver COINS instead of the traditional gold at his ascension.


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